Meaning of currency operations and their types
Дипломная работа - Банковское дело
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sactions, transactions in foreign exchange markets and auctions. Opportunity to commit these transactions of purchase - sale of foreign currency mark the beginning of the formation of the present foreign exchange market. This process will be encouraged to further decentralization, dispersion of foreign exchange transactions of authorized banks. It is obvious that the real currency market can not be built without a broad network of independent brokers and banks, without their cooperation and healthy competition.up the results of this work the following conclusions:the introduction of the Law On currency regulation a new stage of economic development.establishing the basic provisions of the currency legislation places greater responsibility on the most highly organized economy - banking., for more efficient exchange controls in the country will require close cooperation between all authorities and currency control agents. This interaction should manifest itself as a joint creation of new regulations, and in the active implementation of these acts in life, in exchange for all the important subjects of the exchange control information about managing objects, performing currency transactions.this paper, we consider two functional schemes of exchange control in an authorized bank and made their comparative characteristics.in greater detail the operation of legal entities, as requiring special attention from the foreign exchange control.
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