According to Moody’s, the new ratings reflect commitment of the Russian Government to prudent tax policy and debt management, significant improvements in debt-to-liquidity ratio, creation of a Stabilization Fund intended to cushion the impact of a possible decline in the raw materials market, and reduced political risks at this country. The new ratings had a tremendous impact on all segments of the Russian financial market because they made it possible for a lot more foreign investors to invest in Russian financial assets.
International financial markets
All in all, 2003аbecame the year of growth in global stock markets, especially in the United States and the European Union. However, quotes also moved down at the markets of the First World’s countries and developing countries over the year. Quotes fell in January last year in the US, European and Asian markets. The US stock market got discouraged by uncertainty regarding Iraq and the likelihood of warfare in the country. In addition, the decline in basic stock indices was governed by a unfavorable forecast for technology sector development, decline in production of the US economy, substantial foreign trade deficit and decline in consumer confidence index. European stock markets were also characterized by a negative growth in indices, which made investors concern about growth rate of the European economy and global economy as a whole.
The decline in the US market continued till mid-March, when US indices reached their historic minimum: on March 11аDJIA was 7524,06аpoints and high-tech NASDAQ was 1271,47аpoints at closing. Basic European markets were declining as well. European indices dropped to their minimum over the last six years. Finally, in Japan, NIKKEI dropped below 8000аpoints to reach its minimum since January 1983, 7862,34аpoints. In March, the European Central Bank reduced the basic interest rate to 2,5а%, while the US Federal Reserve System maintained the basic interest rate at 1,25а%, which is the minimum rate over the last 40аyears. A marked recovery was registered at the leading global markets upon the beginning of the warfare in Iraq, DJIA grew to its maximum since October 1982, and NIKKEI reached its maximum over the last four months.
In April, the American stock market indices grew slightly regardless of any visible progress in the US economy. From March 31аtill April 30, DJIA and NASDAQ grew by 487,9 (6,11а%) and 123,1 (9,18а%) points correspondingly. European stock market indices also grew up: FTSE100аby 8.65а% in Great Britain, DAX–30аby 21.38а% in Germany, and CAC–40аby 12.80а% in France. The situation in Iraq became one of the key driving factors. Upon the news оf assault on Baghdad in April 7, the European indices grew to their previous points of the past trimester. However, unfavorable situation in the US economy and, in particular, the crisis at the labor market pushed down the US stock market.
In May through August, the US stock market was dominated by positive index trends. From April 30аto August 29, DJIA and NASDAQ grew by 11,03а% and 23,64а% correspondingly and reached 9415,8аand 1810,45аpoints. Particular emphasis should be placed on other growth factors like the July 1а% decline in the US basic interest rates, which followed by a statement of the Federal Reserve System to the effect that it would be maintained unchanged within a long-term period, published macroeconomic statistics supporting a gradual progress in the US economy (in particular, reduced unemployment rate and industrial output growth), as well as favorable corporate performance figures in the 2nd quarter of 2003. The EU market also demonstrated a positive movement which was similar to that in the US market. The growth in European indices was governed mainly by stock prices of export-oriented companies benefiting from the growth in the US economy. However, the European indices grew at slower rates against those in the United States, due to the fact that the European economy was recovering slower than the US economy. In particular, FTSE 100аgrowth rate accounted for 5,99а%, DAX–30 – 18,44а%, and CAC–40 – 12,11а%.
The US stock market was then dominated by a positive trend in quotes movement in spite of a temporal decline in prices. Late in September, the basic US stock indices demonstrated a zero growth against increased unemployment in the United States and a markedly weakening US dollar against other major currencies. Between October and November, the US stock quotes continued to grow moderately partly in response to published statistics on new macroeconomic figures indicating economic growth, and positive financial performance in the corporate sector. In December 2003, the US stock market movement was governed by the same factors as in November 2003. The stock indices grew positively in spite of various unfavorable factors affecting the market, namely weakening of the US dollar at the global currency market and high oil and gold prices. All in all, DJIA and NASDAQ indices grew up by 21,45а% and 44,66а% correspondingly.
