Education in Britain

Статья - Разное

Другие статьи по предмету Разное

h start their education?

  • Do you agree that the british education has problems?
  • What were the lacks of British education?
  • Who can study in public schools?
  • Does the word public reflect the real principle of that schools?
  • What political acts became a turning point in British education?
  • What is the most well-spread opinion about the vocational courses?
  • What do you think about the quality of higher education in Britain?
  • What are the main principles of the Labour Patry (concerning education)
  • How had the role of parents in the childrens education changed?
  • How did the changing economic and social situation influence the system of education?
  • What are the most prestigeous schools in Britain?
  • Are there students from other countries in British schools and universities?
  • Is the nursary school compulsory?
  • How do you think: do the Concervative principles of education differ from that of Labour?
  • What are the aims of education in Britain today?
  • Did the level of education become higher after the reforms?
  • What is the GCSE?
  • What types of schools does the british system of education includes?
  • Would you like to study in Britain? (Give your argument for or against it).