Information security management system of a corporate network
Дипломная работа - Компьютеры, программирование
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sample page of the formed IS policy is presented in appendix D.
3.5.9 Form Elements lists
The form Elements lists (Списки елементів) is opened from the main menu of the ISMS Matrix. The fig. 3.9 presents the overview of the form. The form is intended to edit the entries of classifying elements and statuses of operational tasks.
. 3.9. The form Elements lists of the ISMS Matrix
left side of the form is the group of radio buttons that select the list to edit. The selectors are grouped in the same way as are the classifying fields in the input forms. To the right side of the form the table of the selected list is loaded. The following list selectors are present on the form:
.Directions (Напрямки);
.Objects (Обєкти);
.Officials (Співробітники);
.Documents (Документи);
.Measures (Заходи);
.Means (Засоби);
.Stages (Етапи);
.Assets (Активи);
.Threats (Загрози);
10.Risks (Ризики);
11.Requirements (Вимоги);
.Solutions (Вирішення);
.Implementations (Впровадження);
.Control (Контроль);
.Task statuses (Статуси задач).descriptions of the classifying elements are presented in the subsection 3.4.2 Classifying elements. The description of risk list is presented in the subsection 3.6.3 Risk assessment.
3.5.10 Pivot tables of statistics
.5.10.1 Pivot table Statistics of tasks by the Matrix
The pivot table Statistics of tasks by the Matrix (Статистика задач по Матриці) is opened from the form Statistics of tasks and knowledge (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS Matrix. The fig. 3.10 presents the overview of the pivot table. The table displays the distribution of operational tasks by the Matrix of the system approach to IS. The two differences between this presentation and the classic Matrix are the absence of Bases group (because the bases are represented by several database fields) and the use of custom names for the directions and stages.
. 3.10. The pivot table Statistics of tasks by the Matrix of the ISMS Matrix
pivot table presents the total quantities of tasks and approximate amount of man-hours needed for their completion. The details are task IDs and their updating dates. To open the details for a certain direction or stage, it is needed to press the plus sign near the name of corresponding row or column. On the fig 3.10 the details are opened for the direction Computer network (Компютерна мережа).the filters by the names of directions and stages (opened by pressing triangle near the elements mane), the pivot table can also be filtered by the date of task setting and the date of updating. All the filters can be applied simultaneously.
.5.10.2 Pivot table Task statuses over a period
The pivot table Task statuses over a period (Статуси задач за період) is opened from the form Statistics of tasks and knowledge (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS Matrix. The table is intended to present the distribution of tasks by the responsible employees.pivot table presents the total quantities of tasks and approximate amount of man-hours needed for their completion. The details are the objects referred by the tasks and the task IDs. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the plus sign near its name.
Except the filters by the names of statuses and responsible (opened by pressing triangle near the elements mane), the pivot table can also be filtered by the date of task updating. All the filters can be applied simultaneously. Pivot table Tasks by objects
The pivot table Tasks by objects (Задачі по об'єктам) is opened from the form Statistics of tasks and knowledge (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS Matrix. The table presents the complex distribution of tasks given to different employees by objects. The objects are grouped by the directions. To view the total results for a certain direction, it is needed to press the plus sign to the left of its name.pivot table presents the total quantities of tasks and approximate amount of man-hours needed for their completion. The details are the task statuses and the task IDs. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the plus sign near its name.
Except the filters by the names of responsible, directions and objects (opened by pressing triangle near the elements mane), the pivot table can also be filtered by the date of task updating and task status. All the filters can be applied simultaneously. Pivot table Tasks by supervisors
The pivot table Tasks by supervisors (Задачі по керівникам) is opened from the form Statistics of tasks and knowledge (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS Matrix. The table presents the complex distribution of tasks given by the different supervisors. The tasks are grouped by objects, which in turn are grouped by responsible officials. To view the total results for a certain responsible, it is needed to press the plus sign to the left of the corresponding name.pivot table presents the total quantities of tasks and number of expired tasks. The details are the task IDs, Expired labels, dates of the task setting and execution terms. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the plus sign near its name.
Except the filters by the names of supervisors, responsible and directions (opened by pressing triangle near the elements mane), the pivot table can also be filtered by the date of task setting and task status. All the filters can be applied simultaneously. Pivot table Expired tasks
The pivot table Expired tasks (Прострочені задачі) is opened from the form Statistics of tasks and knowledge (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS Matrix. The table presents the number of expired tasks on the objects which in turn are grouped by the responsible officials.details of the pivot table are task IDs, dates of the task setting and execution terms. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the plus sign near its name. To view the total results for a certain responsible, it is needed to press the plus sign to the left of the corresponding name.
Except the filters by the names of responsible and objects (opened by pressing triangle near the elements mane), the pivot table can also be filtered by the date of task setting and task status. All the filters can be applied simultaneously. Pivot table Assets by responsible
The pivot table Assets by responsible (Активи за відповідальними) is opened from the form Statistics of tasks and knowledge (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS Matrix. The fig. 3.11 presents the overview of the pivot table. The table presents the distribution of IS measures by directions, then objects, then assets.
. 3.11. The pivot table Statistics of tasks by the Matrix of the ISMS Matrix
pivot table presents the total quantities of IS measures. The details are the names of the measures and the corresponding knowledge IDs. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the plus sign near its name. To view the total results for a certain object or direction, it is needed to press the plus sign to the left of the corresponding name.pivot table can be filtered by the names of the responsible, assets, objects and directions (opened by pressing triangle near the elements mane). All the filters can be applied simultaneously. Pivot table Assets by documents and responsible
The pivot table Assets by documents and responsible (Активи за документами та відповідальними) is opened from the form Statistics of tasks and knowledge (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS Matrix. The table represents the distribution of assets mentioned in all the documents of the knowledge base between the responsible officials grouped by the directions.pivot table presents the total quantities of assets. The details are the names of the assets and the corresponding knowledge IDs. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the plus sign near its name. To view the total results for a certain direction, it is needed to press the plus sign to the left of its name.pivot table can be filtered by the documents, responsible officials and directions (opened by pressing triangle near the elements mane). All the filters can be applied simultaneously. Pivot table Requirements by responsible
The pivot table Requirements by responsible (Вимоги за відповідальними) is opened from the form Statistics of tasks and knowledge (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS Matrix. The table presents the distribution of the requirements of the implemented documents or knowledge elements by responsible officials.pivot table presents the total quantities of requirements. The details are the names of the requirements and the corresponding knowledge IDs. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the plus sign near its name.pivot table can be filtered by the documents and responsible officials (opened by pressing triangle near the elements mane). All the filters can be applied