The European stock markets were marked by the fact that they continued to follow the movement of the US stock market in absence of any internal news. In addition, due to the fact that the EU economy depends on the US economy, the quotes of export-oriented companies were effected by the situation at the foreign exchange market. It was this factor that governed the movement of European indices between September and November: the market value of export-oriented companies was instantly effected by a marked strengthening of the euro against the dollar, which resulted in stock index decline. However, high oil prices promoted growth in oil stock prices of European oil companies at year-end 2003, which pushed the stock indices upwards. In 2003, basic stock indices of the EU countries grew as follows. FTSE100аgrew by 11,5а%, DAC–30аby 27,7а%, and CAC–40аby 10,46а%.
Figure 28
Dow Jones and NASDAQ Movement
in 2003 (December 31,а2002а= 100а%)
Global oil market
The global oil market was characterized by a visible volatility throughout the entire year. However, a few periods of a well-marked growth and decline of black gold prices can be distinguished. Brent oil grew constantly in price since early in the year to reach 34,93аUS dollars/barrel by March 11, thus increasing by 4,87аUS dollars (16,2а%) against January 13. Such a substantial price rise can be explained by strikes held in Venezuela and Nigeria, ultimate crude oil reserves in the United States (lowest over the last 28аyears), and the beginning of warfare in Iraq. Even an OPEC’s decision of February 1аon increasing oil output quotas by 1,5аml barrels daily failed to promote any decrease in oil prices.
The market, however, collapsed over the following two weeks: by March 24, Brent oil dropped by 9,35аUS dollars (–26,77а%), 25,58аUS dollars per barrel. The collapse was followed by a short-term correction which gave way to further decline in global prices. At closing on April 30аBrent oil was worth 23,22аUS dollars per barrel at the world’s market, thus it dropped to 2,36аUS dollars (–9,23а%). The situation in Iraq and especially news on the interallied troops marching in Baghdad was considered as a quick settlement of the conflict. In addition, the market also went down due to cessation of disturbances in Nigeria.
Figure 29
Brent Oil Global Price Movement in 2003
Between May and early in August, the global oil market moved upwards in general. By August 11, Brent oil prices raised by 7,36аUS dollars (31,7а%) by August against April 30аdespite unchanged OPEC’s quotas (which were expected to be reduced in May), shrinkage of crude oil reserves in the United States, strike in Nigeria, tropical hurricane at the Gulf of Mexico and unstable operation of one of the major oil refinery in Iraq (in Basra region) and Kirkuk–Djeikhan pipe line.
A marked fall in oil prices to 25,5аUS dollars per barrel in September (on September 22), which was caused by investors’ wish to realize their profit, as well as replenished oil reserves in the United States by way of increased oil import, was followed by a new rapid growth. Upon the reduction of OPEC’s quotas on oil production and import by member countries, Brent oil price was increased by 5,72аUS dollars (22,43а%) at closing on October 16аand was traded at 31,22аUS dollars per barrel. This was followed by a certain fall in quotes reaching 27,46аUS dollars per barrel by late October. However, further destabilization of the situation in the Middle East due to acts of terrorism in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Turkey led to a growth in political risks and, as a consequence, increased oil prices. On November 20, Brent oil was traded at 30,12аUS dollars per barrel at the world’s market.
In December, a set of factors boosted the price: the OPEC did not change oil production quotas for the member countries and the US reserves of oil and oil products diminished in bulk. However, by late in December the prices fell sharply for a day due to a statement of the Minister of Petroleum Industry of Indonesia (OPEC Chairman since January 1, 2004) on too high oil prices and the need to raise quotas, which did not meet the market expectations of lower quotas. The Brent oil price dropped by 2,25аUS dollars within a day from December 22аto 23, from 31,02аto 28,77аUS dollars per barrel. All in all, the Brent oil prices went down by 2,99а% within a period between January 13аand December 30, which accounted for 29,16аUS dollars per barrel at year-end 2003.
