Meaning of currency operations and their types

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which worsened his odds and created additional risks. Exchange transaction swap solve these problems: recognition of liabilities carried on off-balance-sheet item, exchange occurs in the form of sale, ie, a single transaction.

Swap - this exchange transaction, which combines the purchase and sale of two currencies on the conditions for immediate delivery with simultaneous for a certain period with the same currency. At the same time agree on payment of colliding two partners (banks, corporations, etc.). Of Operations swap cash transaction is carried out at the rate of spot, which kontrsdelke (time) is adjusted for the premium or discount, depending on exchange rate movements. The client saves on margin - the difference between the rates of the buyer and seller in cash transaction. Operation swap convenient for the banks: they do not create an open position (buying selling covered) temporarily provide the necessary currency without risk of changing its course. Operation swap is used to:

making business transactions: The bank sells foreign currency for immediate delivery conditions and simultaneously buys at the time.

the acquisition of Bank of currency without currency risk (based on coverage) for International Settlements, the diversification of foreign exchange holdings.

the mutual inter-bank lending in two currencies.essence of the transaction swap between the central banks is as follows. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, by arrangement, for example, the German Federal Bank sells U.S. dollars to him under the immediate delivery (writes dollars in the bank account in itself), and the German Federal Bank shall credit the equivalent amount in DM at the expense of Bank of New York. Thus, the U.S. gets the credit, create a reserve of foreign currency by using it for currency intervention or currency diversification. At the same time the Federal Reserve Bank of New York concluded forward contracts with the German Federal Bank, and upon the occurrence of the term from the central bank buys dollars on stamps of Germany. The U.S. actively use the transaction swap in order to support the dollar in the fall of his course in the 70s.swap committed not only to the currencies, but with interest. The essence of this deal with the interest lies in the fact that one party agrees to pay another interest at LIBOR in exchange for receiving interest at a fixed rate in order to profit from the difference between them. At the same party with the medium-term investment at a fixed percentage, but the short-term liabilities, or liabilities under revision percentage, insures its interest rate risk (interest position), buying long-term fixed rate or vice versa.of Operations swap relatively standardized, includes provisions for non-payment of their termination, technology exchange obligations, as well as the usual points of the loan agreement. They make it possible to obtain the necessary currency to compensate for the temporary outflow of capital from the country to regulate the structure of foreign exchange reserves, including the official ones.

currency term foreign exchange


, we learned that the main document that regulates the exchange relations in Kazakhstan - Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Currency Regulation December 24, 1996 №54-I Payments between companies resident Kazakhstan in rubles can be performed without restrictions. But foreign exchange transactions between entities are prohibited (Section 1, Art. 9 of the Law №173-). Kazahstan firms have the right to buy and sell foreign currency. Allowed to perform such operations only through the banks, that is licensed by the Bank of Kazakhstan for foreign currency transactions (Section 1, Art. 11 of Law №173-). Purchases and sales of foreign currency in the domestic foreign exchange market there organizations are empowered through nye banks.addition, Kazakhstan companies can have accounts and deposits in foreign currency. And to open foreign currency account in a bank can not only Kazakhstan but also abroad.between Kazakhstan and foreign firms can be carried out in foreign currency and in rubles. Conducting foreign exchange transactions, firms are also required to issue a passport for each transaction the foreign trade contract.conclusion, we note that all bank transactions involving foreign exchange, requires a special skill, and not accidentally Western businessmen called the foreign exchange is not a science, and art that should have every bank wants to achieve success in international business.appears even more relevant in today's market, because the deep restructuring of the foreign economic activity in our country requires appropriate changes in the banks in the diversity of their external and internal communications.main objective of a commercial bank - extracting maximum profit. Path of growth of bank profit may be different. This growing range of services provided by the bank, raising prices for services, cost reduction Banking others. Of course, the easiest way to increase income of the bank - it's higher prices for banking services. At the same time, their level is not unlimited. Among the many factors that determine the level of prices for banking services, the main advocate a competitive market environment, increased supply of banking services, as well as the regulatory role of the state, which is implemented primarily through the establishment of the Central Bank discount rateof banking is that partnerships with clients based on mutual interest - the most effective combination of their interests in income growth. It should be borne in mind that your goals can be realized only bank in meeting the needs of its customers. Therefore, the bank is extremely important to the optimal structuring of these interests and their activities both in the temporal aspect, and on the services provided in areas of active and passive operations.development strategy of the bank, combining its development goals and the means to achieve them, based on the following principles:

Maximizing the profitability of the bank in order to ensure its competitiveness, growth and equity incentive enough workers. But the realization of this goal is closely linked with the principle that the development strategy of the bank;

Expanding the range and quality products of the bank with a focus on the real needs of the financial market by studying the desires of clients - individuals and legal entities. It should be remembered that the location of the bank in the banking market and is closely related to the cost of these services - it should not exceed the current market, and to be as low as possible. This allows us to attract new depositors funds to expand clientele of the bank;

One of the most important parts of the bank's development strategy supports a systematic approach to its activities. It is important to investigate the forward and backward linkages with the bank's external environment, flexibility and adaptability of its internal structure, so that it was always adequate to the changing conditions of its activities.the bank, beneficial to the relationship, Bank - Client were not one-off and sustained. This is one of the essential features of banking. But such stability relationships that benefit both the bank and its customers, provided the entire system of economic, social and psychological factors that each bank seeks to maintain its position and increase profits, should be carefully examined, creating your own image.a foreign exchange market has its own specifics, which consists in preserving the still very high degree of centralization. This is due to the limited foreign exchange resources the country in general and, in particular, in the authorized banks with insufficient good contacts honey authorized banks, due to the fact that the system of credit relationships in a centralized economy was based on a vertical basis., there is reason to believe that in the long term foreign exchange market will develop in the RC line with the basic laws that are manifested in the international practice. In the meantime, it should be borne in mind that at the initial stage of development of each national currency market will be regulated. The volume of currency transactions authorized banks depends on the size (limit) of funds in their accounts in foreign currency. As the international experience, a significant decentralization of foreign currency transactions and assets occurs only at a certain stage of development of the foreign exchange market, which is characterized by a significant increase in the volume of foreign trade, foreign hardening of positions of firms and companies, as well as the solvency of commercial banks. Only after a sufficiently long period of time there is no urgent need to establish limits on open foreign exchange position of commercial banks and for the mandatory sale of foreign exchange earnings for the enterprise. However, such a limitation to a certain point allows the central bank to effectively restrain the holding of speculative operations through the implementation of operational control over foreign exchange transactions of commercial banks, as well as to maintain the relative stability of the internal circulation of money, to keep what is called the imported that as it may, the shifts in the monetary sphere are obvious: the state waived the absolute claims of foreign currency, demand for a well-defined, although considerable, the proportion of revenue. The rest of the owners may dispose of the currency at their discretion, in particular, to implement it for rubles at a very favorable market rates by means of the mechanism of inter-bank tran