In conclusion, transistors processed from GaAs/GaAlAs Figure 10. a Ч frequency of the resonant detection of the and GaInAs/GaAlAs heterostructures were investigated by group A, B and C transistors, as a function of the swing voltage.
magnetotransport measurements in order to characterize b Ч quality factor corresponding to a frequency of the resonant their applicability as resonant tuneable detectors of THz detection, plotted in a), for the group A, B and C transistors.
radiation. We showed how the electron mobility in the transistor can be evaluated from a magnetic field dependence of the transistorТs resistance. High-mobility GaAs/GaAlAs Using the value of the mobility and the threshold transistors with a quality factor approaching 10 were voltage determined for different FETТs we can estimate fabricated. These devices are most promising (among those their parameters for possible applications in the resonant investigated) devices for application as resonant detectors.
detectors of the terahertz radiation. In Fig. 10, we show We thank M. Dyakonov and S. Rumyantsev for helpful the frequency of the resonant detection and the quality discussions.
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