Culture of Turkey
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are some further customs which related to the birth, some of these are the cradle must not roll when it is empty, because that is said to be meant the death of the baby. The mother should not open the swaddling-bands in front of foreigners, not to envy the baby. To stair the baby on the street should be avoid because that is said that it brings a curse on the baby, against this is the Allahs eye used.people have family names only since 21 April 1934. They had to chose their name and to written it into their birth certificate. The causes of these were the growing population and the reforms according to European norms. They chose as family name tribal, geographical, hoped features or professions. After the birth in 1 week the baby has to be named.a name is selected, it is given by an imam or an elder person in the family by holding the child in the direction of Mecca (Kible) and reading from the Koran into his left ear and repeating his name three times into his right ear.
5. Sunnet (circumcision)
Islam, the authority for circumcision did not come from the Koran but from the example of the Prophet Mohammed. As an Islamic country, in Turkey, all Moslem boys are circumcised between the ages 2-14 by licensed circumcising surgeons. From the social point of view, the most prominent feature of circumcision is the introduction of a child to his religious society as a new member. Circumcisions are generally made with big ceremonies in festive atmosphere. If a family has more than one boy, they wait for an appropriate time to perform it altogether. Charity organizations make collective ceremonies for poor boys and orphans. For this occasion boys wear a special dress, which models the page boy costume of the sultans army. The circumcision is an initiation, marking the time, when the boy can apprehend the religion. It is mostly performed between the age of 7 and 12. Prior sunnet, boys are raised together with girls, after sunnet, they join the men.a family determines a date for their feast, they invite relatives, friends and neighbours by sending invitation cards in advance. They prepare a highly decorated room for the boy with a nice bed and many colourful decorative things. Boys should also wear special costumes for this feast; a suit, a cape, a sceptre and a special hat with "Masallah", meaning "God preserve him", written on it.the morning of the feast, the children of guests are all taken for a tour around in a big convoy with the boy either on horseback, horse carts, or automobiles. This convoy is also followed by musicians playing the drums and the clarinet.they come back, the boy wears a loose long white dress and, is circumcised by the surgeon while somebody holds him. This person who holds is called kirve, and has to be somebody close to the boy. In the Eastern parts of Anatolia, this is the first contact of a relationship, which will continue for lifetime. He will play an active role in the boy's life and have nearly equal rights with the father in decisions. This is similar to a godfather in Christianity. Although there is no blood relation to his kirve, the boy will not even be allowed to marry his kirve's daughter in order not to have incest because he is considered to have become somebody from the family.the circumcision, the boy is in pain and has to be kept busy with music, lots of jokes or some other animation. Presents also are given at this time to help him forget his pains. In the meantime words from the Koran are recited and guests are taken to tables for the feast meal which is a special one laid with different food changing from region to region. After a few days the boy recovers and festivities end., there is a small group of people who prefer their children to be circumcised in hospitals while they are in hospital after birth, whereby ignoring the traditional side.
. Burial
the ages in Anatolia, many different rituals regarding death and burial have been applied. Types of graves have differed.somebody dies, the corpse is laid on a bed in a separate room; the head facing the direction of Mecca, eyelids closed, the big toes are tied to each other and the two arms rest on both sides next to the body. Burial has to take place as soon as possible during the daytime. If somebody dies in the late afternoon, he is buried the next day. The corpse might rest for a period of time in a cool place or a mortuary but only if there are close relatives coming from a far away religious belief, if somebody is buried without an ablution, he is not allowed to enter heaven. Therefore, dead people have to be washed by authorized people, and always women by a woman, men by a man. Meanwhile the death is declared from a mosque minaret by a muezzin with some words from the Koran together with his name, funeral time and place. After the ablution the corpse is dressed in a white shroud, put in a wooden coffin covered with a green piece of cloth. A martyr's coffin is covered with the Turkish flag. The coffin is carried to the table outside in the courtyard of a mosque on people's shoulders before prayers. Nobody stands in front of the funeral procession and people in the street stand up and salute the funeral motionless and in silence.the coffin rests guarded on the table outside, people perform their regular prayers. From within the mosque, following the prayers, they all come out and line up in front of the coffin to take part in the funeral service under the leadership of the Imam. Women are not allowed to join this service. At the end of the service, the Imam asks people what they thought of the deceased and answers are always positive: "He was good. May God bless him? Mercy be upon his soul, etc." Funeral services are not held for parricides or the stillborn.coffin is carried to the cemetery by a hearse followed by a long convoy. Graves are rectangular in shape and designed to accommodate only one person. The deceased is buried in only the shroud not the coffin. The body is laid on its right shoulder facing the direction of Mecca. The tombstone is on the head's side.Imam's prayers signify the end of the burial. The deceased is commemorated on the seventh and fifty-second days of his death with Islamic readings; mevlit. Sometimes big funerary meals or halvah are offered to the poor and surrounding people.
7. Traditional costume
has come by its present forms as a result of the influence of social and moral values. With the passing time, a wide variety in forms of clothing emerged. These differences were the result of social and economic structure, geography, the materials available and climate. Each region had its own characteristics in the way of clothing, headwear, scarves and socks, which have all, through the centuries, attracted interest and admiration. Clothes indicate whether societies are settled or nomadic, and are a source of information about historical events and ethnological origins., work and special day clothes are different. Hair styles during a wedding and after the bridal chamber differ. In markets, it is easy to identify which village people live in just from their clothes. Today in Anatolia, there are differences even between the clothing worn in different neighbourhoods of the same village.who leave their villages to do their military service or to take up employment inevitably adapt to city culture. In rural areas, women generally have little contact with the outside world. They tend to dress in conformity with the lifestyle and traditions of the community of which they are a part. Dress and decoration tends to follow that of preceding generations. Childrens clothes also differ according to sex and age. The concept of the evil eye is widespread, and one can observe many amulets to ward it off in peoples clothes and hair. In conservative communities, each generation follows the clothing styles and customs of earlier generations. Yet it is nevertheless impossible to say that traditional clothing and finery are totally unchanging. In rural areas, women spend most of their time with working. As a result, their daily, work and special day clothes are different. Special costumes and hair dressings are only to be seen at wedding ceremonies. Womens hair styles differ in accordance with their social status, and whether they are married or engaged, or not. Hair style is an important feature of womens lives.tradition of using jewellery and ornaments to complement traditional clothing still exists in traditional societies. The jewellery and ornaments used at wedding ceremonies in Anatolia differ according to the importance of the couple about to be married.
1. National holidays
Turkey, people celebrate the national holidays. They are the following:
January New Years Eve; 23 April the Day of the National Sovereignty and childrens day; 1 May Labour and Solidarity Day (recently added in 2009); 19 May Ataturk Commemoration and Youth & Sports Day; 29 May Capture of Istanbul; 1 July Day of the Navy; 30 August Day of Victory; 29 October Day of Republic; 10 November Ataturk-Memorial Day.
. Religious holidays
great religious holiday is Kurban Bayram?. It is held on the 10th day of the 12th dzu-l-hiddsa month, 70 days after Ramadan. It is the day when the pilgrims to Mecca made a sacrifice in the nearby valley Mina. It is a 4-day long holiday. The sacrifice is recommended for every Muslim, but only obligatory for those who took a vow to fulfil it. According to the Gregorian calendar it is changing in time. Kurban Bayrami (Feast of the Sacrifice) was on 27-30 November in 2009, while in 2010 it is going to be on 16-19 November.Bayram? is "the Small Holiday". It is the holiday to celebrate the end of the Ramadan. It starts on 1th day of Sawwal (10th) month and it is 3-day long