the unique diversity. These peculiarities create preKey words: ecological threats, astronautic aerobalrequisites for regional economic differentiation, listic, heptyl, cosmodrome.
which is necessary and unavoidable. However, social regional asymmetry contradicts the principle of territorial justice while territorial contrasts creQuestions of methodology ate a threat to RussiaТs territorial integrity.
Key words: regional distinctions, economic differN.V. Bakhtizina, L.G. Tukhvatullina entiation, living stanard.
Development of methodology for estimating the level of innovative T.B. Berdnikova activity of firms.........................................Modernization of the national equity The article proposes a methodological approach to market security: problems and qualitative estimation of the level of firmsТ innovathe search for solutions............................tive activity in order to grant them governmental The article formulates main problems of the nasupport.
tional equity market security, the tasks of its modKey words: innovative activity, integral indicator, ernization, and an algorithm for the strategy of governmental support, expert.
the national equity market security.
Key words: stock market, equity market, financial security Scientific discussion A.Yu. Maruev S.S. Sulakshin RussiaТs information security and Political and party system in Russia and the principles of information public administration..............................counteraction.............................................47 Political and party system of Russia is analyzed Information war is inherently related to political in the context of its influence on public adminconstrain and the task of achieving geopolitical istration. The concept of political spectrum is ingoals. That is why consistent state policy in the troduced to trace a connection between political 152 Issue 1, and party institutions and the quality of public minister is examined and the regimeТs adaptaadministration. The width of the political spec- tion opportunities are marked out. According to trum can be considered as an indicator of both the author, itТs necessary to be done for forecastsuccessful and unsuccessful development of the ing the future transformation of RussiaТs political country. According to the author, the described system.
methodological and theoretical approach is effec- Key words: tandemocracy, adaptation resources, tive for creating explanatory models and forecast- political regime, successor.
ing the future.
Key words: quality of public administration, political spectrum, political and party system.
Scientific reports O.V. Gaman-Golutvina E.V. Barkhanova Some aspects of political and party Expert methods for estimation activities construction in Russia...........................of local governmentsТ heads..................The author formulates the number of problems The author proposes to use expert analysis methrelated to the influence of contemporary Russian ods for estimation of administrative efficiency.
party system on political and economic situaThe research has revealed a number of specific astion in the country. The author concludes that pects in case of using expert analysis that require preconditions for successful development of the further revision and adaptation of the method for country exist although political is absorbed by the analysis of the activities of local governmentsТ administrative.
Key words: governance effectiveness, political parKey words: local government bodies, expert estimaties, legislation.
tion, municipal education, sociocultural situation.
L.I. Yakobson I.S. Nuzhnova Public administration and interestsТ Business process reengineering:
representation..........................................evolution of the concept........................According to the author, the quality of political parties and public administration are highly de- Anti-crisis managers offer partial business propendent on the ability of the citizens to self-orga- cess reengineering. But understanding of this offering by consulters and owners of businesses nization, their concernment in public affairs and isnТt clear. In this situation a realization of reengialso the extent government bodies are interested neering would weaken the company in the critiin cooperation with social structures.
cal period of time. The article explains reasons of Key words: public administration, public policy, the ambiguous definition of the business process elections, civil society.
reengineering, analyses its disadvantages and an L.N. Timofeeva effectiveness of using.
Key words: reengineering, business process. reorgaOn Russian concept of political and nization, restructuring.
administrative relations.........................The author examines various typological models of political and administrative relations. AccordReviews ing to the author, the most effective democratic models exist in the countries where political and administrative fields do not overlap each other.
P.P. Alexandrov-Derkachenko On the contrary in Russia administration has interfered into political process in favour of the ItТs not us who made up this world power party.
Key words: public administration, bureaucracy, poV.S. Palagin litical and administrative management.
Project condition of a soul and activities............................................S.N. Phedorchenko Development of the tandemocracy Contents.....................................................political regime in Russia......................The author analyzes specifics of the contempo- Requirements for manuscripts...............rary tandemocracy regime in Russia. The diviInformation about authors......................sion of powers between president and prime PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PROJECTION Требования к рукописям Авторам, направляющим свои статьи в журнал, рекомендуется придерживаться следующих правил оформления:
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154 Выпуск 1 Сведения об авторах Александров-Деркаченко П.П., председатель редакционного совета журнала Свободная Мысль (pitirim@svom.info).
Алексеева Е.В., референт центра Геополитических исследований Амурского Государственного университета (Aleksejewa_Katja@mail.ru).
Бахтизина Н.В., кандидат экономических наук, Центральный экономико-математический институт РАН, научный сотрудник (bnvlad@yandex.ru).
Баханова Е.В., кандидат социологических наук, преподаватель Ульяновского филиала Современной гуманитарной академии, член экспертного совета при губернаторе Ульяновской области (bakhanova@inbox.ru).
Белов П.Г., доктор технических наук, профессор Академии геополитических проблем (safesec@mail.ru).
Бердникова Т.Б., кандидат экономических наук, доцент, директор ЗАО ТРИН (Berdnikovatb@mail.ru).
Гаман-Голутвина О.В., доктор политических наук, профессор, профессор Московского государственного института международных отношений МИД РФ, вицепрезидент Российской ассоциации политической науки (ogaman@mail.ru).
Тынянова О.Н., кандидат политических наук, Академия гуманитарных исследований РФ, эксперт (ucg.ltd@list.ru).
Клюев Н.Н., доктор географических наук, Институт географии РАН, ведущий научный сотрудник (kkc-17@yandex.ru).
Корнеев А.В., кандидат экономических наук, руководитель Центра проблем энергетической безопасности Института США и Канады РАН (akorneev@online.ru).
Маруев А.Ю., кандидат политических наук, эксперт по проблемам безопасности (al.mar_39@rambler.ru).
Нужнова И.С., соискатель при кафедре Экономика и Финансы ЮжноУральского государственного университета, начальник финансового отдела ОАО ЧЗПСН-Профнастил (irene82@mail.ru)/ Палагин В.С., кандидат военных наук, доцент, генеральный директор Евразийского центра управления проектами (info@epmc.ru).
Приходько Н.Н., руководитель центра Геополитических исследований Амурского государственного университета (4tv@rambler.ru).
Сулакшин С.С., доктор физико-математических наук, доктор политических наук, профессор, генеральный директор Центра проблемного анализа и госу дарственно-управленческого проектирования (info@rusrand.ru).
Тимофеева Л.Н., доктор политических наук профессор Российской академии государственной службы при Президенте РФ (timofeeva@pochtamt.ru).
Тухватуллина Л.Г., Межрайонная инспекция ФНС России по крупным налогоплательщикам по Республике Башкортостан, начальник инспекции (alina_t@list.ru).
Федорченко С.Н., кандидат политических наук, Московский государственный областной университет, заместитель декана факультета истории, политологии и права по воспитательной работе, старший преподаватель кафедры политологии и права (bonamente3@rambler.ru).
Якобсон Л.И., доктор экономических наук, профессор, первый проректор Государственного университета Ч Высшей школы экономики (ljakobson@hse.ru).
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