Allusion as discourse symbol

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ces to Shakespeare which are sometimes the means of building the dialogue. Let us look at the following example [27, chapter 3]:

Crawling at your feet, said the Gnat (Alice drew her feet back in some alarm), you may observe a Bread-and-Butterfly. Its wings are thin slices of Bread-and-butter, its body is a crust, and its head is a lump of sugar.

And what does it live on?

Weak tea with cream in it.

Then it would die, of course.

But that must happen very often, Alice remarked thoughtfully.

It always happens, said the Gnat.dialogue between Alice and the Gnat is the reminiscence for ShakespearewherethestructureofthedialoguebetweenHotspurandOwenGlendower looks quite alike [32, chapter 1, III].type of allusion called the citation is also widely spread in Carolls texts. As the example we can take the favorite phrase of the Queen of Hearts:

Off with her head! the Queen shouted at the top of her voice. Nobody moved.phrase is a direct citation of Shakespeares Richard III [35, 3, IV]:

GLOUCESTER I thou protector of this damned strumpetthou me of ifs? Thou art a traitor:with his head! Now, by Saint Paul I swear,will not dine until I see the same.and Ratcliff, look that it be done:rest, that love me, rise and follow me.are a lot of other allusions to Shakespeares works, for example [LC, chapter 9]:

Oh, tis love, tis love, that makes the world go round!scholars accept it to be the allusion to A Midsummer Nights Dream [32, IV, 1].appropriate example is the conclusion made by Cheshire Cat when he mat Alice for the first time:

How do you know Im mad? said Alice.

You must be, said the Cat, or you wouldnt have come here.reminds us the lines of Shakespeares Macbeth [34, I, 5]:

Messenger king comes here to-night.MACBETH rt mad to say it:not thy master with him? who, weret so,have informd for preparation.

2.3 Stylistic functions of allusion in the eccentric tale Alices Adventures in Wonderland


In the first chapter we have already examined various functions of allusion. Some of them we can observe and analyze on the examples from Lewis Carolls tale Alices Adventures in Wonderland. They are: formation;on the authors subtext;of time category;function;we should examine the above mentioned functions in details.main function executed by allusion in Carolls Aliceisitsroleinbuildingthedialogue.Hereallusionoftengoesincloseinterrelationwithparody[23,p.22].example,thegoldenkeycouldbereferredtoGeorgeMacDonald">s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass [28, p.114]function of indication of the authors subtext can be exemplified by very interesting are the reminiscence to MacDonald. His character got the golden key at once (while Alice dies not) but the door for this key would become the aim of all his life. His way to the Country if the Golden Key is depicted as a multidimensional allegory of life as a way to some kind of absolute truth. The dream about a sacramental door to be opened by the golden key joins in characters imagination with the dream about a country in description of which we can find the echo of Platos ideas and Christian mythology united in the ramified system of symbols. So the allusion of golden key has much deeper interpretation which can be understood not only on the background of MacDonalds text but on more profound level. Here we can see allusion for the allusion.

The character of MacDonalds text found the dreamed country only in the Death. Macdonald understands Death is as a part of life and that way to absolute truth is not finished even after the death. So here we can find a great difference between Carolls and Macdonalds golden key. Carolls miraculous garden which Alice using her golden key has nothing in common with MacDonalds idea. Here we can not find well-composed allegories, only chaos, senselessness and lawlessness. So we can point out that the branched system of reminiscences, direct and indirect allusions created by Caroll in his tales turn them from visually simple texts into the space surrounded by dozens of other texts rich in allusions themselves.also performs its characterological function. Using the above mentioned character allusion the author provides reader with the important information about main characters of the tale giving them the names of living people. tales of Lewis Caroll we can also examine such important functions of allusion as realization of time category (also an allusion to texts of Shakespeare [32-35]) and structure formation [32, 36]. Thus in the structure of both tales Caroll uses the principle of diffusive metaphor which is a distinctive feature of such works of Shakespeare as A Midsummer Nights Dream and The Tempest.



This research paper has focused on allusion as a discourse symbol. The investigation was carried out by means of linguistic observation and contextual analysis. In the result of the investigation it has been concluded that:

. Allusion as one of the most frequently used stylistic devices, often performs a remarkable role in a poetic text. In helps to unfold all the variety of meanings of the authors subtext.

. Huge amount of linguists used to study the stylistic device of literal allusion. They worked out different approaches to the allusion classification. Among the most important types of allusion are the following: nominative allusion and citation, dominant and localized allusion, reminiscence.

. Allusion can perform a great variety of stylistic functions; the major of them are: expression of the idea of the text, creation of the subtext, realization of time category, structure formation of the text or its parts, poetic value, symbolic function.

. Allusion is the major element of the vertical context. The analysis of the authors context is impossible without a deep insight into the allusive system of the poetic text.

. In his tales Lewis Caroll preferred to use difficult multilayer allusions; most of them were the hints from William Shakespeare texts.

. Using the examples from Carolls tales Aliceweanalyzedthemajorstylisticfunctionsofallusionsuchasstructureformation,indicationontheauthor">s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass we analyzed the major stylistic functions of allusion such as structure formation, indication on the authors subtext and characterological function. An experimental data have confirmed, that most of above mentioned functions of allusion reveal an interrelated system of the authors subtext.research in the area is possible. It should deal with the allusive system of Shakespeares works as this can unfolding the next range of