Don't kill the World
Доклад - Иностранные языки
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oesnt exceed seven meters, doesnt overflow the coast? Even in this case the great nature forsaw the situation. Some brooks have their sources from the east coast of the lake and soon they merge and turn into the small fast mountain river, jumping on the stones. And
because of its character and violent disposition the people named it Kurkireuk (Roaring). So, odd “water from the lake flows into “Ulken Shalkar”. We shall now tell about the lake Large Shalkar. Five lakes, named Shalkars, are located around Burabay. This is the most large among them. It is said that hundred years ago it was huge reservoir with the area of 30-35 kilometers, which reachs the grounds of the present Nauryzbay state-farm. Thats why our ancestors named it Large Shalkar, sometimes it was named Ainakol (Mirror lake). 40-50 years ago the depth of the lake reached 16 meters and the area made up 25 square kilometers and of our contemporaries remember it, because they saw this lake by themselves. Lake Shortankol (Pike) is the deepest of 1515 lakes. Its length was seven kilometers long, the width was more than four kilometers and the depth, in some places, reached 45 meters. The average depth was 15 meters. On some incomprehensible reasons long since a pike had lived in this lake and it reached the large size. It is said that it attacked even the people. Therefore our grandfathers named it the “Shortankol”. The mountains, surrounding the lake from the north, are also called the Pike. As the lake is surrounded by the mountains, it is naturally that a great number of mountain rivers and springs fall into it. But the water doesnt overflow the coast, because from the south-west of the lake the small river runs out. It goes round the settlement and being directed straight for the west on the Ayuly (Bear) edge, falls into the Kylshakty (Weed) river. Kylshakty, in its turn, runs about hundred kilometers and runs into the huge lake Kopa at Kokshetau city. The superfluous water from lake Kopa, the river Shagalaly incurs, that is in eighty kilometers to the north of the city. The beautiful nature can not annoy. The picturesque mountains, the transparent, cold lakes which names tell about the variety, abundant mammals and fishes Shchuchye, Big and Small Chebachye, Karasye. The crisp air fills resinous aroma. The powerful nature energetics of these places attract people who want to have a rest from narrow and close towns. But today we cannot talk about the primary nature. From olden days the region was the cradle of many poets, composers, singers and writers. But nowadays we can see how man is closely relaf to environment. The nature of Burabay are suffering many environment problems because the people are bad manager. The main “contribution” of air pollution bring the boiler-houses, which situated in Shchuchinsk, Burabay, Katarkol village and many sanatoriums and rest homes. The boiler-houses pump waste gases in the atmosphere. According to some preliminary estimates the volume of waste put together 4,7 thousands of tones. There 51 boiler-houses in the health zone. Only 36 boiler-houses work on the solid fuel but there are only 18 dustgascleaner equipments. There are 15 boiler-houses work on liquid fuel and one on gaseous fuel. The dustgascleaner equipment clean from solid particles but gaseous polluting substances are thrown away in air without clearing. We have to get over on the ecological types of fluel-natural gas and electrical heating. The boiler-houses and private sector are necessary to work on the natural gas and electrical heating because it is demanded by time. Except the boiler-houses pollution the environment we have many another one. For example they are motor transport. The examinations of waste from motor transport are showed that waste put together 73% percent in the Shchuchinsk. An average polluting of air put together 8,8 thousands of tones in the year. The most polluting of air take place in the summer, when a lot of people come to have a rest. They drive to the health resorts by motor transport which about 11 thousands cars and other transports. The exhausted gases put together over 60% percent in the summer. It is necessary to unload the main roads and build the making round of roads. We also limit the entrance motor transport to the health zone and the people who come to have a rest can go by bus or taxi. The local authority must control the motor transport which pumping waste gases do not get rid of them. The waste gases cause acid rain; this leads to forest damage an there fore reduces the resources of forestry industry. Economists have long thought of the environment as an unlimited source of resources. They have thought that the atmosphere, forests, rivers and lakes are capable of absorbing all the rubbish the economy throws into them. In fact, the economy and the environment are closely related. The environment supplies the economy with all its