Daddy Long Legs
Статья - Разное
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>to have a good head for smth иметь способности
- Синонимы
- to scold berate - тратить
- an excuse pretence, apology - извинение
- regular daily, systematic
- with haste in a hurry в спешке
- allowance grant, pocket money
- an essay composition, report
- to accomplish to complete - выполнять
- regular work everyday work
- to get accustomed to smth / to doing smth to be used to doing smth - привыкнуть
- to overlook to ignore не заметить
- in someones favour for smbs support в ч-л. поддержку
- to take notice of smb. or smth to pay attention to
- vacation - holidays
- to put ones head in at the door - to peep
- to drop in
- semester - term
- recreation - rest
- scenery landscape
- to grab smb to grasp, to grip
- entirely - complitely
- sophisticated
- to tramp
- exhaustively
- drawback
- in a hurry
- to pay back
- to write letters to smb
- to make an acquaintance of smb
- composition
- grant
- pretext
- to pay attention to
- time off
- to call on smb
- to ignore
- Деривативы
- curious curiousity (любопытство), curiously (странно)
- generous generousity (щедрость) t
- trust trustee (опекун), trustful (доверчивый)
- trustfulness (доверчивость)
- enthusiasm (st, stic)
- differ (rence, rent, rently)
- disppoint (tment)-разочарование
- entertain (nment)- прием, развлекать,принимать
- cheer (ful, fulness)- ободрять, бодрый, бодрость
- respect (ful, able, tability)- уважать, вежливый, приличный, почтенность
- coincidence (dent, dental) совпадение, совпадающий, случайный
- to elect (tee, tion, tive, tor) выбирать, избранный, выборы, выборный, избиратель
- contest ( stant, station) соревнование, соперник, борьба, соревнование
- to devote (ted, tion) посвятить, посвященный, преданность
- to engage (gement) нанимать, занятие
- laugh - laughter
- amuse - amusement
- punish - punishment
- assosiate - assosiation
- win - winner
- feel - feelings
- excite - excitement
- invite - invitation
- end - ending
- to drop - drop
- to omit - omission
- to tempt temptetion
- to concentrate - concentration
- to edit - editor
- to exhaust - exhaustion
- Антонимы
- Grateful - ungrateful
- Breakable - unbreakable
- Cheeful - cheerless
- entertaining - unentertaining
- carefree - careless
- enthusiastic - unenthusiastic
- different indifferent, words
- changeable - unchangeable
- dependent - independent
- logical - illogical
- necessary unnecessary
- to lead - mislead
- to obey - disobey
- restful - restless
- sophisticated - unsophisticated
- suitable - unsuitable
- to catch a train to miss a train
- conventional - unconventional
- emotional - unemotional
- hopeful - hopeless
- undemanding - demanding
- full - empty
- understending - misunderstending
- respectful - respectless
- strange - familiar
- to feel ill at easy to feel well easy
- ill-bread well-bread
- to be friendly to be unfriendly
- to miss a train to catch a train
- cheerless - cheerful
- dull - entertaining
- reasonable - unreasonable
- to be late for the train to be early for the train
- to be happy to be unhappy
- dependent independent
- careful - careless