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4; 30 . , . NaCl K2CO3. . 6,21 (66%) (51).

nD20=1.4175 =85-860/15 . (CDCl3) (..): 1.25. (3; CH3, J=7.16 ); 4.20. (2; H2-N); 4.24. (2H; CH2, J=7.16 ).

.: =80-820/12 .[16]. (CCl4) (..): 1.33. (3; CH3, J=7 ); 4.25. (2; H2-N); 4.28. (2H; CH2, J=7 ) [16]; () (1): 2150 (N); 1750(C=O) [16].

2--6- (47).

0,7 73% HNO3 0,83 H2SO4 1 (0,008 ) 2- (46). 900 5 . . . 0,22 (20%) 2--6- (47).

Rf = 0,9 (: 9:1); = 1061100; (..): 2.9. (3H; CH3); 8.03.. (1H; CH, J=8.96 ); 8.35.. (1H; CH, J=2.29 ); 8.78. (1H; CH, J=2.29). - m/z (%): 194 (94%), 164 (48%), 148 (50%), 136 (30%), 107 (35%), 69 (30%), 63(100%).

6. .

  1. .
  2. 2,5-.
  3. 5 : 2-(-2-) (59), 2[(5-2-)] (60), 2,5--3--4- (64), 2,5--3--4- (65), 2,5--3,4- (67).

7. .

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  16. ., . // . . . .