There were several mechanisms by which high oil prices in the global market effected the movement of the Russian stock market during the year. Firstly, high prices of oil and energy sources promoted a higher amount of foreign currency revenues of export-oriented companies which had to convert it into rubles. Under these conditions, there was registered an upsurge of liquidity at the Russian banking sector, which entailed the demand for the shares of domestic companies and, as a consequence, boosted their market value. Secondly, the strengthening of the ruble due to an increasing foreign currency inflow made the US dollar less attractive as an alternative asset in favor of the demand for shares. Thirdly, under the circumstances of rising world’s oil prices, the shares of oil companies represented an attractive instrument for investment due to their efficient financial performance and the expected increase in market value and dividends. It should be noted, however, that the impact of this factor on oil shares may be evened because the petroleum industry is likely to have to take a heavier tax burden and, as a consequence, yield less revenues and dividends in 2004.
Corporate news
Marked improvements in efficiency of several Russian corporations was reflected in upgraded long-term credit ratings or revision of the existing rating in favor of further upgrade. In January 2003, Moody's Investors Service granted for the first time the foreign currency rating Ва2аand basic rating Ва1аon NK YUKOS (outlook is Stable). It is noteworthy that the basic rating of the company exceeded the sovereign rating on the Russian Federation, Ва2, which is accounted for an exceptional performance of the company. However, there were key problems to note, namely excessive concentration of equity capital, dependency on oil prices in the world markets and indefinite long-term development plans.
A month later, Standard & Poor’s raised the long-term credit rating on ОАО VolgaTelekom from B– to B owing to a consolidation of fixed communication operators of the Volga Region, which resulted in improvement of company’s position in the market and business performance. In addition, Fitch raised the individual rating on Sberbank of Russia from D to C/D, while other ratings remained unchanged (long-term rating – BB–, short-term rating – B). The upgraded rating reflects an improved efficiency of the bank after 2000аto the level which meets or outperforms other Russian banks.
In March, Standard & Poor's announced a revision of the rating on ОАО Sibneft from Negative to Stable, thereby confirming B+ on the long-term credit and on priority unsecured liabilities of the company, and upgrading its national rating from ruA+ to ruAA–. Furthermore, Standard & Poor's raised the long-term credit rating on the Russian diamond-production company ZАО АК ALROSA from В–л to В owing to the fact the company obtained a five-year quota on export of diamonds in March 2003. The outlook is Stable.
In October, Moody`s granted the long-term rating Ва2аand Ва3аon unsecured public foreign exchange offerings on ОАО LUKOIL. The outlook is Stable, while the long-term credit rating on ОАО Rostelekom was raised by Standard & Poor`s from В– to В with a positive outlook.
In October through December 2003, many companies published their financial reports in 2003, of which the following should be noted.
Net profit of NK LUKOIL in the second half of 2003аamounted to $2,36аbln US dollars against $840аml US dollars in the first half of 2002, according to US GAAP. Profit before interests, taxation, depreciation and amortization reached $3,18аbln US dollars in the period under review against $1,66аbln US dollars over the same period of the previous year. Oil production in the second quarter grew by 3,5а%, which was doubled against 2002.
NK YUKOS also published its report on the first half of 2003аaccording to the US GAAP standards, indicating that sales proceeds and other earnings generated from the core business accounted for $7,7аbln US dollars in the first half of 2003аagainst $4,5аbln US dollars in the first half of 2002. Earnings before interests, taxation, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) over the first half of 2003аand previous year accounted for $2,9аand $1,68аbln US dollars correspondingly, while net profit amounted to $2,22аbln US dollars in the first half of the year against $1,22аbln US dollars in 2002.
Late in October, ОАО Rostelekom published its financial reports in compliance with the international standards of financial reporting. Consolidated earnings of ОАО Rostelekom over the first half of 2003аgrew by 10,6а% according to the international standards of financial reporting. EBITDA accounted for $175,8аml US dollars over the period, thus increasing by 1,7а% against the first half of 2002. Net profit grew by 42,1а% against the previous year and amounted to $29,7аml US dollars.
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