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e methodological basis of the IP. To the end to ensure the principle of openness of the IP, the authors plan a special stage of approbation and expansion of the information about the basic conception by means of its publication as a separate edition (in Ukrainian, Russian, and English), as articles in the domestic sociological journal of the Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Ukraine and others, in Russian and Polish social-political journals, and on the special site (devoted to the project) in the Internet. We hope that such measures allow us to optimize the content of the basic conception and stimulate wide interdisciplinary (in the field of social and humanitarian sciences) practical investigations.
Openness of the project and a free access to the work on its tasks do not remove the possibility to deepen into special applied studies. Thus, we foresee the organizational promotion to various theoretical and practical works in the field of disciplines of the social and humanitarian trends. In particular, we expect that every member of the working group on development of the IP will prepare some applied variant of the basic conception and will carry out the proper investigation. The last can be performed by the very member of the working group directly and with attraction of other participants, persons working for doctors degree and post-graduates, students and lecturers, representatives of policy, economy, science, culture, and education. In the course of the basic conception of cyclic social development, as an object of special studies, one can take the development of separate social (including state ones) institutions. It is quite possible to study the cycles of development of policy, economy, science (natural or humanitarian one), education, literature, arts, sport, etc. The working group of the project takes in hands the obligation to coordinate such investigations and to promote a wide clarification of the results obtained within the frameworks of the project.
The working group is planning:
1. To carry out a wide discussion of the basic conception of the IP Social development AD as an object of the sociology of history (sociology of social changes).
2. To solve the problem of organization of the special web-site in the Internet, concerning the IP.
3. To prepare for publication the basic conception of the IP Social development A.D. as an object of the sociology of history (sociology of social changes).
Salamatov V. How can we take into account the contents of specific notions ? For example, in the cross cultural studies by the west-European criteria, Ukraine is a quite collectivist country. But here (in Ukraine), all say about the individualism of Ukraines society.
Afonin E. By societal (macrosocial or system-wide) criteria and ideas of cyclicity which consist the base of our project, Ukraine of the soviet period was characterized by such a societal quality as executiveness, which define its behavior on the whole as collectivist, indeed. The corresponding social normative reveals itself at all aspects of life of the population of the soviet Ukraine, stimulating the people to sacrifice. First, think about the Motherland and then about yourselves we repeated by choosing a profession or an example to imitate and by estimating himself or surrounding persons. By basing on the results of the comparative analysis, one can even state that collectivism was manifested in Ukraine even more than in Russia. A good proof of this assertion is related to the widespread opinion known at that time that Ukraine was the first among the other republics of the USSR (first of all, in comparison with Russia and Belorussia) in developing the all-people initiative upon the fulfillment of recurrent decisions of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of the USSR.
Now, the post-totalitarian Ukraine is attracted to the other social dimensionality, to the other social quality. The question is the intentionality, whose manifestations are perceived by the ordinary consciousness, in fact, as individualism. These social normative are adequate to the formula specularly opposite to that presented above: State is strong with strong citizens. New societal qualities are established by means of nonlinear social changes, creating the so-called transient condition of th society which is characterized, for a certain time, by a fluctuation oscillations between two normative states defined above.
Thus, it is quite justified that a west observer finds Ukraine as a collectivist country, and a domestic one as an individualist one.
Salamatov V. I say about a different thing. The semantics of the same notions changes from one culture to another, therefore, we may meet a double and even triple context in the context of a study. Hence, it would be methodologically expedient to start from traditions of the Moscow school of logic and to consider specific notions only in the context. As known, we cannot establish societal characteristics of, e.g., the Trypillya culture.
Afonin E. First, the approach accepted in this study allows, in principle, one to retrospectively define societal characteristics of any culture including the Trypillya one. I do not say that it is a simple task. To make this, we need a representative objective evidence, so to say, traces of the proper culture.
Second, the definition of societal characteristics of a modern social object is based, in our approach, on the universal, integral standardized, symbolic model, in which the mechanism of autocorrection is inherent, i.e., the ability to correct the used symbolic model with regard for natural geographical peculiarities of a specific cultural environment irrespectively of the desire of an experimenter. In other words, the apparatus complex, which is developed by us and will be utilized in the study, immanently involves the requirements of the Moscow school of logic.
In our opinion, the more serious difficulty for our investigation is its financial neediness. In fact, already at the first stage of study, we must perform the very important specific measurements of societal characteristics on the representative sampling (about 50 countries), defined in the project. These data and appropriate chronological tables allow us to reconstruct historical cycles of the countries of the sampling, region, and civilization on the whole. A total cost of derivation of the basic empiric material, by the estimates of the Gellap-International company, equals about 0.4 mln USD. But we hope to leave this situation with the help of an alternative procedure of measurement by using the Internet.
Salamatov V. The comparative analysis should be performed with minimum of ideological (political) loads.
Afonin E. The object of our analysis leaves the frameworks of political analysis since the societal level is an integral level of analysis of a holistic object, in which the political aspect emerges as a component.
2.On the conception of IP Social development AD as an object of the sociology of history (sociology of social changes).
Martynov A. presented the basic conceptual idea of the IP Social development AD.
In particular, by characterizing the actuality of the project, he emphasizes that the mankind encounters the problems of globalization of transformational processes on the boundary of the third millennium A.D. under conditions of the planetary crisis. There appears the world economic system which influences the development of not only separate regions but the whole civilization. Ecological and demographic threats are strengthening, and wars for the redistribution of resources (natural, energetic, biological, cultural, informational, etc.) become a reality in the process of political, economic, and social changes, which are a manifestation of the essence of historical development of countries, continents, and the mankind.
In the context of the mentioned social changes and the strengthening of nonpredictability of behavior of subjects of the historical process, there arises the urgent need in harmonization of the existing ideas as for the historical development, search for new approaches, methodologies, and models for analysis and forecast, which would be adequate to the historical call.
To the basis of conceptual construction of authors approach, the following ideas are put:
The development of the nature and natural processes, including psychical processes in a person and social-historical ones, has a cyclic character.
Social activity is an important categorial element of the social-historical analysis (S. Rubinshtein, L. Vygotsky, O. Leontev, A. individual and Brushlinsky, et al.). According to the psychological structure of social activity, the hierarchy of its two main plans [objective and communicative ones (D.Elkonin, D. Feldshtein, et al.)] periodically changes in the process of its development. Each of them fulfills, in turn, the functions of a purpose and a means.
Global social changes are a result of the integral interaction of the political, economic, and natural factors (P. Sorokin, A. Chizhevsky, L.Gumilev). In cyclic constructions, the synchronization of the maxima of their manifestation leads, in fact, to transformational social changes.
Society as an subject of the history and civilization passes a large vital cycle in its development. The historical genesis of a socium is, in fact, the realization of epochal cycles, and each of them is composed from two normative and two transformational periods. The first epochal period involution is generall