Proportion of the source of funding in terms of the reimbursementfor the costs (as%)
Entities’ funds
Different beneficial categories of residents, as %
Residentsreceiving benefits in terms of payments for housing and communal services,total
Disabled of GPW and of military operations in othercountries’territories
The former teenage prisoners of concentration camps of theWW II – currentlydisabled
Disabled persons and families with disabled children
Members of families of (killed) died disabled of andparticipants in GPW and of military operations in other countries’ territories
Participantsin GPW | 3,9 | |||||
0,4 | 42,6 | 4,8 | 16,7 | 73,7 | 4,7 | |
Persons employed at the enterprises, organizations andinstitutions in Leningrad during the blockage period between September 8,941 to January 27, 1944 and awarded with УFor the defense of LeningradФmedal and УResident of the blockage LeningradФ sign | 0,8 | 79,7 | 0,4 | 93,3 | 4,7 | 1,5 |
Veterans oflabor | 35,3 | 45,9 | 5,9 | 27,3 | 63,0 | 3,8 |
Veterans of military service, interior, prosecutorsих, justice andcourts | 1,9 | 41,4 | 4,5 | 30,1 | 58,9 | 6,5 |
Families of killed militarypersonnel | 0,6 | 31,4 | 2,4 | 29,5 | 59,8 | 8,3 |
Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russian Federation, heroesof the Social Labor, full holders of the orders of Glory and Labor Glory,members of their families residing with them | 0,2 | 15,7 | 4,6 | 45,7 | 45,5 | 4,2 |
Officers, warrant-officers and other military staff, commandingand privates interior staff, dismissed staff with the record of 20 yearsand more and members of their families residing with them | 15,8 | 34,3 | 7,0 | 36,8 | 51,4 | 4,8 |
Persons suffered from political repression | 2,7 | 33,7 | 43,1 | 19,8 | 33,4 | 3,6 |
Familieswith at least 3 children | 3,8 | 22,8 | 2,6 | 31,2 | 54,8 | 11,4 |
Persons and their members of families suffered from radiationdisasters or radioactivity at the civic and military facilities | 1,3 | 41,0 | 17,3 | 27,2 | 46,0 | 9,5 |
Persons awarded with the signs УThe Distinguished Donor ofRussiaФ and УDistinguished Donor of the USSR | 0,8 | 34,1 | 2,1 | 36,9 | 55,1 | 5,9 |
The RFcustoms authorities | 0,2 | 25,7 | 7,3 | 50,3 | 35,7 | 6,7 |
The taxpolice staff | 0,2 | 25,6 | 8,8 | 27,9 | 47,8 | 15,5 |
The Judges of the RF Constitutional Court and the staff of the RFcourts that received the respective grades and members of their familiesresiding with them | 0,1 | 38,1 | 20,7 | 22,5 | 43,5 | 13,2 |
Prosecutors and investigators, pedagogical staff with grades andmembers of their families residing withthem | 0,2 | 38,1 | 7,1 | 17,9 | 64,2 | 10,7 |
Specialists working and residing in the rural locations, workingsettlements and members of their families residingwith them | 2,9 | 42,1 | 1,6 | 10,3 | 71,8 | 16,3 |
Othercategories of residents, besides the aforementioned that are provided withbenefits in terms of payments for housing and communal services | 6,4 | 34,1 | 3,0 | 22,7 | 54,9 | 19,5 |
In order to eliminate contradictionsbetween the commercial stability of communal enterprises delivering services tothe population and the possibility of ensuring payments for the communalservices by the population, it is necessary to elaborate amendments to the lawsproviding the cancellation of all the benefits (to interior staff, prosecutors,tax police staff, customs officers, judges and court staff, military personnel,teachers and medical doctors working in the rural areas, donors, and victims ofpolitical repression), except the benefits earlier provided to veterans of theGPW and the groups of the population equaled to them. The adoption of such alaw would allow to decrease subsidies from the budgets of different levels toenterprises and organizations of the housing and communal sector.
Another option could be a payment in a formof compensation for the expenses incurred on the said purposes from the fundsallocated for the maintenance of the respective ministries, agencies andorganizations with account of the federal law and internal procedural acts ofthe said agencies and offices. It is intended that the compensation wouldbecome payable on the basis of the documents proving the costs incurred for thesaid purposes and within the limits of the social standards of housing andcommunal services.
As concerns the needy households, therewill be a complex of social support measures applied through allocation ofsubsidies for paying for housing and communal services depending on the overallincome of the household. The amounts of such subsidies is to be calculated as adifference between the amount of the payment for housing and communal services,proceeding from the Уsocial standardФ for living area and standards of thecommunal services consumption standards, and from the Уaffordable amountФ ofresidents’ ownexpenses determined on the basis of the ultimately affordable proportion oftheir incomes. The procedures and conditions for the provision of the subsidiesshould be subject to the setting by the RF Government.
2.2.2. Reforming the benefits related tothe use of public transport services.
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