Создание базы данных о студентах ВУЗа

Курсовой проект - Компьютеры, программирование

Другие курсовые по предмету Компьютеры, программирование


frmEdit.Show 1

End If

End Sub

Public Sub Search(strType As String)

Dim strЗапрос As String

Dim m As Byte

Dim boolF As Boolean


For i = 0 To 6




strЗапрос = ""

intPole = -1

If strType = "Fst" Then

strSearch = InputBox("Введите первую букву записи выделенного поля (регистр не учитывается)", "Поиск по первой букве", "а")

For i = 0 To 6

If optPole(i).Value = True Then intPole = i


If intPole = -1 Then MsgBox "Не задано поле для поиска", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, strName: Exit Sub

For i = 0 To lstZapis(intPole).ListCount - 1

If UCase(Left(lstZapis(intPole).List(i), 1)) = UCase(strSearch) Then

For j = 0 To 6

frmSearch.lstZapis(j).AddItem lstZapis(j).List(i)


frmSearch.lstNumbers.AddItem i

End If


""ThenfrmSearch.Show1">If strSearch <> "" Then frmSearch.Show 1

End If

End Sub


Public Sub Help()


End Sub


Public Sub Sort(strType As String, pole As Long)

Dim lng1 As Long

Dim lng2 As Long

If strType = "Up" Then

For lng1 = 0 To lstZapis(pole).ListCount - 1

For lng2 = lng1 To lstZapis(pole).ListCount - 1

If pole 6 Then

If lstZapis(pole).List(lng1) > lstZapis(pole).List(lng2) Then

Call Замена(lng1, lng2)

End If


If Data_Sort(lstZapis(pole).List(lng1), lstZapis(pole).List(lng2)) = 1 Then

Call Замена(lng1, lng2)

End If

End If



End If


If strType = "Dwn" Then

For lng1 = 0 To lstZapis(pole).ListCount - 1

For lng2 = lng1 To lstZapis(pole).ListCount - 1

If pole 6 Then

If lstZapis(pole).List(lng1) < lstZapis(pole).List(lng2) Then

Call Замена(lng1, lng2)

End If


If Data_Sort(lstZapis(pole).List(lng1), lstZapis(pole).List(lng2)) = 2 Then

Call Замена(lng1, lng2)

End If

End If



End If

End Sub


Public Sub Format(strType As String)

If strType = "Font" Or strType = "Size" Then

cdl1.Flags = cdlCFScreenFonts

cdl1.Action = 4

For i = 0 To 6

0ThenlstZapis(i).FontSize=cdl1.FontSize"> If cdl1.FontSize <> 0 Then lstZapis(i).FontSize = cdl1.FontSize

""ThenlstZapis(i).FontName=cdl1.FontName"> If Trim(cdl1.FontName) <> "" Then lstZapis(i).FontName = cdl1.FontName

lstZapis(i).FontBold = cdl1.FontBold

lstZapis(i).FontItalic = cdl1.FontItalic

lstZapis(i).FontStrikethru = cdl1.FontStrikethru

lstZapis(i).FontUnderline = cdl1.FontUnderline


End If


If strType = "Color" Then

cdl1.Action = 3

For i = 0 To 6

lstZapis(i).ForeColor = cdl1.Color


End If

End Sub


Public Function Quite() As Boolean

If MsgBox("Вы уверены, что хотите выйти?" + vbNewLine + "Все несохраненные данные будут потеряны", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, strName) = vbYes Then Quite = True Else Quite = False

End Function


Private Sub chkDop_Click()

If chkDop.Value = 0 Then

boolDop = False

frmDatabase.Width = 8625

frmDatabase.Picture = imgMain1.Picture

chkDop.Width = 529

lstZapis(6).Visible = False

optPole(6).Visible = False

mnuLongest.Visible = False

mnuTwoMonth.Visible = False

StatusBar1.Panels(1).Width = 500


boolDop = True

frmDatabase.Picture = imgMain0.Picture

frmDatabase.Width = 10050

chkDop.Width = 617

lstZapis(6).Visible = True

optPole(6).Visible = True

mnuLongest.Visible = True

mnuTwoMonth.Visible = True

StatusBar1.Panels(1).Width = 600

End If

End Sub


Private Sub cmdTool_Click(Index As Integer)

