Don't kill the World
Доклад - Иностранные языки
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and reprocessed again and again. I want to tell you about nuclear pollution. Kazakhstan is a nuclear-free country, but as a heritage of the former USSR it has 3 nuclear testing grounds. The largest on is Semipalatinsk testing ground. On August 29, 1949 the first nuclear explosion in the USSR was set off on the Semipalatinsk testing ground. Until 1963 tests were conducted mainly on the surface and in the atmosphere. The consequences of these tests shocked even cynics and the tests were carried out underground. In all 456 tests with a total explosive power of 17420 kit were blasted in Semipalatinsk. October 19, 1989 was the last date a test was carried out in this nuclear testing site. The ancient steppe, its way of life, numerous animals and plants, all became hostages of the warfare of the powerful forces. During the second half of the 80-s along with other processes that took place in various spheres of the changing society there was the surge for freedom. In 1988 an uprising with the demand to shut down the testing site grew into the international movement “Nevada-Semey” led by the well-known poet and public figure Olzhas Suleimenov. “Nevada-Semey” movement enlightened people send won the support and sympathy of the people all over the world. Meeting demonstrations, letters, appeals to governments, collections of thousands of signatures, picketing at the testing sites. At last the old system was forced to give away. The testing site is closed, but its trace still remains on our land. The region has the highest level of cancer diseases, changes in the genetic structure of people and animals, the shortest life span and the highest mortality rate. There are different opinions on the solving the present situation in the area, but one is clear: it is necessary to evaluate the ecological and moral damage of the nature and health. Kazakhstan cannot solve this problem single-handed. What is more it wouldnt be in the interest of Kazakhstan alone. It is an issue of global importance. I think that I have showed you only some ecological problem. We can see that we, only we can help our planet. You know, that the Earth is our planet. We have much natural recourses, which we must take care and pass them to our children. I want to tell you about ecology problem of my native town. Burabay, the name of one of the most picturesque corners of Kazakhstan, the land of wonderful songs and poetical legends. One gathers in impression that someone who said that it is better to see a place once than to hear of it a hundred times meant no other but this land. Nature has created here a fanciful world of colours, forms and sounds. There are many legends about Burabay. Now not only legends handed down from generation, but also excavations made by Kazakhstan archaeologists tell us that Sinegorye (Land of Blue Mountains) was inhabited by hunters, experienced stock-breeders and crop-growers, the Skythians mined gold here. Every stone, every forest path in area of Burabay is associated with some tradition. If you look into the distance at the outlines of the Blue Mountains, you will seem to see a giant who fell asleep amidst the forests. Yes, that is the mountain of the Sleeping Batyr. Height of that mountain, if to count up to the point of the helmet, is 836 meters. If you look from the Akylbai Pass in another direction, it will seem to you that you see a fossiled camel. That is mount Bura (Camel) about which the Kazakhs had composed a lot of legends. Height of mountain Bura is 690 meters. Rock Okjetpes, which is the Kazakh for “cannot be reached by an arrow” is associated with a legend as well. There is a very beautiful stone sphinx in Burabay. Our ancestors named this rock as Jumbaktas (the Mysrerious Rock). And really a mysterious rock! If you look at the rock from one side, it reminds the boat, and if you look on the other side it reminds the girl with the hair, fluttering on the wind. And if you drive a little further and look at the rock on one more side, you can see the old bowed women. Today everyone, who comes to Burabay, doesnt leave, without not looking on “dancing birches”. They look like the beautiful slender girls, turning in a whirl of cheerful and impetuous dance. It is fantastic! There is a particular place in Burabay. Place, where Abylai khan set his White Horde and lifted his White Banner. Since than that glade was called “Abylays Glade”. Presently the descendants consider this place as a holy place and tie the coloured knots on the branches of the white birches in the vicinity. The path, which leads from Abylay glade, passes on the slopes of Kokshetau and dives in a thicket of wood. If you go further, you will meet a throne on your way, as it cut out from the yellow stone. The real gold throne! Its named “Khan tagy”. With approach of the warm spring days, Abylay abandoned his winter-stay near Red wood and placed on this green