Allusion as discourse symbol
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also pointed out the interrelation between characterological function and the influence of allusion on the intertextuality in poetic texts. Linguist Davydova states that allusion can be used as the contextual synonym of any character [3, p.147].function of allusion studied by Serdiukova and Dzhilkibaev [5, p.30] consists in symbolic meaning of events and characters referred to in allusive process.examining the theoretical points according the allusion phenomenon, major approaches to its classification and the most important functions of allusion we should proceed to more profound analysis the use of allusion in poetic texts.
.1 Allusion as a category of vertical context
context is a fragment of the text verbal background of the text element chosen for the analysis, a certain group of words, grammatical forms and constructions where the certain word of any other unit equal to it is used. Speaking about this notion we must differentiate horizontal and vertical context.context is the closer background of the word in sentence while vertical context is a large part of the text, where the meaning of the word can go under serious semantic transformations.Vinogradov states that the term vertical context can be understood as the background information, situational, subject historical and philosophical information that the text contains. The usual categories of vertical context are allusions, symbols, idioms etc. Vertical context may contain the hidden information which is independent from the authors intentions. But on the other hand, vertical context may be totally controlled by the sender of the message who creates the text in such a way that it contains a hint to some literary, lingual, social fact. Allusions are the major distinctive device of realization of vertical context. [21, pp.41-42]Hubbenet characterizes vertical context as [22, pp.7-8] the historical and philological context of a poetic text and its parts. And literal allusion is its major element [24, p.25].us proceed to the examples from Lewis Carolls tale Alices Adventures in Wonderland to understand the role of allusion in vertical context and analyze the interrelation between the given poetic text and source texts and information (events, characters) executed through the allusive process.
2.2 Varieties of allusion in the eccentric tale Alices Adventures in Wonderland
After giving the classification of allusion we should analyze those its types which we can find in Alices Adventures in start with character allusions which are quite frequently used in the text.allusions from Aliceheprovidesbackgroundinformationforallthecharacters.explansthatthemembersoftheboatingpartythatfirstheardCarrollstaleareshownupinChapter3("ACaucus-RaceandaLongTale").AliceLiddellherselfisdepictedasAlice,whileCarrolliscaricaturedastheDodo(becauseDodgsonstutteredwhenhespoke,hesometimespronouncedhislastnameasDodo-Dodgson).TheDuckreferstoCanonDuckworth,theLorytoLorinaLiddell,andtheEaglettoEdithLiddell(AliceLiddellssisters)[8,p.27].can also point out the allusion with a use of parody. The Mock Turtle sings Turtle Soup. This song is a parody of a song called Star of the Evening, Beautiful Star, which was performed as a trio by Lorina, Alice and Edith Liddell for Lewis Carroll in the Liddell home the same summer when he started telling them the story of Alices Adventures.type of allusion that we can find in Carolls text is the reminiscence. Caroll adored the works of Shakespeare who was one of his favourite writers. And in Carolls book we can found a lot of citations, the reminiscen