If Index = 0 Then Call Create

If Index = 1 Then Call Open_File

If Index = 2 Then Call Save(0)

If Index = 5 Then

If lstZapis(1).ListIndex <> -1 Then Call Edit("Del", lstZapis(1).ListIndex)

End If

If Index = 4 Then

If lstZapis(1).ListIndex <> -1 Then Call Edit("Edt", lstZapis(1).ListIndex)

End If

If Index = 3 Then Call Edit("Add", 0)

If Index = 7 Then Call Search("Fst")


If Index = 6 Then

0ThenfrmDiagramms.Show"> If lstZapis(0).ListCount > 0 Then frmDiagramms.Show

End If


If Index = 8 Then Call Help


If Index = 10 Then

For i = 0 To 6

If optPole(i).Value = True Then Call Sort("Up", i)


End If


If Index = 11 Then

For i = 0 To 6

If optPole(i).Value = True Then Call Sort("Dwn", i)


End If


If Index = 9 Then

If Quite = True Then End

End If


For i = 0 To 11

cmdTool(i).Default = False


End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

Call init

mnuLongest.Visible = True

mnuTwoMonth.Visible = True

End Sub


Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single)

For i = 0 To 6

optPole(i).Value = False


If Button = 2 Then

PopupMenu mnuFormat

End If

End Sub


Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)

If Quite = False Then Cancel = 1

End Sub


Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)


End Sub


Private Sub lstZapis_Click(Index As Integer)

For i = 0 To 6

lstZapis(i).ListIndex = lstZapis(Index).ListIndex


End Sub


Private Sub lstZapis_DblClick(Index As Integer)

If lstZapis(1).ListIndex <> -1 Then Call Edit("Edt", lstZapis(1).ListIndex)

End Sub


Private Sub lstZapis_KeyDown(Index As Integer, KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

If KeyCode = 46 Then

If lstZapis(1).ListIndex <> -1 Then Call Edit("Del", lstZapis(1).ListIndex)

End If


If KeyCode = 13 Then

If lstZapis(1).ListIndex <> -1 Then Call Edit("Edt", lstZapis(1).ListIndex)

End If

End Sub


Private Sub lstZapis_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single)

If Button = 1 Then

For i = 0 To 6

lstZapis(i).ListIndex = lstZapis(Index).ListIndex


End If

If Button = 2 Then

PopupMenu mnuEdit

End If

End Sub


Private Sub mnuAbout_Click()

frmAbout.Show 1

End Sub


Private Sub mnuAdd_Click()

Call Edit("Add", 0)

End Sub


Private Sub mnuChange_Click()

Call Edit("Edt", lstZapis(0).ListIndex)

End Sub


Private Sub mnuColor_Click()

Call Format("Color")

End Sub


Private Sub mnuCreate_Click()

Call Create

End Sub


Private Sub mnuDelete_Click()

Call Edit("Del", lstZapis(0).ListIndex)

End Sub


Private Sub mnuEdit_Click()

If lstZapis(1).ListIndex = -1 Then

mnuDelete.Enabled = False

mnuChange.Enabled = False


mnuDelete = True

mnuChange.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub


Private Sub mnuDown_Click()

For i = 0 To 6

If optPole(i).Value = True Then Call Sort("Dwn", i)


End Sub


Private Sub mnuExit_Click()

If Quite = True Then End

End Sub


Private Sub mnuFirst_Click()

Call Search("Fst")

End Sub


Private Sub mnuFont_Click()

Call Format("Font")

End Sub


Private Sub mnuHelper_Click()


End Sub


Private Sub mnuLongest_Click()

Dim max As Long

For j = 0 To 6





max = 0

For i = 0 To lstZapis(0).ListCount - 1

If Date_raz(lstZapis(4).List(i), lstZapis(6).List(i)) > max Then max = Date_raz(lstZapis(4).List(i), lstZapis(6).List(i))



For i = 0 To lstZapis(0).ListCount - 1

If Date_raz(lstZapis(4).List(i), ls