Lexical unit

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y I want.like playing tennis. (= I enjoy it in general) [7; 634]would like to play tennis today. (= I want to play) [7; 634]is possible to say I would like to have done something (= Its a pity that I have not done it or I couldnt do something)s a pity we didnt visit Tom. I would like to have seen him again [7; 634].d like to have gone on holiday but we didnt have enough money [7; 634].

Distinctive formal signs.

According to Soyko the word like is determined with the wide range of functioning comparative constructions in different styles of modern English.

Distinctive formal signs are:

) possibility to combine the word like with more, much which testifies the presence of categorial degree of congruence in the word like.'m not a roomer. More like a patient (W. Smith) [6; 5].seemed more like the debris of human being then like a man (I. Murdock) [6; 5].was styled simply, much like the British minis, which were so successfully copied by the Japanese Honda [6; 5].

) ability to form word form unlike:his wife, Mr. Knight was indirect [6; 5].first she seemed as unlike Babs as she, could be [6; 5].

…she, unlike you, is charming [6; 5]., before the word like the negative particle not can be used [6; 5]., Lydig, no, that's not like her [6; 5]., the combination of signs is very limited and can't serve the purposes of argumentation about the question about the condition of the word like. There is the contradiction between its functions. It can have the status of conjunction and preposition as some language experts reckon.the works of Mazenin only right combinatory is illustrated. But in the works of Snopkova left combinatory is also mentioned [6; 6].

Types of the right combinatory.

As it is said in investigations by Soyko, right combinatory of the word like is represented in eight structural types. That is like demonstrating extensible positions which are filled by the words of the class of nouns, pronouns, gerund, adverbs, adjectives, numerals, infinitive and prepositions [6; 7]


Table 1

№Main structural types of constructions with the word likeAmount of cases%1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8like + N like + Pron like + Ger like + Adv like +Adj like + Num like + Inf like + Prep4600 2800 2100 10044 27 20 9TOTAL10500100

Extending of the like constructions.

Soyko has research that the concept in the table is the structural base for constructions of different combinations with like. But sometimes it can include structural-semantic constituent D, that is the clause like+N will be derated into like + D + N.is one more variant of model like + N where N is used with regressive and progressive position of elements:

+ D + N + D1,

D and D1 - elements, which extend the construction:can flash through the air like a mighty scimiter, cutting through tissues of falsehood, evasion, ignorance [6; 7].

…and then touched his own face exploring, like a blind man feeling a statue [6; 7].a rule, pronoun type of construction with like doesn't have extend clause. The only way it can occur in the situations of concretization:struck me then that she was unlike someone who had had a bad fright [6; 7].the model like + Pron personal pronoun takes the form of objective case which testifies about the presence of seme in the word like.

…and Gillian Burke and hundred others like her would move into a camera rouge… [6; 7].a rule in the model like + Ger gerundive complex is used but not single gerund. It is explained by the necessity of semantic completeness.the model like + InfP the explanation (P) follows, without which the construction would be structural and semantically unaccomplished.the drive over there where you see the smoke? [6; 8].of the material permit to determine that the eight structural types of constructions with the word like differ each from other by semantic diswordsity, caused by specific character of semantics of the word like. Models like + Ger, like + Adj, like + Inf are typical for comparative constructions, and the word like is as the sign of untruth. It is testified where the word like is transformed by hypothetical conjunction as if/as though:was like staring at a drawing on a piece of paper… [6; 8].was as if staring at a drawing on a piece of paper [6; 8].like + Pron, like + Adv, like + Num, like + PrepP and also negative un in the structure of the word like are devices of comparative relations which are reproduced in the word like. Structural differences in the word like are explained in the following way - linguistic image is made up with the help of semantic structures of the words which are represented by graphically-conceptual contest. Parts of speech which doesn't have such information can't take part in theof the image. Such parts of speech are pronouns, numerals, some classes of adverbs and prepositions [6; 9].analysis of the word like provide not only the specific detection of the meaning of the word like but also searching of proximity between the variants of the meaning [6; 9].is possible to retrace the grade of lexical-semantic relations between different variants of lexical contest in the word like. The method of substitution allowed to detect semantic parallels between the contrastive word like and conjunction both…and. And the other way their lack between the comparative word like and mentioned conjunctions. It helps to differentiate in the word like two meanings: comparison and contrast [6; 9].

Refining, comparative, qualificatory and commenting-valuating meaning.to Soyko, the meaning of refinement doesn't relate in lexically-semantic connection with comparative-contrastive meaning. The experiment of substitution the refining like for lexical definition detected the gap of semantic relation between comparative-contrastive meaning of the word like and refining meaning. It allows us to confirm that the refining like is the homonym to comparative-contrastive like [6; 10].allows us to make a conclusion that in comparative-contrastive construction the word like functions as auxiliary part of the sentence because only the whole combination like + X (where X is any semantic element related with like) can be described in the terms of the parts of the sentence.are three types of compound sentences according to the character of expressive relations: comparative, qualificatory meaning, commenting - valuating.with semantic differences they have distinctive features of structural and functional order [6; 10].meaningpart with the clip like doesn't carry explanatory function to any component of the main clause.clip like connects two parts of one clause related by bilateral dependence. It helps to determine the status of the clip like as conjunction [6; 11].meaningis the clause of partioned type. The main clause has high level of autosemantics. Subordinate part is characterized by cease in developing of plot of the whole compound sentence. The character of subordinating relations is determined by semantic dependence of predicate which is expressed in wide usage of verb substituent, more often the verb to do [6; 12].part functions as explanation and attaches to the whole main clause in tote. Relations between the main and subordinate parts are characterized by interference of two semantic structures. The semantics of the clip like goes with the semantics of the subordinate predicative unity and is the conjunction according to its functions.part which is introduced by the clip like has explanatory meaning. It shows from whom the utterance goes.subordinate clauses of commenting-valuating meaning suspect main and subordinate parts, the clip like can't be examined as a particle. Because if to exclude it from the sentence, it will lead to changing the structure of the expression. So it is characterized as conjunction [6; 12].

Types of nominations of compound words.to Tolcheeva, in the theory of word building there are two ways of word composition - from word combinations and according to the word building models (Smirnitskiy, Stepanova, Kveselevich, Omelchenko).Compound words with like element are used for their approximate nomination of process, objects, their characteristic, quality and quantity [1; 5].are three types of nomination where compound words with like element are used:

. nominations where the approximations is connected with the characteristics of the object.

. nominations where the approximations is connected with the object and at the same time with its name (compound type).

. nomination where the approximations of direction doesnt connect with the object but with the subject [1; 5].

The characteristics of the like element.Tolcheva has investigated, the characteristics of like element is that:

) it has the ability to form adjectives not only from strictly English stems but also from borrowed words: telescope-like, lens-like, puncture-like

) obtain abstract meaning words to that, typical for that, peculiar to what the derivative stem expresses: mirrorlike, ladylike, doglike

) in its development it lost the connection with the lexeme like. In such adjectives as childlike - simple, innocent, sincere (OED), threadlike - fibrous, stringy (OED) - like has lost its primary independent meaning of the adjective like words, analogous, the same, equal [1; 6].

Semantic principles of connectivity like element in compound words: structure and functioning.the work of Tolcheeva there is the concept that examinations of semantic structure of compound words with like element and its functioning were made in three stages 1) examining of combining composite words 2) forming of their semantic meaning 3) combining with other words in fiction expression [1;