Функционально – прагматические аспекты фразеологических интенсификаторов в современном английском языке
Сочинение - Литература
Другие сочинения по предмету Литература
s hell адски, дьявольски, чертовски, до чертиков
2.вовсю, здорово, охотно, с удовольствием
- Like nobodys business здорово, сильно, основательно, изо всех сил
- Like billy-o - сильно, чрезвычайно, ужасно, еще как, вовсю, бурно
- Like a bat out of hell - очень быстро, со всех ног, во всю прыть
- Like fury как безумный, безумно, неистово
- Like fun энергично, стремительно, очень быстро
- A hell of a lot очень, чертовски, ужасно
- Like sin бешено, отчаянно, ужасно
- To the world крайне, весьма, в высшей степени, совершенно
- Deuce of a … - чертовски, ужасно, очень
- Like a dose of salts очень быстро, стремительно
- Under the sun в этом мире на земле, на свете
- With bells on охотно, с большим удовольствием
- Hell for leather во весь опор, во всю мочь, со всех ног
- A hell of a … - очень, дьявольски
- A hell of a lot - очень ужасно, чертовски, дьявольски
- Like wildfire стремительно, мгновенно
П Р И Л О Ж Е Н И Е 3
Imagine, you feel differently in two situations that are described by four sets of sentences that have nearly identical meanings.
- He was very angry. I was afraid he might lose self-control.
- He was angry as hell. I was afraid he might fly off the handle.
- He was very frightened. I was afraid he might lose self-control.
4. He was frightened as hell. I was afraid he might collapse.
Situation 1.
You had an experience of watching your friend behave in a situation when he was angry (or frightened) for some reason. But that happened some time ago. Your reminiscences have already faded and you are more of a reporter observer.
Situation 2.
You feel as if you were in that situation again. Your friends anger (or fear) still causes unpleasant reminiscences. You still sort of feel with your friend.
Which of the two sets of sentences would you rather assign to the situation 1, to the situation 2?