Daddy Long Legs

Статья - Разное

Другие статьи по предмету Разное

>to have a good head for smth иметь способности

  • to do the accounts делать расчеты, подводить счета
  • against/for a rainy day на черный день
  • a common общинная земля
  • to sail through the air плыть по воздуху
  • to fly a kite запускать змея
  • to exercise ones skills продемострировать мастерство
  • to take to doing something пристраститься к ч-л
  • to keep oneself to oneself оставться самим собой
  • to get back on smb отомстить к-л
  • to be sallen быть угрюмой
  • to birst into tears разрыдаться
  • to cut smb. down сократить к-л с работы



    1. Синонимы
    2. to scold berate - тратить
    3. an excuse pretence, apology - извинение
    4. regular daily, systematic
    5. with haste in a hurry в спешке
    6. allowance grant, pocket money
    7. an essay composition, report
    8. to accomplish to complete - выполнять
    9. regular work everyday work
    10. to get accustomed to smth / to doing smth to be used to doing smth - привыкнуть
    11. to overlook to ignore не заметить
    12. in someones favour for smbs support в ч-л. поддержку
    13. to take notice of smb. or smth to pay attention to
    14. vacation - holidays
    15. to put ones head in at the door - to peep
    16. to drop in
    17. semester - term
    18. recreation - rest
    19. scenery landscape
    20. to grab smb to grasp, to grip
    21. entirely - complitely
    22. sophisticated
    23. to tramp
    24. exhaustively
    25. drawback
    26. in a hurry
    27. to pay back
    28. to write letters to smb
    29. to make an acquaintance of smb
    30. composition
    31. grant
    32. pretext
    33. to pay attention to
    34. time off
    35. to call on smb
    36. to ignore


    1. Деривативы
    2. curious curiousity (любопытство), curiously (странно)
    3. generous generousity (щедрость) t
    4. trust trustee (опекун), trustful (доверчивый)
    5. trustfulness (доверчивость)
    6. enthusiasm (st, stic)
    7. differ (rence, rent, rently)
    8. disppoint (tment)-разочарование
    9. entertain (nment)- прием, развлекать,принимать
    10. cheer (ful, fulness)- ободрять, бодрый, бодрость
    11. respect (ful, able, tability)- уважать, вежливый, приличный, почтенность
    12. coincidence (dent, dental) совпадение, совпадающий, случайный
    13. to elect (tee, tion, tive, tor) выбирать, избранный, выборы, выборный, избиратель
    14. contest ( stant, station) соревнование, соперник, борьба, соревнование
    15. to devote (ted, tion) посвятить, посвященный, преданность
    16. to engage (gement) нанимать, занятие



    2. laugh - laughter
    3. amuse - amusement
    4. punish - punishment
    5. assosiate - assosiation
    6. win - winner
    7. feel - feelings
    8. excite - excitement
    9. invite - invitation
    10. end - ending
    11. to drop - drop
    12. to omit - omission
    13. to tempt temptetion
    14. to concentrate - concentration
    15. to edit - editor
    16. to exhaust - exhaustion


    1. Антонимы
    2. Grateful - ungrateful
    3. Breakable - unbreakable
    4. Cheeful - cheerless
    5. entertaining - unentertaining
    6. carefree - careless
    7. enthusiastic - unenthusiastic
    8. different indifferent, words
    9. changeable - unchangeable
    10. dependent - independent
    11. logical - illogical
    12. necessary unnecessary
    13. to lead - mislead
    14. to obey - disobey
    15. restful - restless
    16. sophisticated - unsophisticated
    17. suitable - unsuitable
    18. to catch a train to miss a train
    19. conventional - unconventional
    20. emotional - unemotional
    21. hopeful - hopeless
    22. undemanding - demanding
    23. full - empty
    24. understending - misunderstending
    25. respectful - respectless
    26. strange - familiar
    27. to feel ill at easy to feel well easy
    28. ill-bread well-bread
    29. to be friendly to be unfriendly
    30. to miss a train to catch a train
    31. cheerless - cheerful
    32. dull - entertaining
    33. reasonable - unreasonable
    34. to be late for the train to be early for the train
    35. to be happy to be unhappy
    36. dependent independent
    37. careful - careless