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  • 41. My Appearance
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    I have a round face, straight nose, big brown eyes and small lips. My hair is short because last week I was in the hairdressing saloon where Ive got a new hair-do. Generally I like it. My nature color of hair is light brown. But a few days ago I dyed my hair and now it is dark-brown with a cherry shade. My grandfather does not like either my hair-do or the color of my hair but I dont care. My hair is straight and thick, but when I was a little girl I had curly hair. I like to be different and occasionally to change something in my appearance.

  • 42. My Biography
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    Now I'm 15 years old. (This) In a Year I am Finishing school N88.

  • 43. My dreams about future
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    To become a journalist is very attractive for me .If I were a journalist, I would work in famous newspapers, magazines or maybe, even on television .I think journalism is one of the most exciting profession, and I suppose ,it `s very interesting to communicate with different people from all parts of the world ,and to know new information .Journalism also gives opportunity to denounce your thoughts to others .To my mind, journalist must be honest and sincere in attitude to people around .But I must work hard if I want to be a journalist ,because it `s not easy as may seem at first .I believe ,if I were a journalist I would choose the most interesting and exciting topics for my articles ,I would write about rock ,pop and classical music ,about show-business and new young talantes . In fact , I wanted and still want to be a singer .It was my wish since my childhood .When I was a kid, I often imagined myself on the stage singing and dancing .My parents understood that it `s not only a hobby, but also my dream and allowed me to study at musical school .Now ,I study at musical school on vocal department, and who knows ,maybe someday I `ll become famous singer .I can `t live without music, with the help of music I express my emotions and get rid of my troubles .If I were a singer I would change peoples mind , would make them more kind with the help of my songs. I dream to become a journalist and get acquainted with musical producers or people from the world of show business, who can help me to become a star.

  • 44. My Duties about the house
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    the house are to clean the rooms, to wash the dishes

  • 45. My favorite writer
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    I'm fond of reading. Usually I borrow books from the library, but I have a lot of them at home, too. I like to read books about the history of our country, about famous people and the life of my contemporaries abroad. Literature means much in my life. It helps to form the character and the world outlook, to understand life better. My favoririte English writer is Daniel Defo : he was the founder of the realistic novel. He was also a brilliant journa-list and in many ways the father of modern English periodicals. He founded and paved the way for many magazines ( "The Revue", "The Spectator"). DD was born in London, his father a butcher, was wealthy enough to give his sone a good education. D was to become a prist, but it was his cheariched desire to become wealthy. His wished was never fullfield. D was banckrote several times. He was always in deep debt. The inly branch of business in which he proved succesful was journalism and literature. When D was about 23 he started writting pamphlets on question of the hour. He started writting pamphlets prassing King William 3, who was supported by the whig party. D wrote a setire in woth. No matter in whose defends his brilliant pamphlets were written they are irony was so subtle, that the enemy didn't understand it at first. But as soon as his enemy realised the real character of the pamphlets D was sentensed to 7 years inprisonment. It was a cruel punishment, and when the came for him to be set free people carried him on their shoulders.. This was the climax of his political career and the end of it. In 1719, he tried his hand at another kind of literature - fiction, and wrote the novel he is now best known: "Robison Crusoe". After the book was published, D became famous and rich and was able to pay his creditors in full. Other novels which D were also very much talked about during his lifetime, but we do not hear much about them now. For example "Captain Singleton"(1720), "Moll Flanders"(1722). My famous book is Robinson Crusoe : It was about Scotish sailor, who lived quite alone 4 years and 4 month on a desert island. Defoe's hero, however spend 26 years on a desert island. The novel was a prase tohuman labour and the triumph the men over the nature. Labour and fortitude help Robinson to endure hardships. They save him from dispair. The very process of hardwork gives his satisfaction. R's most characteristic tract is his optimism. His guiding prencipal in life was: "never said die" and "in trouble to be troubles is to have your trouble double." In his book Defo deseccribes adventures of people take risks. His books tought us to be clever and brave. There are many famous people in our republik. First of all I'd like to mention the name of our outstanding national writers Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas. They created a new Belarusian Literature and a Belarusian literatury language. Both are considered to be the classics of Belorusian literature. These names are followed by a number of other well-known writers and poets, such as K.Krapiva, Brovka, Tank, Byikov, Korotkevich, Gilevich, Adamovich known both in our country and abroad. Their names are sure to become history whatever it may be.

  • 46. My Ideas On Living In A Foreign Country
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    Thousands of people emigrate annually. For many, living and working abroad for extended periods of time becomes the adventure of a lifetime. Many set off to unknown lands to fill a gap of time in their lives, improve their fluency in a foreign language, meet new and interesting people, and build self-reliance. The reasons for emigration are quite different: political or religious persecution, poverty, awful living conditions, climate and many more. But the fact is that people take the plunge in search of better life. Decent conditions and the opportunity to spend more time together as a family attract them in spite of the threat of being frustrated very soon. However, Im sure that living in a foreign country can be rather interesting, and yet has its disadvantages also.

