Университеты Германии
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Университеты Германии
Поиск списка университетовСтр. 2-4Список университетовСтр. 4-13Университет ГамбургаСтр. 13-15Схема управления университетом и фотоСтр. 16Условия, необходимые для поступления в университет иностранцуСтр. 17Краткое описание экономического факультетаСтр. 18-20Возможности обучения в университетах Германии и АвстрииСтр. 20-22Перевод условий, необходимых для поступления в университет иностранцуСтр 22-23Перевод текста- краткого описания экономического факультетаСтр. 23-28Перевод теста о возможности обучения в университетах Германии и АвстрииСтр. 28-30
В поисках списка Университетов в Германии я зашел на поисково-информационный сервер Altavista (www.altavista.com)
Ответом на мой запрос тАЬEducation in GermanyтАЭ стали 768 ссылок, первые десять из которох приведены сдесь:
List of near matches related to education in Germany provided by RealNames.
1. Mathematics Education in Germany
Mathematics Education in Germany. The German Sub-Commission of The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) offers information about:...
URL: www.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de/History/mathed.php
Last modified 10-Jun-98 - page size 3K - in English [ Translate ]
2. Education in Germany
Education in Germany: Written by Anna Groppi as part of sociology class project with Rachel Turansky, Sarah Bieber, Nellie Moody, Zander Robinson, and...
URL: www.tulane.edu/~rouxbee/children/germany1.php
Last modified 5-May-98 - page size 3K - in English [ Translate ]
3. History of teacher education in Germany
About the history of teacher education. Teacher education has often been subject to various (contradictory) educational policies and the influences of...
URL: www.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de/History/meg/mathedb4.php
Last modified 1-Apr-97 - page size 18K - in English [ Translate ]
4. Education In Germany
Slide 23 of 37. Education In Germany. Primary through secondary education. Academic secondary track (Gymnasium) Universities for the few. --
URL: www.culturebank.com/demo/demogermany/sld023.htm
Last modified 30-Jun-98 - page size 1K - in English [ Translate ]
5. Babel.on - Education in Germany and abroad
Education in Germany and abroad. Education in Baden-Wьrttemberg. The School system in Germany. School life in the USA. Universities and Colleges in London.
URL: machno.hbi-stuttgart.de/babel/contents/education.php
Last modified 25-Sep-98 - page size 1015 bytes - in English [ Translate ]
6. Education In Germany
Education In Germany. Primary through secondary education. Academic secondary track (Gymnasium) Universities for the few. Previous slide. Next slide. Back.
URL: www.culturebank.com/demo/demogermany/tsld023.htm
Last modified 30-Jun-98 - page size 806 bytes - in English [ Translate ]
7. Expansion And Structural Change; Higher Education In Germany, The United State
Expansion And Structural Change; Higher Education In Germany, The United States, And Japan, 1870-1990 by Windolf, Paul ISBN 0813390087 Order-- click "Add..
URL: www.opengroup.com/open/stbooks/081/0813390087.shtml
Last modified 24-Aug-98 - page size 12K - in English [ Translate ]
8. Education in Germany
Germany. Biomedical Engineering Education. Programs in biomedical engineering: Return to Germany Home Page. This page is under construction. Revised...
URL: www.cc.tut.fi/nbd/germany/educatio.htm
Last modified 15-Jul-96 - page size 670 bytes - in English [ Translate ]
9. Higher Education in Germany
Germans Highers Education...generally. press. for no framing. Highers Education Institution in Germany are... Technische Hochschule(TH) Technische...
URL: www.geocities.com/RainForest/2249/mgss3.php
Last modified 30-Mar-98 - page size 7K - in English [ Translate ]
10. International Education in Germany and Austria
March 19, 1997. Foreigners Prefer Privacy. A paradox of German education is that foreign students are shunning the state universities - and flocking to...
URL: www.iht.com/IHT/SUP/031997e/ger2.php
Last modified 6-Sep-97 - page size 3K - in English [ Translate ]
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word count: education in Germany: about 800
Затем я зашел на ссылку №9 Higher Education in Germany
Я попал на страничку электронной бибилиотеки:
Germans Highers Education...generally
Highers Education Institution in Germany are...
- Technische Hochschule(TH)
- Technische Universitaet(TU)
- Universitaet(U)
- Universitaet-Gesamt-Hochschule(UGH)
- Fernuniversitaet(FU)
- Sporthochschule
- Musikhochschule
- Fachhochschule(FH)
- Hochschule(HS)and so on.....
The list of Higher Educations in Germany....
you may Search it in...
According to Fachbereich
According to Cities
Private UNI/FH
- FernFH Darmstadt - Dipl-Informatiker/in(FH)
- SGD: Fern Studium ( bukan PPT )- perbagai Bidang
- European Bussiness School Schloss Reichartshausen
- Handelhochschule Leipzig
- International Bussiness School Bad Homburger
- Merz Akademie (private FH fuer Gesataltung), Stuttgart
- SAL: hoehere Fachschule fuer Angewandte Linguistik
Extra : Volkshochschulen
Volkshochschule is manage by the Government/City, to educate people as a part-time school. Alert!! Its not a Higher Education Institution
- UNI-Online
- Germany(M.G.S.S.)
- Buecher(Books)
Uni Goes Online
Die Virtuelle Lehre
- FH-Brandenburg
- TU-Freiberg
- Uni-Mannheim
- Lehre 2000
- Info@polis
International Academics Programmes
- MGSSs PoInT of VieW Lernen in Computernetzwerken
- Uni-Muenchen
- FH-Furtwangen
- HTW-Mitweida Virtual College
- TU-Berlin
Virtual Management
- Cabs
Virtual Prifungsamt
- Uni-Saarlandes
Затем я проверил все три ссылки и выбрал самую емкую и удобную TU-BERLIN INDEXS, зайдя на нее я получил наиболее полный список университетов в городах Германии:
Alle Hochschulen in der BRD.
- Baden-Wrttemberg
- Bayern
- Berlin
- Brandenburg
- Bremen
- Hamburg
- Hessen
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Niedersachsen
- Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Rheinland-Pfalz
- Saarland
- Sachsen
- Sachsen-Anhalt
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Thringen Weitere Listen Anmerkungen bitte und gerne an Martin Schwartz. Baden-Wrttemberg
- FH Aalen
- FH Albstadt-Sigmaringen
- FH Biberach, Hochschule fr Bauwesen und Wirtschaft
- FHS Esslingen, Hochschule fr Sozialwesen
- FHT Esslingen, Hochschule fr Technik
- FHSR Freiburg i.B., Evangelische FH Freiburg. Hochschule f&