й 2006 Krassimir Markov, Krassimira Ivanova - Editors й 2006 Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA - Preprint processing й 2006 FOI-COMMERCE - Publisher й 2006 For all authors in the issue о i.TECH is a trade mark of Krassimir Markov ISBN-10: 954-16-0036-0 ISBN-13: 978-954-16-0036-8 C\o Jusautor, Sofia, 2006 Fourth International Conference I.TECH 2006 3 PREFACE The Fourth International Conference УInformation Research and ApplicationsФ (i.TECH 2006) is organized as a part of УITA 2006 - Joint International Scientific Events on Information Theories and ApplicationsФ.
The main organizer of the ITA 2006 as well as the i.TECH 2006 is International Journal on Information Theories and Applications (IJ ITA).
The aim of the conference is to be one more possibility for contacts for IJ ITA authors. The usual practice of IJ ITA is to support several conferences at which the IJ ITA papers may be discussed before submitting them for referring and publishing in the journal. Because of this, such conferences usually are multilingual and bring together both papers of high quality and papers of young scientists, which need further processing and scientific support from senior researchers.
Accent of i.TECH 2006 are the new trends in imaging for security and medical applications (section УInformation Technologies in BiomedicineФ).
We would like to express our thanks to all who support the i.TECH 2006 and especially to the Natural Computing Group (NCG) ( of the Technical University of Madrid, which is leaded by Prof. Juan Castellanos. The group is one of the foundational groups of the European Molecular Computing Consortium ( NCG is involved in natural computing activities researches including: Molecular Computing (DNA Computing and Membrane Computing), Artificial Neural Networks (new architectures and learning strategies, Chaos controlling by Artificial Neural Networks, etc), Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary algorithms, etc. NCG is constituted by members of some departments of the Technical University of Madrid, having its site at the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the Faculty of Computer Science. NCG has participated in different national and international projects including INTAS and Framework Programs of European Union (MolCoNet).
Let us thank the Program Committee of the conference for referring the submitted papers. Special thanks to prof. Viktor Gladun, prof. Alexey Voloshin, prof. Avram Eskenazi and prof. Luis Fernando de Mingo.
i.TECH 2006 Proceedings has been edited in the Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA in collaboration with the leading researchers from Institute of Cybernetics УV.M.GlushkovФ, NASU (Ukraine), Kiev University УT.ShevchenkoФ (Ukraine), Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS (Bulgaria), University of Calgary (Canada); VLSI Systems Centre, Ben-Gurion University (Israel).
The i.TECH 2006 Conference found the best support in the work of organizing secretary, IJ ITA editor, Ilia Mitov.
To all participants of i.TECH 2006 we wish fruitful contacts during the conference days and efficient work for preparing the high quality papers to be published in the International Journal on Information Theories and Applications.
Varna, June 2006 Kr Markov, Kr. Ivanova Fourth International Conference I.TECH i.TECH 2006 has been organized by:
International Journal УInformation Theories and ApplicationsФ Association of Developers and Users of Intelligent Systems(Ukraine) Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA (Bulgaria) V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Natural Computing Group of the Technical University of Madrid (Spain) Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS (Bulgaria) National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Varna Free University УChernorizets HrabarФ (Bulgaria) New Technik Publishing Ltd. (Bulgaria) Program Committee:
Victor Gladun (Ukraine) Krassimir Markov (Bulgaria) Alexey Voloshin (Ukraine) Avram Eskenazi (Bulgaria) Luis Fernando de Mingo (Spain) Adil Timofeev (Russia) Konstantin Gaindrik (Moldova) Orly Yadid-Pecht (Israel) Alexander Gerov (Bulgaria) Krassimir Manev (Bulgaria) Peter Stanchev (USA) Alexander Kuzemin (Ukraine) Krassimira Ivanova (Bulgaria) Petia Asenova (Bulgaria) Alexander Palagin (Ukraine) Laura Ciocoiu (Romania) Plamen Mateev (Bulgaria) Anna Kantcheva (Bulgaria) Levon Aslanyan (Armenia) Radoslav Pavlov (Bulgaria) Arkady Zakrevskij (Belarus) Maria Kasheva (Bulgaria) Rumiana Kirkova (Bulgaria) Ilia Mitov (Bulgaria) Martin Mintchev (Canada) Stefan Dodunekov (Bulgaria) Ivan Popchev (Bulgaria) Natalia Ivanova (Rusia) Stoyan Poryazov ( Bulgaria ) Juan Castellanos (Spain) Nelly Maneva (Bulgaria) Tsvetanka Kovacheva (Bulgaria) Jury Zaichenko (Ukraine) Nikolay Lutov (Bulgaria) Vitaliy Lozovskiy (Ukraine) Koen Vanhoof (Belgium) Nikolay Zagoruiko (Russia) Vladimir Ryazanov (Russia) Organizing secretary: Ilia Mitov Papres of i.TECH 2006 are collated in six sections:
- Information Technologies in Biomedicine - Knowledge Engieneering - Information Models - Software Engineering - Information Systems - Networks and Telecommunications Official languages of the conference are English and Russian.