glade. He left from Horde and had a rest in that natural throne, giving himself up to the contemplation. It came in a habit. Since then this skilled exhibit became to be called as Khan tagy. The people consider it sacred the parish usual adhere the rags of stuff on the branches of trees and ledges of stones near it. Unfortunately, in time of chauvinistic splash of red totalitarism, even the khans throne hasnt been left in inviolability. Anyone, who feels like it, can sit down on it, everybody contrived to break away “a bit on memory”, even beat out on the throne their names, so that “to remain in history”. It cant be helped?! Here is a small hut-size rocky conglomeration from a yellow granite to the west from lake Kumiskol. It attracts the eyes from apart. A stain darkens in the middle of it. If you come nearer and look more attentively, you can see the entrance to the cave. It is the cave of Kenesary. Today the cave, called by the name of Kenesary, is one of the sacred places, esteemed by the people. There are always many people here. On this place the faithful musulmans make prayers, devoted to the spirit of Kenesary. The Kokshetay upland, a anique corner of this countrys landscape, has long been called the Switzerland of Kazakhstan. Its granite cliffs of several hundred meters in height under the influence of winds, rains and the sun have obtained here the form of a quaint, picturesque obelisk. Along the mountain slopes and at their foothills there are high pines stretching towards the sun. The eldest of them are two hundred years of age. In the low grounds and valleys, on the coasts of blue lakes Burabay, Shchuchye, Big and Small Chebachye the pines are joined by a round dance of aspens and shrubs. The forest glades are of different colours. There are plenty of raspberries, wild strawberries, red bilberries and other berries, to say nothing of mushrooms. In the Burabay forests you can find deer, marals, bears, wild boars, roes, wolves, squirrels, foxes and hares. Beautiful elks happen to appear here as well. About two hundred species of birds make their habitat here. They include mallards, geese, partridges, grouse, teals, loons, grey herons, storks, snipes, lapwings and capercailzies. The blue lakes of Burabay abound with perchpike, carp, perch, wild carp, tench. Pikes chase young fishes, there splash crucians. These places were renowned for a healthy climate as early as the past century. Summer is not very hot here, and winter is much milder than in the open steppe. Dense forests purity the air and lavishey saturate it with the aroma of pine-needles and grasses. Burabay - a lake, a health resort, tourist camping-sites, young pioneer camps, holiday homes can be found on all the maps, in all the sanatoria quides. This is a big health resort zone famous for wholesome waters and medicinal muds, but mainly for its air so salutary for lung patients. There are 1515 lakes on the land of Kokshetau. Eighty of them are large, around which it is possible to carry out the baiga (the national game of the kazakhs). From these eighty lakes about ten are in the vicinity of Burabay, at the bottom of Kokshetau. Our great grandfathers told that “Ulken shalkar” (Large water expanse), “Kumiskol” (Silver lake), “Shabakkol”, “Kotyrkol” (Sore lake) and also “Shortankol” (Pike lake), “Kopakol” (Overgrown lake), “Shagalaly teniz” (Sea-bay sea) were at one time interconnected and fed each other. Lake Kotyrkol is one the distance 15-20 kilometers from Burabay, its very beautiful. In reality these two lakes are very close by the each other, between them only 20-30 steps, they are divided only by the eavth wall. The lake which is one the north is large, meandering, and the southern lake is small, narrow, extended in length. It is interesting, that the northern lake is pure, without the reeds and fish are large, greasy there. The southern lake is small, all in the reeds, in birds market and the fish are not found it. There are a forest and the boulders around the large lake. In old times there were brooks, which fell into it. In spring the thawed snow water from the different directions, forming the ravines and waterfalls, streams down onto the lake. And at the same time the water doesnt overflow the lake coast. It is always at one level. In such case, where thawed and spring water leave? It turns out that nature-mother forsaw everything. From the northern small lake the small rivers flows out. Its interesting that the reed at the small river is always of yellow colour. Thats why it is named Sarybulak, that is Yellow brook. It turns out that it lakes away the superfluous water from the lake Kotyrkol through the wood, bending around the Antigozha mountain and pours it in lake Burabay or lake Kumiskol, though lake Burabay is so supplied by the water. From all the neighbouring mountains flow the springs and brooks in it, and lake Sarybulak carries the superfluous water of lake Kotyrkol. Why then the water of lake Burabay, the deepest place of which d