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the Alamo.

On Mar. 2, 1836, David Burnet was named provisional president.

On Dec. 29, 1845, the U.S. Congress accepted the Texas state constitution, and Texas became the 28th state, with legal slavery.

The MEXICAN WAR between the United States and Mexico followed within a few months of Texas entry into the union.

The modern economic development of Texas started in January 1901 with the eruption of an oil well drilled at Spindletop, near Beaumont.

Texas has two sources of water: aquifers and streams with their reservoirs.

Texas has relatively few natural lakes but hundreds of artificial ones.

Texas is the temporary home every year for many migratory birds.

Minerals represent a very significant part of the states na-ural wealth.

The Texas Panhandle is one of the worlds great natural-gas reservoirs.

Although surpassed in population only by California, Texas is still considerably less crowded than the nation as a whole.

Texas has 254 counties.

Texas has several hundred public libraries--the largest being those in Dallas and Houston.

The first newspaper in Texas, the Gaceta de Texas (Texas Gazette), was published in 1813 at Nacogdoches.

Texas is among the nations most important producers of minerals.

Texas attracts millions of out-of-state visitors annually.

The present Texas constitution was adopted on Feb. 15, 1876, but has been amended many times.

The cowboy of the American West, a dashing figure in popular novels and films, was in reality a poorly paid laborer engaged in difficult and usually monotonous work.

When the 20th century began, about 3 million people lived in Texas.

Agriculture dominated the economy.

USA had two presedent from Texas : Lyndon B. JOHNSON and George BUSH.