General sponsor of the i.TECH 2006 is FOI BULGARIA ( www.foibg.com ).
Fourth International Conference I.TECH 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface.................................................................................................................................................................... Table of Contents.................................................................................................................................................... Information Technologies in Biomedicine Manometry-Based Cough Identification Algorithm.................................................................................................. Jennifer A. Hogan, Martin P. Mintchev Low-Power Tracking Image Sensor Based on Biological Models of Attention..................................................... Alexander Fish, Liby Sudakov-Boreysha, Orly Yadid-Pecht Image Sensors in Security and Medical Applications............................................................................................ Evgeny Artyomov, Alexander Fish, Orly Yadid-Pecht Multimodal Man-machine Interface and Virtual Reality for Assistive Medical Systems......................................... Adil Timofeev, Alexander Nechaev, Igor Gulenko, Vasily Andreev, Svetlana Chernakova, Mikhail Litvinov Medical Data-Advisory Web-Resource УMed-HealthФ............................................................................................ Anatoly I. Bykh, Elena V. Visotska, Tatjana V. Zhemchuzhkina, Andrey P. Porvan, Alexander V. Zhuk Open Source Information Technologies Approach for Moddeling of Ankle-foot Orthosis...................................... Slavyana Milusheva, Stefan Karastanev, Yuli Toshev Application of the Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for System Analysis of Multi Dimension Physiological Data for Developing Polyparametric Information System of Public Health Diagnostics................................................. Nina Dmitrieva, Oleg Glazachev Knowledge Engineering On Logical Correction of Neural Network Algorithms for Pattern Recognition...................................................... L.A. Aslanyan, L.F. Mingo, J.B. Castellanos, V.V. Ryazanov, F.B. Chelnokov, A.A. Dokukin Logic Based Pattern Recognition - Ontology Content (1)..................................................................................... Levon Aslanyan, Juan Castellanos DNA Simulation of Genetic Algorithms: Fitnetss Computation.............................................................................. Maria Calvino, Nuria Gomez, Luis F. Mingo Estimating the Volume for Area Forest Inventory with Growing Radial Basis Neural Networks............................ Angel Castellanos, Ana Martinez Blanco, Valentin Palencia Decision Trees for Applicability of Evolution Rules in Transition P Systems........................................................ Luis Fernandez, Fernando Arroyo, Ivan Garcia, Gines Bravo Advergames: Overview......................................................................................................................................... Eugenio Santos, Rafael Gonzalo, Francisco Gisbert Modeling and Annotating the Expressive Semantics of Dance Videos................................................................. Balakrishnan Ramadoss, Kannan Rajkumar Automated Problem Domain Cognition Process in Information Systems Design............................................... Maxim Loginov, Alexander Mikov Text-to-text Machine Translation System (TTMT System) - a Novel Approach for Language Engineering....... Todorka Kovacheva, Koycho Mitev, Nikolay Dimitrov Information Models On the Coherence Between Continuous Probability and Possibility Measures.................................................. Elena Castieira, Susana Cubillo, Enric Trillas Relationship between Selfcontradiction and Contradiction in Fuzzy Logic......................................................... Carmen Torres, Susana Cubillo, Elena Castineira Recursive Matrices for an Information Retrieval Problem................................................................................... Adriana Toni, Juan Castellanos, Jose Joaquin Erviti Description Reduction for Restricted Sets of (0,1) Matrices............................................................................... Hasmik Sahakyan Fourth International Conference I.TECH A HW Circuit for the Application of Active Rules in a Transition P-system Region............................................. Victor J. Martinez, Luis Fernandez, Fernando Arroyo, Abraham Gutierrez Процедура нечеткой формализации показателей в оценке устойчивого функционирования банков........ Александр Я. Кузёмин, Вячеслав В. Ляшенко Вероятностный подход сравнительной оценки функционирования банковской системы........................... Александр Я. Кузёмин, Вячеслав В. Ляшенко Алгоритм для вычисления дифракции Френеля, основанный на дробное Фурье преобразование.......... Георги Стоилов Software Engineering Access Rights Inheritance in Information Systems Controlled by Metadata....................................................... Mariya Chichagova, Ludmila Lyadova The Application of Graph Model for Automation of the User Interface Construction.......................................... Elena Kudelko Implementing AJAX Based Spreadsheet Engine with Relational Back-end........................................................ Ivo Marinchev Digital Art and Design.......................................................................................................................................... Khaled Batiha, Safwan Al-Salaimeh, Khaldoun A.A. Besoul Image Partitions Metric Properties in Image Understanding Problems.............................................................. Vladimir Mashtalir, Vladislav Shlyakhov Device for Counting of the Glass Bottles on the Conveyor Belt.......................................................................... Ventseslav Draganov, Georgi Toshkov, Dimcho Draganov, Daniela Toshkova Information Systems Building Data Warehouses Using Numbered Information Spaces...................................................................... Krassimir Markov Internationalization and Localization after System Development: a Practical Case............................................ Jesus Cardenosa, Carolina Gallardo, Alvaro Martin Experiences of Spanish Public Administration in Requirements Management and Acquisition Management Processes............................................................................................................. Jose A. Calvo-Manzano, Gonzalo Cuevas, Ivan Garcia, Tomas San Feliu, Ariel Serrano, Magdalena Arcilla, Fernando Arboledas, Fernando Ruiz de Ojeda GEN. A Survey Application Generator................................................................................................................. Hector Garcia, Carlos del Cuvillo, Diego Perez, Borja Lazaro, Alfredo Bermudez Система автоматизированной подготовки выводов о финансовом состоянии акционерных обществ...... Григорий Н. Гнатиенко, Николай Н. Маляр Использование методов математического моделирования при разработке информационных систем.... Мария Е. Еремина Networks and Telecommunications Dimensioning of Telecommunication Network Based on Quality of Services Demand and Detailed Behaviour of Users......................................................................................................................... Emiliya Saranova Implications of Recent Trends in Telecommunications on Modeling and Simulation for the Telecommunication Industry.................................................................................................................... Gerta Kster, Stoyan Poryazov Оптимизация структуры сетей с технологией MPLS по ограничениям на показатели живучести.............. Юрий Зайченко, Мухаммедреза Моссавари Оптимизация характеристик сетей MPLS при ограничениях на заданные показатели качества обслуживания.................................................................................................................................................... Юрий П. Зайченко, Ахмед А. М. Шарадка Index of Authors.................................................................................................................................................. Fourth International Conference I.TECH 2006 Information Technologies in Biomedicine MANOMETRY-BASED COUGH IDENTIFICATION ALGORITHM Jennifer A. Hogan, Martin P. Mintchev Abstract: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common cause of chronic cough. For the diagnosis and treatment of GERD, it is desirable to quantify the temporal correlation between cough and reflux events. Cough episodes can be identified on esophageal manometric recordings as short-duration, rapid pressure rises.
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