Preparedness activitiesin the economy
Subsidies and subventions to theclosed administrative territories
10 149
Table 44
Expenditures related to previous militaryactivities
1 | Pensions to servicemen | 30650 | 2,56 | 0,4 |
2 | Recycling and disposalof armaments | 6036 | 0,51 | 0,08 |
3 | Defenseconversion | 250 | 0,02 | |
4 | Military reform | 4 337 | 0,39 | 0,06 |
5 | Funding to housing certificatesconstruction programs as part of the national capital expenditure outlays | 4880 | 0,40 | 0,06 |
It makes sense to discuss some of theaggregated expenditures shown in Table 45.
The overall expenditures of the militaryorganizations comprise more than 22% of the federal budget expendituressuggesting that it may be expedient to get involved with them for thosebusinesses in Russia that look for lucrative contracts, which have also beengetting more stable since 2000. The aggregated military spending outside themilitary organization in Russia is considerably less tangible.
In table 45, item 5 of the nationaldefense, law enforcement and state security spending is significant in thesense that it is indicative of the expenditures level in 2001 (4.47% of theGDP) by comparison with the reference indicator of 5.1% GDP, approved by the RFPresident in 1998. Note that national defense was supposed to get theirУregulatoryФ 3.5% GDP, i.e. significantly more than 2.77% GDP shown in item 1of Table 2. Overall, comparing current expenditures with the standards one seesthat over the period of the defense reform, that is, by 2005, the level of thisspending will hardly be going down.
Table 45
1 | Overall outlays for the Russian militaryorganization (armed forces, other troops, military units and institutions) | 266085 | 22,29 | 3,43 |
2 | Overall military expenditures outsidethe Russian military organization (Ministry of Nuclear Energy, some otherindustries, ROSTO, etc.) | 17337 | 1,45 | 0,22 |
3 | Overall military expenditure(military organization and outside) | 283422 | 23,74 | 3,65 |
4 | Aggregate direct and indirectexpenditures related to the current and previous military activities of theRussian Federation | 329575 | 27,61 | 4,25 |
5 | Overall outlays for national defense,law enforcement and state security | 346309 | 29,02 | 4,47 |
6 | Amounts of direct and indirect expendituresrelating to the current and past military activities, and all federalexpenditures in Russia on law enforcement and state security. | 417905 | 35,02 | 5,39 |
Note that spending in items 5 and 6 ofTable 45 that exceeds 35% of the federal budget expenditures cannot beclassified as strictly military. Apart from defense spending, it incorporates asignificant amount (88330 million rubles) allocated towards the judiciary,prosecution, police, etc., that hardly any country would>
We are listing below some analytical dataon the distribution of funds allocated to the RF Ministry of Defense fordevelopment and maintenance of the armed forces in Russia. The aggregateexpenditure for these purposes is to be found in line 1.1 of Table 2, while inTable 46 they are itemized.
Table 46
1.1 | Development and maintenance of armedforces in Russia | 203061 | 17,0 | 100 |
1.1.1 | Development of theRussian armed forces | 70370 | 5,90 | 34,7 |
1.1.2 | Maintenance of theRussian armed forces, including: | 132691 | 11,10 | 65,3 | | Central military administration bodies | 912 | 0,07 | 0,4 | | Sustenance of the armedforces personnel, including: | 91064 | 7,63 | 44,8 | | Money allowance toservicemen and money allowance to civilian personnel | 62543 | 5,24 | 30,8 | | Foodsupplies | 17000 | 1,43 | 8,4 | | Clothing | 3628 | 0,30 | 1,8 | | Travel sustenance forservicemen and their families leaving for vacations or treatment | 2900 | 0,24 | 1,4 | | Funding of benefits andcompensation to servicemen | 1409 | 0,12 | 0,7 | | Other personnel expenses | 445 | 0,04 | 0,2 | | Funding for certainstatutory benefits | 3138 | 0,26 | 1,5 | | Combat training and иlogistical support to arms (forces), including: | 37510 | 3,14 | 18,5 | | Lodging and maintenancecosts | 15953 | 1,34 | 7,9 | | Acquisition and storageof special fuel and petrol | 12000 | 1,01 | 5,9 | | Transportation | 5700 | 0,48 | 2,8 | | Operation, maintenanceand repair of property and facilities | 1890 | 0,15 | 0,9 | | Other expenses relatingto combat training and logistical support of troops | 1967 | 0,16 | 1,0 | | Ministerial expenses oneducation and health care | 2155 | 0,18 | 1,1 | | Servicemeninsurance guarantees | 1050 | 0,08 | 0,5 |
Table 47
Tracks changes in military spending overthe last three years.
УNational DefenseФ | 93702 | 140852 | 209445 | 214688 | +50,3 / +25,1 | +123,5 / +86,0 | +129,1 / +70,2 |
УLaw enforcement and state securityФ | 51324 | 79802 | 111547 | 131621 | +55,5 / +29,4 | +117,3 / +80,8 | +156,5 / +90,5 Pages: | 1 | ... | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | ... | 39 |![]() |