Inspection of malfunctions and damages of the aircraft

Отчет по практике - Транспорт, логистика

Другие отчеты по практике по предмету Транспорт, логистика

ederal_Aviation_Administration> does not require commercial pilots jet would shatter like a raw egg dropped on pavement, killing most if not all passengers on impact, even in calm seas with well-trained pilots and good landing trajectories.", in December 2002, The Economist had quoted an expert as claiming that "No large airliner has ever made an emergency landing on water" in an article that goes on to charge, "So the life jackets ... have little purpose other than to make passengers feel better." This idea was repeated in The Economist in September 2006 in an article which reported that "in the history of aviation the number of wide-bodied aircraft that have made successful landings on water is zero."




are different types of damages. And those damages prevent the proper work of an aircraft. The consequences can be different. It can be a loss of power, depressurization or even worse, up to the breaking of an airplane part.the result of our practice we have learnt how to carry out visual inspection, how to conclude the report of condition for each aircraft and how to work with different types of damages.inspection of aircraft damages is the one of very important parts of the work of the Aircraft Engineer. So, this practice gave us some knowledge which is to be used by us when we go to a job.the next generations, we would advice to be careful during transit visual inspections. Our carefulness will lead us to the safety flights.





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