resources, such as water, timber, minerals and oil. The environment has to absorb all its waste products. And now look! The procurators office of region had revealed crying facts of illegal fishing, hunting animals, cutting trees. The main squares of forests are ruined by fire and the government hasnt enough money to conduct forests and guard it from fire. Here and there reign to revelry of poaching. Instead of reservation which care of natural resources some. National natural parks turn into profitable places because there are cutting 10 thousand hectare of forest, hunting animals and wildfowl. Some people want to get currency and they give illegal licence for catching rare animals and birds. You will be very surprised because there are some species of plants and animals which threaten of disappearing in the guarding territories. Four species of mammalias and five species of birds are disappearing in the Shchuchinsk-Burabay zone. Nobody cannot count falkon-bola bans which illegal are caught by foreigners and forest poachers. Another problem connects with our beautiful, silver lakes and rivers. For example, according to some preliminary estimates the underground and superficial water has extracted about 4, 44 million of cube metres in the reservoir of Shchuchinsk lake since 1950 to 1995 every year. During many years the water take away for drinking and sewage farm from Big Chebachye, Borovoye, Katarkol. The lakes level has sunk in the Shchuchinsk 4 metres, in the Chebachye 3 metres; in the Small Chebachye 2 metres, in the Katarkol 1,5 metres since 1974 to 2000 years. It we continue to exploit underground and superficial water in such quantity we shall have to decrease the lakes level.
Another problem is drainage system. Nowadays water resources are exhausted and we have question about pollution underground and superficial water. There isnt central drainage system in the health zone, because many factories and farms situation there. They dump dirty sewage water into lakes Borovoye, Shchuchye, Big Chebachye. Trash pollutes superficial and underground water. There are powerful pollution of nitrate into underground water and in the chink water-supply of settlement Okjetpes, Katarkol and Kuchugur. The main pollution underground and superficial water are nitrate and nitrite but basis sources such pollution is local septiks of sanatoriums, rest homes and populated area. The sanatoriums, rest homes are they very bring in profit, because the people all over the world, all the year round have come and had a rest and nobody of them think about our nature. Oh, yes, our place is very good for organization and developing inside and outward tourism, but that all is burden to ecological system and these beautiful mountains, lakes and natural landscape. Look around all sanatoriums, rest homes, prophylactoriums, children health camps situate around the lakes. I said that they all dont have enough hermitically drain, natural sources and reservoirs are polluted by them. We can see on the shore of lakes, along motor-round, on the health establishment meet the places of pollution soil with heavy metal. Yes, of course, the sanitary cleaner of forests and near lakes zone are made but it make that is not so good. Liquidation spontaneous rubbish heap along the road and settlement Borovoye, the drainage drains are prevented to dump pollution into the lakes system of health resorts zone. But these are so little. The ecological situation in the region is demanded of planning decision which is accompanied by solid financial infusion. The basis for realization conception of ecological sanitation this natural complex must be “The Region Program of Developing Shchuchinsk-Borovoye health resorts zone”. The first, the local authority will have to solve the difficult problem of water-supply Shchuchinsk and Borovoye health resorts zone. You can see that the lakes level has sunk because these are sources of water-supply in Shchuchinsk, Borovoye and other. The program foresees to complete the building of Kokshetau industrial water-supply. The second, the Vorobyevsko-Kotyrkol collector is completed to build the repair and modernization drainage cleaner buildings in the Shchuchinsk and Borovoye. The project is financed by the Ministry of Natural resources. It is 712 millions tenge, but the financial temps are backward from real consumptions. The third, we shall decide the ecological problems if we help our National Natural Park of Burabay. Because we must restore and reserve all variety natural complexes, plants and animals. The fourth tourism. The territories which are not so valued, but have main recreation resources include controlling tourism and recreation utilization. We need to foresee tourism and excursions routes. The tourists will gather the mush-rooms, strawberries if they pay for them. They also will fishing if they have licence, because there are 45 sanatoriums and rest homes which do to the people who have a rest homes medic-prophylactic service and organization their