The Ergenekon gang, named after the legendary retreat of the Gktrk (Sky Turks), was blamed to plan Сa coup dТtat for 2009Т with Сthe purpose of creating chaos in the country and thus an atmosphere suitable for a military takeover.ТIn this context, it is important to remember that the Turkish republic is built by the military in a War of Independence. The importance of the military as the guarantee of the state is still visible even in the expression of non-military associations. Just one example: A poster of the Aydn Chess District Representative in 2009 shows Atatrk in front of marching soldiers saying СThe Turkish nation loves its armed forces; and regards it as the preserver of its ideals.ТThe fear of the nationalists, the military as well as the bulk of the population is still that Turkey could be split and fall apart. This scenario is worked out in the novel СMetal FrtnaТ (СThe Metal StormТ), published in winter/spring 2004/2005 by Orkun Uar and Burak Turna. In this paradigmatic fiction, US forces invade Turkey in 2007 in order to Сdivide Turkey between Greece and Armenia and also allow for the emergence of a Kurdish state.Т31 The importance and effect of the book on the public is shown by the fact that it Сsold about 500,000 copies.ТIt is obvious that the year 2005 marks a turning point in the debate between the nationalists and their opponents. On the one hand Dink and his 38 Power and Powerlessness of Intellectuals in Turkey supporters (as afak and Pamuk) published columns and novels and gave interviews. Concomitant with this, they challenged the powerful. On the other hand, the nationalists faced the challenge and reacted. They wanted to prosecute these crimes and discovered a powerful ally, the law. The increase of the liberality in the group of intellectuals of the more left-leaning opposition resulted in even more accentuated expressions of the nationalist movement.
6. Indications for a Change in Power In the hours after DinkТs killing, hundreds gathered spontaneously in IstanbulТs central Taksim Square. In the evening they marched from there to DinkТs office in ili chanting: СWe are all Armenians! We are all Hrant Dink!Т On 23 January 2007, more than 100,000 people escorted DinkТs coffin repeating the same slogans СWe are all Armenians! We are all Hrant Dink!Т The solidarity Dink did not receive in his lifetime was shown for him after his death. Taner Akam, one of DinkТs close friends, is convinced that the intellectuals marched as they felt ashamed. Pamuk expressed his concern in a similar way. One day after his murder, he visited DinkТs family to express his condolences.
DinkТs death did not change the fundamental convictions. The clash within the Turkish society, described by afak as Сa collision between those who are state-oriented and those who are civil-society orientedТ is going on.Reflecting the last eight years from the perspective of the antinationalistic intellectual movement, the year 2005 can be marked as the year of confrontation. The murder of Dink in 2007 happened on hatred and desire for vengeance. In this respect, the year 2007 can be called the year of shame.
In opposite, the year 2009 is a year of change.
On 6 September 2008, President Abdullah Gl went to Yerevan to watch a football match between Turkey and Armenia in order to qualify for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Despite of all historical grievances and against the oppositionТs resistance, Gl accepted an invitation by the president of Armenia, Serge Sargsyan.34 It was the first ever visit of a president of Turkey to Armenia.
In December 2008, a group of at first 200 Turkish intellectuals published the following apology:
My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them.Georg F. Simet By March 2009, this petition has been signed already by over 30,000 Turks around the world.GlТs football diplomacy achieved concrete political results, too. On 10 October 2009, the foreign ministers of Turkey and Armenia signed two protocols on establishing diplomatic ties and developing relations between the two countries.These protocols could be an important step towards the fulfilment of one of DinkТs dreams. As Taner Akam reported about his last talks with Dink, it was DinkТs wish to open the borders in order to bring the people together. He believed that the offsetting of misconduct (in the past) is not as important as a mutual understanding (now). Today, Armenians do not know much about Turkey and Turks know almost nothing about Armenia. This is to be changed. The Islamic politicians from the AKP and the antinationalistic intellectuals try this challenging way. They deserve our support.
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