Видеозанятия в системе обучения иностранной речи

Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки

Другие дипломы по предмету Иностранные языки

o you think its safe?



2. Answer the questions.



Where did Skippys arrow fly?


What were Maid Marian and Lady Kluck doing in Prince Johns courtyard?


What game did Lady Kluck play with Skippy?


Why did Skippy feel very proud?



3. Retell the events in this episode.




Episode 5



Lovers dreams.



1. Words and expressions.



to moan For heavens sake!


Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


Thats a big to do in Nottingham.



2. Answer the questions.



Why couldnt Robin Hood marry Maid Marian?


Who brought the news of the Archery Tournament?



Episode 6



The Archery Tournament.



1. Words and expressions.



a Red Letter Day to cheat


to fool somebody target


to recognize to sentence


the stork to grab


Cool it, boy. superior skill


Stop worrying to have mercy


your mightiness executioners


to spare somebodys life


Meeting you face to face is a real treat.


Allow me to lay some protocol on you.


Keep your snake eyes open for you know whom.


Do you mean to say that Im dismissed?


That kids got class.


Love conquers.


Release the prisoner.


The traitors to the Crown must die.


That shot wins the golden arrow and the kiss.



2. Answer the questions.



Why did Robin Hood decide to take part in the archery tournament?


Why did Prince John tell Sir Hiss to keep his snake eyes open?


Why do you think Maid Marian came to the tournament?


Did she understand that the long-leggged archer, the stork, was Robin Hood?


Why couldnt Sir Hiss warn Prince John that Robin Hood was among the archers?


Who were the final contestants?


What trick did the Sheriff use to win the tournament?


How was Robin Hood sentenced?


Who helped him in this difficult situation?



3. Choose one character from this episode and give a character sketch.




Episode 7



In Sherwood Forest.



1. Answer the questions.



Why did common people sing and dance in the forest?


What performance did they make?


Who did they make fun of?




Episode 8


In Jail.



1. Words and expressions.



big hit to double the taxes


to triple jail




Theyll be singing a different tune.


Nottingham was in deep trouble.



2. Answer the questions.



Why was the Sheriff singing?


What was his and Sir Hisss opinion of Prince John? How is it shown?


Why did Prince John get so angry?


What did he order?




Episode 9



In Friar Tucks Church.



1. Retell this episode using the following sentences.



We must keep their hopes alive.


We were saving it for a rainy day.


Every little bit helps.


Im just doing my duty.




Episode 10



Planning a Trap for Robin Hood.



1. Words and expressions.



to pour in (Taxes are pouring in.) to trap


gallows guard


to hang somebody


Button your beak.



2. Answer the questions.



Why wasnt Prince John glad that the jail was full and taxes were pouring in?


What news did Sir Hiss bring?


Why did Prince Johns mood suddenly change?


What plan did he make?


What information did Robin Hood get when he sneaked into the jail yard?




Episode 11



The Jail Break.



1. Words and expressions.



bird brain to tie


false alarm to free


royal treasury to dive


Take it easy. moat


Its miserably unfair. reed


to shoot arrows to be drowned


to rig a rope




2. Put the following sentences in the correct order. Write the number on the blank line before the sentence.



______ Robin Hood and Little John sneaked into the jail yard.



______ Robin Hood climbed up into Prince Johns bedroom.



______ The Sheriff of Nottingham was sleeping at the door of the jail.



______ Robin Hood stole the jail keys.



______ Robin Hood tied the bags of gold to a rope rigged between the bedroom window and the jail.



______ Robin Hood escaped by diving into the moat.



______ Little John took the bags off of the rope and passed the gold to the escaping prisoners.



______ Everybody thought that Robin Hood had drowned.




3. Retell the episode. Characterize Robin Hood and Little John.



Episode 12



Happy Marriage.



1. Answer the questions.



Who pardoned Robin Hood? Why?


How were Prince John, Sir Hiss and the Sheriff punished?


Where did Robin Hood and Maid Marian go after the marriage ceremony?



2. Choose one character from the film and write a character sketch using as many words and expressions from the film as possible.











[1] burrow- нора



[2] bug - насекомое



[3] to care - заботься, беспокоиться



[4] to scare- пугать, пугаться



1 “Cross my heart and hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye.” - Childrens way of making a promise stro