  • 47. My modern image of the United States
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  • 48. My School
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    The teachers' room is on the second floor. There are tables and chairs for teachers, a TV set and a telephone there. It is a comfortable and cosy room and the teachers like to spend their free time in it. I like my school. I go there and get knowledge. Pupils have school uniforms in En-gland. It is an old tradition in the country. A boy's uniform consists of a special suit, a school cap, a tie and a blazer. A girl's uniform consists of a hat a coat, a skirt and a blouse. As usual their uniform is dark.

  • 49. New York City Short Essay
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  • 50. Pavel Tretiakov
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    La Galerie Trériakov de Moscou, le plus grand musée dart russe est connue dans le monde entier. Cest le collectionneur Pavel Trétiakov (1832-1898) qui a fait en quarante ans la base de cette Collection .Des son plus jeune age , Trétiakov aimait beaucoup lart. A Pétersbourg, il passait des heures á regarder les oeuvres de lart Mondial qui se trouvent á LErmitage. Plus tard , pendant ses Voyages á létranger, il a visité les musées dAllemagne, de France et dautres pays. Trés tot, il a commencé á collectionner des gravures et des lithographies, des paysages. Revenu en Russie, il a décidé de collectionner les tableaux de lécole Russe.

  • 51. Peterhof
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    The construction of the Upper Chamber (grand palace) began in 1714. The idea of the project came from Peter. The first architect was Johann Brounstein. After him many architect rebuilding the monument.

  • 52. Rain Man
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    Another remarkable symptom is, that Raymond strictly refuses changes in hisroutines. For him it is the end of the world if he can´t watch hisfavourite TV-film, or if he finds his bed on a different place in his room. Thisis his way to express his „fear“. Also the way Raymond communicates with others is typical for autisticpeople. He uses meaningless, non- contextual words, gives unusual responses andexhibits unusual body movements, such as rocking or яapping. He uses his speechto talk at Charly rather than with his brother. He is also unable to show socialclues, such as giving a smile. But if he „must“, because his brother„forces“ him to, he looks rather funny. Raymond also hasabilities which are not typical for all people withautism, such as counting things very fast or remember things he read indetail. But another remarkable symptom is, the way how Raymond interacts with theworld around. He often seems aloof and absent,and has a very short attentionspan.

  • 53. Reading for me
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    The last book that he recomendedrecommended me was so interesting! That was the novel Norwegian Wood written by Japanese author Haruki Murakami. I like Japan very much and cirtainlycertainly I want to read this book. Besides that I have a chance to know something more about this country, its culture, customs and people. This novel was very breathtaking for me. Norwegian Wood includes the volume of literature forms: memoirs, letters, dreams, clipping, appeal to the Internet. Haruki Murakami combines the methods of pop-culture, cinema, music and detective genre. It is the mixture of zen-philosophy, jazz session and love stories. There are original story with many funny jokes and songs by famous groups like The Beatles, Beach Boys and Rolling Stones. This book is written about life of young Japanese man who studies at the University in Tokio. His name is Vatanabe. He is so abrupt, independent and serious with unknown people, but he is very tender, understanding, sincere and tolerant with his friends and with people wichwhich he loves. Vatanabe collides with many problems in the adult world. His best friend and his girlfriend were made a suicide during the two years. After hat he reserved himself and he must decide how he will be living in the future. But soon he met the nice girl and of course the love saved him.

  • 54. Schlafstoerungen
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    Gegen Schlafstцrungen soll man unbedingt etwas tun, denn sie kцnnen Menschen krank machen. Zuerst muss man die Ursachen lernen. Welche Ursachen kцnnen das sein? Einige Leute trinken zu viel Kaffee oder rauchen zu viel Zigaretten; andere haben zu schweres Essen am Abend. Lдrm, zu viel Licht oder ein hartes Bett auch kцnnen den Schlaf stцren. Manchmal sind aber auch Angst, Stress oder Konflikte die Ursache.

  • 55. School Reform: Pros and Cons
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    Striving for a prestigious status of gymnasiums or lyceums some schools introduce new subjects, include them into their curriculum and make them compulsory. They may teach logic, psychology, and culture of thought, ecology, economics and what not! Frequently it is done at the cost of a reduced number of hours intended for such disciplines as physics, biology, literature, history and others. The norms, standards and demands remain on the same level though school children lack the time necessary to learn the subjects successfully. At the same time they normally spend over six hours at school and over four hours doing their homework. Hence the workweek of a regular high-school student is sixty hours!

