Особенности американского варианта английского языка (фонетика, лексика)

Курсовой проект - Иностранные языки

Другие курсовые по предмету Иностранные языки

erialapartmentflatapartment houseblock of flats apartment hotelservice flatsappetizerstarterappointment bookdiaryarcheologyarchaeologyarea codedialling code art galleryart museum ashcan/bindustbinasphalttarmacbaking sodabicarbonate of soda ball-point penbiro band-aidsticking plasterbedroomdormitorybillnotebillboardhoarding billfoldwallet, notecasebillionmilliardbiscuitscone blackberrybrambleberrybumtrampbunbapsmall walletpurse chapsticklip balm chargeput down / enter checkcheque checktick checkbill corporationcompanycostumesfancy dress cottoncotton woolcrosswalkpedestrian crossing do the disheswash up elevatorliftfrench frieschipskindergartennursery ladybugladybird necksnogpantihosetightspantrylarder pantstrousers, police officerbobbypolice recordcharge sheetsneakersgym shoes/plimsollssoccerfootballstreetcartram



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Toget the big headToget the smelled head, Enough to make a horse laughEnough to make a cat laugh, Tick offCheese offGet a pink slipGet ones cards In high gearIn top gear Working devilDevil of work . - , :

: Keep tabs on;

: Keep check on - -

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