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- healthcareagencies

1) Free for non-working persons once a year

1) For 25% ofthe cost for families of the Heroes of the USSR

1) For 25% ofthe cost

1)Free once a year

1)Free once a year ( or an annual compensation)

1) Freefor the child or accompanying person

- monetarycompensation instead of the rehabilitation treatment card

1) once in 2years

- priority in respectto provision of rehabilitation treatment cards


1) priority


2. Transportation tothe tyreatment facility and back

1) free

1)free once a year


1) 50% forthe child and accompanying person

V. medicaltreatment subsidies

1. Preparation andrepair of denture

1) free


1) free

2. Sophisticated andless sophisticated orthopaedic footwear

1) free




3. Treatingtruss, sticks, crutches, prosthetic appliances

1) free

4. Temporarydisablement benefit

1) 100% ofwages

2) 4 months running or 5 months ayear

3) For the Ist and IInd group- for treatmentfrom social insurance

1)4 months running or 5 months a year

5. Provision ofmedicines as prescribed by the doctor

1) free


1) 50% of the cost


1)free for non working

1)free for non working

1) Free for children under 6 years from families with at least 3children

6. Services of medicalfacilities, clinical examination

1) have apreference





8. The use of УfixedФclinics upon retirement

1) Yes

1) yes


1. Agrarian tax onbuildings and land rent


Exemption ( Heroes of the USSR)

50% ( Heroes of labor)

Lower rates or exemption ( for the families with at lest threechildren)

2. The decrease of thegross income at the amount of income not exceding the income for each fullmonth

5-fold amount of theminimal salaries and wages

5-fold amount of theminimal salaries and wages

5-fold amount of the minimal salaries and wages

5-fold amount of the minimal salaries and wages

3. Discount onpersonal income tax on salaries and wages



4. Development of thepersonal

Non- interest loan or financial aid to families with atleast three children


Exemption from registration fee for private individuals fromfamilies with at least three children

VII. Monetarypayments

1. For food, clothes,footwear

For wards

1) Free breakfasts and lunches at school, secondaryvocational training for children from families with at least threechildren

1)203 minimal salaries and wages monthly for each family member

2) The average cost for food atschools and kindergartens ( if not attend those) per each child

2. Monetary allowance( not less than the maximal rate of a tutor)

For personstaking care of at least 5 children

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