Developing reading skills
Курсовой проект - Педагогика
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e six word recognition strategies, namely, context clues, morphemic analysis, word analysis, ask a friend, skip the word, phonics. Activating or building background knowledge, using sensory images, questioning, making predictions and inferences, determining main ideas, using fix-up options, synthesizing are the seven reading comprehension strategies.
vThe procedure of introducing new vocabulary to students may take the following route: step 1: word introduction > step 2: student-friendly explanation > step 3: illustrative examples > step 4: checking understanding.
vTeachers should be very reasonable and careful with error correction and choose the most suitable for the case as it may psychologically influence learners. The correction may be made by the teacher or another student during or after reading.
All the things considered, reading is a language activity and ought not to be divorced from other language activities. To read effectively in English second-language students need to learn to think in English. The methods of any teaching reading lesson should be chosen according to the learners level of skill development. Teaching reading is a job for an expert who has to create conditions whereby learners can learn and develop their reading skills.research is only a modest contribution to the issue of teaching reading methodology and thus further investigation into the sphere is highly recommended.
List of Literature
1.Комарницька Т.М. Методика викладання німецької мови: конспект лекцій / Т.М. Комарницька. - Львів: ЛДУ, 1991. - 48 с.
2.Alyousef H. S. Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL Learners / H. S. Alyousef // The Reading Matrix. - 2005. - №2. - P.143-154.
.Archer A. L. Before Reading Practices / A. L. Archer. - Curriculum Associates, Skills for School Success. - 56 p.
.Beatrice S. Teaching reading in a second Language / S. Beatrice, E. D. Mikulecky. - London: Pearson Education, 2008.
.Brindley S. Teaching English / S. Brindley. - London, NY: Routlge, 1994. - 268p.
.Calhoun E. F. Teaching Beginning Reading and Writing with the picture word inductive model / E. F. Calhoun. - Alexandria, Virginia: Assotiation for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1999. - 125 p.
7.Donan Glenn. Children.-.">s Books and Reading [Look and Say teaching Method]. - Режим доступу: . - Заголовок з екрану.
.Hager A. Techniques for Teaching Beginning-Level Reading to Adults / A. Hager // Focus on Basics. - 2001. - №5. P 1-5.
9.Harmer J. How to teach English / J. Harmer. - London: Longman, 2001. - 199 p.
.Harmer J. The practice of English language teaching: third edition / J. Harmer. - NY: Longman, 2001. - 386 p.
.Harrison C. Methods of Teaching Reading: Key Issues in Research and Implications for Practice / C. Harrison // Interchange. - 1996. - №39. - P.1-16.
.Johnson A. P. Teaching Reading and Writing / A. P. Johnson. - Lahman, NY, Toronto, Plymouth: Rowman and Littlefield Education, 2008. - 260 p.
.Lems K. Teaching Reading to English Language Lerners / K. Lems, L. D.miller, M. T. Soro. - NY, London: The Guilford press, 2010. - 256 p.
.Moreillon J. Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension / J. Moreillon. - Chicago: American Library Association, 2007. - 172 p.
..-.">Power T. [Reading in the Second language Class] / T. power // English: Language Learning and Teaching. - Режим доступу:
..-.">Reading Method [Look and Say teaching Method]. - Режим доступу: . - Заголовок з екрану.
.Rogova G. V. Methods of teaching English / G. V. Rogova. - Ленинград: Просвешение, 1975. - 312 р.
.Sweeney S. The importance of reading in foreign language teaching / S. Sweeney // Authentically English. - 1993. - №2.
.Nutley S. Teaching children to read: eighth report of session 2004-2005. - London: House of Commons Education and Skills Committee, 2005. - 47 p.
.Sylva K. Teaching Reading is Rocket Science / American Federation of Teachers. - New Jersey: AFT, 2004. - 38 p.
..-.">Teaching the Alphabet [Games and Activities]. - Режим доступу:
.">Teaching-reading-in-english. - 2010, №10. - Режим доступу:
.">The Phonic Method. - Режим доступу:
.Willis J. Teaching English through English / J. Willis. - London: Longman, 1981. - 192 p.
Appendix I.
Reading Skills:
1. Automatic decoding. Being able to recognize a word at a glance.
. Previewing and predicting. Giving the text a quick once-over to be able to guess what is to come.
. Specifying purpose. Knowing why a text is being read.
. Identifying genre. Knowing the nature of the text in order to predict the form and content.
. Questioning. Asking questions in an inner dialog with the author.6. Scanning. Looking through a text very rapidly for specific information.
. Recognizing topics. Finding out what the text is about.
. Classification of ideas into main topics and details. Categorizing words and ideas on the basis of their relationships; distinguishing general and specific.
. Locating topic sentences. Identifying the general statement in a paragraph.
. Stating the main idea (or thesis) of a sentence, paragraph or passage. Knowing what the authors point is about the topic.
. Recognizing patterns of relationships. Identifying the relationships between ideas; the overall structure of the text.
. Identifying and using words that signal the patterns of relationships between ideas. Being able to see connections between ideas by the use of words such as first, then, later.
. Inferring the main idea, using patterns and other clues.
. Recognizing and using pronouns, referents, and other lexical equivalents as clues to cohesion.
. Guessing the meaning of unknown words from the context. Using such clues as knowledge of word parts, syntax, and relationship patterns.
. Skimming. Quickly getting the gist or overview of a passage or book.
. Paraphrasing. Re-stating texts in the readers own words in order to monitor ones own comprehension.
. Summarizing. Shortening material by retaining and re-stating main ideas and leaving out details.
. Drawing conclusions. Putting together information from parts of the text and inducing new or additional ideas.
. Drawing inferences and using evidence. Using evidence in the text to know things that are unstated.
. Visualizing. Picturing, or actually drawing a picture or diagram, of what is described in the text.
. Reading critically. Judging the accuracy of a passage with respect to what the reader already knows; distinguishing fact from opinion.
. Reading faster. Reading fast enough to allow the brain to process the input as ideas rather than single words.
. Adjusting reading rate according to materials and purpose. Being able to choose the speed and strategies needed for the level of comprehension desired by the reader [4; 4].
Appendix II.
Alphabet Games:Sentences: One S says a letter (for example A) and his/her teammate says a word that starts with that letter (like Ant). Then you go on to a sentence that uses the letter A word (or example A nice person would not smush an ant). This way the children will learn their letters and words that start with the letter.
Alphabet Soup: Place plastic letters in a bowl. Divide flashcards by their beginning letters. Each student draws a letter from the bowl and then finds the flashcards associated with that letter.
Alphabet Wave: Divide the a-z flashcards among all your students. Put Ss in a line and play the ABC song. As it plays each student must hold up their corresponding alphabet flashcard.
Alphabet whispers: The children split up into groups of three, one is at the blackboard, one is sitting down and one is running between the two. The student sitting down has a sheet with the alphabet printed out in a disordered manner - s/he whispers the first letter to their team mate who in their turn runs to the board and whispers the letter to their other team member. If the letter is understood s/he writes it on the board. The first team to write it correctly gets a point. This can also be adapt