Modern English Literature
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Другие материалы по предмету Разное
erature” Moscow “Prosveshchenye” 1975
2. The Brief Encyclopaedia of English Literature “Alterexpress” 1998
3. G. Kirvatis, A. Surnaite “English Literature” Siesa publishing house “Kaunas” 1971
4. I. Arnold, N. Diakonova “Three Centuries of English Prise” Leningrad “Prosveshchenie” 1967
5. Copmleted by Yu. Golitsinsky “Great Britain” “KARO” St. Petersbourg 2000
6. The World Book Encyclopaedia (Volume 6) World Book Inc. 1994
7. Comptons Encyclopaedia (Volume 7) Edition Comptons Encyclopaedia 1991