conditions a total of 10ml of venous blood samples discussion. In our study the alcohol dependent popwere collected. from blood samples collected in plain ulation consuming illicit liquor belongs to lower socioecotubes serum was separated by centrifuging at 2500 rpm nomic group on their personal interview scores based on for 7 minutes at room temperature and were used for modified socio economic status scale kuppuswamy et estimation of Serum total bilirubin, -glutamyl trans- al. [31], they live in slum or skid road side in metropolitan ferase (ggt), Serum glutamic-oxalacetic transami- city like Mumbai. they are averse to hardworking, illiternases (Sgot), Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminases ate and live in poverty; they are careless and ignorant (SgPt), Serum Malondialdehyde (MDa), Serum homo- about their health, hygiene and nutrition. this populacysteine and Serum gSt. hemolytic or turbid samples tion, which resides in slum areas for example dharavi in were discarded. blood sample collected in eDta tube our study population are very fond of liquor, they have were used for estimating McV. all fine chemicals used penchant for locally made liquor known as Уhath bhatin this study were from Sigma (St louis, Mo, uSa), and tiФ. this selected alcoholic population is grossly underother reagents were obtained from e-Merck, India ltd. nourished compared with their age, sex matched nontotal alcohol content in the liquor samples collected from alcoholic control. It will be worthwhile to mention that the patients were analyzed by gas chromatography [32]. in these poor communities with severe alcohol depenthe serum lipid peroxidation was estimated by thio- dence the inadequate diet is due to financial constraints, barbituric acid (tba) reactivity [33, 34]. Malondialdehyde as all their earnings are utilized in alcohol intoxication (MDa) and end product of fatty acid peroxidation, reacts and gambling, all these factors should have multifarious with tba to form a colored complex that has maximum adverse effects on health including oxidant/antioxidant absorbance at 532 nm. MDa values were calculated balance. this is presently recognized as one of the imfrom the absorbance coefficient of MDa-tba complex portant determinants of ageing process and numerous at 532 nm, 156,000 cm-1 mol-1. Serum glutathione-S- diseases. to the best of our knowledge the present study transferases (gSt) activity was measured by the meth- is a maiden effort to evaluate the effect of chronic alcohol od of habig william et al. [35], homocysteine in serum intake of illicit liquor in this alcoholic populations belongwas measured by using eIa kit method manufactured by ing to lower socio- economic background with poor daily bio-Rad. nutrient intake of dense nutrients.
all spectrophotometric reading were taken on Shi- In the present study the lipid peroxidation product i.e.
madzu uV-160a, uV-Visible Recording Spectrophotom- MDa levels have been increased significantly in serum of eter. all the samples were run in duplicate, and were the alcoholic patients consuming illicit liquor from low sostatistically assessed using student t-test [36], by using cio- economic background compared to controls (table.
statistical software MInItab, were one-way anoVa is no.2). Rise in MDa could be due to increased generation being applied. the results obtained were expressed as of reactive oxygen species (RoS) due to the excessive Mean Standard deviation (SD). oxidative damage generated in these patients. these Results. our findings based on usage of traditional oxygen species in turn can oxidize many other important markers like total bilirubin, (ggt) -glutamyl trans- biomolecules including membrane lipids. these results ferase, (McV) Mean corpuscular volume, Sgot and are in good agreement and run consistently well with the SgPt, in serum to detect heavy drinking showed sig- previous reports by Matsurma et al. [37], Suematsu et nificantly increased values as compared to the control al. [38], naveau et al. [39], Dupont et al. [40], Paramagroup [p<0.001] (table 1). there was also statistically hamsa et al. [41], ucar et al. [42] and Das et al. [43], Table liver function tests in normal controls and alcoholics alcoholics liver function test normal controls (n=90) (n=90) total bilirubin (mg/dl) 0.76 0.44 5.70 3.89* ggt(11-50 u/I for men) 16.53 7.8 170.25 7.6* Sgot(0-40 Iu/l) 25.33 2.5 88.60 3.2* SgPt(0-40 Iu/l) 20.44 5.6 70.67 7.9* McV(82-98 fl) 86.39 3.0 161.40 3.8* n o t e : Results are expressed as mean standard deviation. * - differences between controls and alcoholics were significant for all biochemical parameters (p<0.001).
Table serum mda, homocysteine and Gst in normal controls and alcoholics alcoholics Parameters normal controls (n=90) (n=90) Serum Malondialdehyde (nmol/ml) 2.133.05 9.43.6 * Serum homocysteine (mol/l) 9.80.7 26.31.6 * Serum gSt 3.051.02 9.521.24 * (nmol cDnb conjugate formed/min/mg protein) n o t e : Results are expressed as meanstandard deviation. * - differences between controls and alcoholic Patients were significant for all biochemical parameters (p<0.001).
Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал. 2010. Том 6, № 3.
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