  • 56. September 11 2003
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  • 57. Sightseeing
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    It's needless to say that sightseeing tops the list of things to do when you are abroad. Why? There can be many reasons starting with broading one's horizons and ending with psychological treatment. Sight seeing enables us to compare countries and see what other places are like. Sightseeing means getting away from your dirty crowded city, escaping from the boring routine and watching impressive, fascinating, spectacular, incredible, fantastic and simply amazing sceneries pieces of architecture, perhaps in another dirty and crowded city. Hiring a local guide is not obligatory but it can enable you to get a better work of the place and to get some additional information.

  • 58. Slaughterhouse Five
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    We move to the first time Billy gets unstuck in time. Billy receives minimal training as a chaplain's assistant before being shipped to Europe. He arrives in September of 1944, right in the middle of the Battle of the Bulge. He never meets his chaplain or gets a proper helmet or boots. Although he survives the onslaught, he wanders behind German lines, tagging along with two scouts and an anti-tank gunner named Roland Weary. Weary repeatedly saves Billy's life, mostly by not allowing him to lie down in the snow and die. Although the scouts are experienced, Weary is as new to the war as Billy is; he just fancies himself as having more of a taste for it. By firing the anti-tank gun incorrectly, his gun crew put scorch marks into the ground. Because of those marks, the position of the gun crew was revealed to a Tiger tank that fired back. Everyone but Weary was killed. He is stupid, fat, cruel, and violent. Back in Pittsburgh he was friendless, and constantly getting ditched. His father collects torture devices. He carries a cruel trench knife, various pieces of equipment that have been issued to him, and a pornographic photo of a woman with a horse. He plagues Billy with macho, aggressive conversation. In his own mind, Weary narrates the war stories he will one day tell. Although he is almost as clumsy and slow as Billy, he imagines himself and the two scouts as fast friends. In his head he dubs them and himself the Three Musketeers, and tells himself the story of how the Three Musketeers saved the life of a dumb, incompetent college kid.

  • 59. Staten Island Ferry Wreck happened on Oct 15th 2003 Fiction Report Essay
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  • 60. Steinbeck, John. The Pearl
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    A new day begins and Kino awakens next to his wife Juana intheir simple hut which is made of brush. The couple sleeps on mats on the dirtяoor and their little son Coyotito sleeps in a hanging box. Kino is happy andcontent with his life despite the family is very poor. He watches the sunriseand listens to the sounds of the morning. During he watches the sunrise hehearsthe Song of the Family in his mind. When Kino hears the Song of the Family playing in his mind,its an indication, that all is well. The Song of the Family or the Songof Evil, which occurs later in the play, are songs who play in the mindsof theIndian people in this story. These ancient songs have been passed fromgeneration to generation and they start to play in the minds of the Indianpeople when good or evil things happen. But suddenly a disaster happens, because apoisonousscorpion stings Coyotito. Juana takes her child immediately and sucks out thepoison. Because of the screaming of Coyotito the whole neighbourhood comes tothe hut of the family, including Kinos brother Juan Thomasand his wifeApolonia. Juana tells Kino to get the doctor, but this is impossible, because ofthe class distinction between Indian people and Spanish people. Kino also has nomoney, to pay the doctor for his treatment. But Juana isnt impressed bythat and decides to go to the doctor, because she wants to do everything for herchild. When the neighbourhood gets to know about their plan, they join Kino andJuana walking to the doctor. But as supposed, the doctor denies to examineCoyotito, because he family owns no money. Therefore Kino is in rage and heangrily punches the door. The next morning, when Kino and Juana come down to thebeach, she makes a poultice of seaweed and put it on Coyotitos shoulder.This remedy is probably as good as the treatment of the doctor, but the remedylacks his authority, because it is simple and doesnt cost anything. Thenthey push the canoe into the water and paddle together to the oyster bed whereKino fishes and searches for pearls. Kino knows, that a great pearl will bringhim a lot of money, but he doesnt dare to hope for such a great pearl,because it isnt good to want too much. A short time after Kino started todive, he finds a large oyster in which is a great and perfect pearl. NowKinos troubles seem to be over and he believes thatthe pearl will makehim rich and that his son Coyotito can be cured and go to school some day. WhileKino he holds the pearls in his hand, the swelling of Coyotitos shoulderhas gone down. It seems, that the poisonis leaving the body of the child. Kinois screams very loud, because he is so happy now, and this loud screamingattracts the other fishers and divers and they come to his canoe to look whathas happened. Because Kino is a rich man now, the other people are enviousof him and he becomes an outsider. In the following night he is even attacked bya thief, who wants to steal the great pearl. And the people become interested inKino, because they want his money. The priest comes, because he needs money forsome repairs of the church and even the doctor claims now, that the son of thefamily, Coyotito, is a patient of him. When the doctor comes to Kino`s hut, Kinois filled with fear and rage, but he lets the doctor in when he claims, thatthere can be a delayed reaction to the scorpion sting. The doctor makes a greatshow and uses different remedies to “heal” Coyotito, who alreadyseems very healthy. He even visits Coyotito a second time and claims then, thathe won the fight against the death.