Information security management system of a corporate network
Дипломная работа - Компьютеры, программирование
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?ки елементів) to add or edit the entries of the classifying elements and statuses of the operational tasks;
.Exit (Вихід) - close the ISMS.detailed description of the listed functions is presented below.
3.5.2 Form Detailed tasks information
The form Detailed tasks information (Детальна інформація щодо задач) is opened from the main menu of the ISMS Matrix. The fig. 3.2 presents the overview of the form. The fields on the form are arranged into two groups - the ones that constitute the operational task itself on the left hand side and the group of classifying fields on the right hand side.
. 3.2. The form Detailed tasks information of the ISMS Matrix
field Task code (Код задачі) contains the task ID and is assigned automatically. The task ID may be used for fast task search, because the pivot tables on the tasks state the task field Set (Коли поставлена) contains the date of task setting and is assigned automatically on task record creation. Nevertheless, the users can change the date in case the task was set earlier than entered into the field Execution term (Строк виконання) contains the final date of the task execution. By this field the expiration of the task is detected. If the task is unlimited in time, the field may be left blank.
The numeric field Man-hours (Людино-годин) contains the estimated number of man-hours given to execute the task.
The date field Information updated (Інформація оновлена) contains the date of the last changes made to the task. The field is updated automatically upon any changes made to the record, but it can be also modified by the users.text field Executors, contacts (Виконавці, контакти) contains the names of the regular and involved executors of the task and their contact information, if more than one employee is involved in the execution of the task.combo list field Status (Статус) classifies the general state of the task (current, urgent, cancelled, archived, etc.). The field values can be added and edited using the form Elements lists, opened from the main menu of the ISMS.hyperlink field Supplementary (Додатково) contains the hyperlink to supplementary information on the task. The hyperlink is edited using the Hyperlink section of the fields context menu.
The text field Task description and measures (Опис задачі та заходи) contains the list of actions, necessary to accomplish. If the task is aimed at compliance with a certain document, the field can duplicate the title of the corresponding document or its relevant section.text field Directives and execution state (Настанови та стан виконання) describes the degree of execution of the task, the list of performed actions and involved measures. It is recommended to append the short notes during the task execution, starting each note with the appending date. The field may also contain the detailed instructions concerning the task execution.text field Problems (Проблеми) lists the questions and obstacles appeared during the execution of the task that should be addressed to the supervisor of the task or higher managers by the special report.text field Remarks (Зауваження) contains the short remarks of the supervisor or management concerning the solution of the appeared problems. This field can also be used by management of the task the supervisor to express the commentaries of high a group of three optional fields named Levels (Рівні), situated in the top central part of the form. These fields are added for custom sorting of the task records within objects in case there are many entries and they are needed to be grouped.print buttons and are situated above the group of classifying fields on the right hand side of the form. The button Print current task (Друк поточної задачі) prints the task record that is currently displayed in the form. The button Print task template (Друк шаблона задачі) prints the template of an operational task record for handwritten filling (this is intended to be used if managers do not have direct access to the ISMS interfaces).classifying fields meanings and descriptions are presented above in the subsection 3.4.2 Classifying elements.form contains a record filter which is opened by a button Conditions of records selection (Умови відбору записів) on the right side of the form. The operation of the filter is described in the subsection 3.5.4 Input forms filter.
3.5.3 Form Knowledge - documents input
The form Knowledge - documents input (Знання - Введення документів) is opened from the main menu of the ISMS Matrix. The fig. 3.3 presents the overview of the form. The fields on the form are arranged into two groups - the ones that constitute the document section itself on the left side and the group of classifying fields on the right side.text field Short heading (Короткий заголовок) contains the short heading of the document section or knowledge element. It may be descriptive or contain the common name of the document.text field Full heading (Повний заголовок) contains the full official heading of the document section or knowledge element. For example, for the standard [3] the full heading is Інформаційні технології. Методи захисту. Система управління інформаційною безпекою. Вимоги (ISO/IEC 27001:2005, MOD), and the short heading is ГСТУ СУІБ 1.0/ISO/IEC 27001:2010. The field is also used for grouping the document sections or knowledge elements in the document compilations.
. 3.3. The form Knowledge - documents input of the ISMS Matrix
text field Description (Опис) contains the description of the document section or knowledge element, including annotation or notes concerning the content. It is important to fill this field because the higher level IS policy formed by the ISMS is compiled of descriptions of the document sections and knowledge elements.text field Contents (Зміст) contains the full content of the document section or knowledge element. The field can contain only a small note if the link to the document file is used in the field Reference (Посилання). Please refer to the next paragraph for details.hyperlink field Reference (Посилання) contains the hyperlink to supplementary information source or the file with the document or knowledge element itself. The field is situated under the group of the classifying element fields at the bottom-right side of the form. It is possible to link the knowledge database record to an external document file. In this case the content of the document can be altered independently of the ISMS.
The field Code (Код) contains the ID of the document section or knowledge element and is assigned automatically. The ID field may be used for fast knowledge search, because the pivot tables on knowledge state the a group of three optional fields named Levels (Рівні), situated in the top-right part of the form. These fields are added for custom sorting of the task records within a document in case there are many entries and they are needed to be grouped. If the document subsections have numeration, it is recommended to duplicate the numeration in the field group Levels.classifying fields meanings and descriptions are presented above in the subsection 3.4.2 Classifying elements.form contains a record filter which is opened by a button Conditions of records selection (Умови відбору записів) on the right side of the form. The operation of the filter is described in the subsection 3.5.4 Input forms filter.
3.5.4 Input forms filter
The two input forms of the ISMS Matrix, Detailed tasks information (Детальна інформація щодо задач) and Knowledge - documents input (Знання - Введення документів) contain a record filter which is opened by a button Conditions of records selection (Умови відбору записів) on the upper-right side of each form. The fig. 3.4 presents the overview of the filter.the press of a button Conditions of records selection, the filter switch appears on the input form, and the form Selection conditions (Умови відбору) is opened automatically to select the filtering criteria. After the selection conditions are set in the corresponding fields, it is possible to switch back to the initial input form by pressing one of the buttons in the upper-right side of the Selection conditions form. It is possible to return to the Selection conditions form to change the filtering criteria by pressing the button Conditions of records selection on the input form.
. 3.4. The input forms filter of the ISMS Matrix
filter is capable to select the records by only one criterion at a time, which is selected by a radio buttons group named Mode (Режим). The following filtering modes are present, each selecting the records where the value in the corresponding field matches the one specified on the form Selection conditions.
.Show all (Показати всі) - lists all records without disabling the filter;
.Responsible (Відповідальний);
.Document (Документ);
.Measures (Заходи);
.Means (Засоби);
.Assets (Активи);
.Threats (Загрози);
.Requirements (Вимоги);
.Solutions (Вирішення).button Refresh selection (Оновити вибірку) is used to re-filter in the selected