Книги по разным темам Pages:     | 1 |   ...   | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 |   ...   | 46 | Consequently, we witness here a conflict due to the lack of knowledge of media idiom, codes, transmission structures, cultural background, readability of the syntax of messages, etc. In Poland - despite many efforts and a relatively large number of publications [Gajda, 2002; Gajda, Juszczyk, Siemieniecki, Wenta, 2002; Detko, 2003; Tana, 2004; Izdebska, 2007; Siemieniecki, 2007; Sokoowski, 2010] - and using military metaphors because, after all, this is a genuine battle for the scope and shape of media education, previously mentioned Bauer and Wojnach concluded that Сwe donТt have cannonsТ, that is we lack teachers who would be willing to face the challenge of teaching about the media, or else when such daredevils are found, they are short of adequate knowledge to transmit over to their learners. New course of studies, institutes and departments are created in Poland to teach journalism and the situation resembles the USA, where practically every state university considers it a mark of honour to have a school of journalism. Assuming that few graduates will become reporters, journalists or commentators working for large media corporations, it can be expected that many will find employment as media workers or communicators.

A similar situation can be now observed in Poland, where the market of commercial media is densely packed and practically closed, in contrast to a huge, new market for media educators, able to absorb many employees, who could teach the general public and especially young people how to use mass media. This is a difficult task, particularly in view of the danger that media consumers will be helpless and unable to make conscious choices due to the media becoming more tabloid-like and manipulative.

The current state The idea of a modern school coincided with the birth of mass media, which radically revolutionized the existing system of social communication, thus changing the image of the society and culture. As noticed by Jerzy Jastrzbski [2010, pp. 4147], printed media need schools because schools prepare future newspaper readers, who will nonetheless gradually emancipate. In contrast, audiovisual media can do without schools so they started to ignore school education. Anyone who can see and hear is an actual or potential, more or less competent addressee of their broadcasts, so schools are no longer a problem for mass media, but mass media are becoming a problem for schools. The school system has proposed media education, but mass media have no incentive to medialize schools. Teaching children and teenagers on how to use media makes sense and has a purpose, but can only slightly influence what is broadcast and how it is received by audiences. The media are more attractive than schools and enjoy more authority; they are part of our everyday reality, but more pleasant than the institutionalized and compulsory school, which is seen as boring and burdensome. The authority of the media is informal and accepted voluntarily and naturally, so it is fairly easy to understand why schools treat mass media with reserve and wish to tame and subdue them to their own communication paradigm. This attitude is revealed in the recommendations on the reading and mass media communication education path, or recommendations on the educational contents that should be used while working on curricula for primary schools and the two levels of secondary schools (junior and senior) (Regulation of the Ministry of National Education of 26 February 2002). In primary school, emphasis is laid on reading and using libraries, and next on the media language, bias, selectivity of communication, risk of manipulation, evaluation and choice of content, ability to distinguish between fact and fiction, and to use basic media tools. In the junior secondary school, educational aims are dominated by the acquisition and segregation of information as well as further development of the reading habit. The teaching contents are limited to an introduction to media and social communication studies. The expected achievements are the ability to use libraries and to receive critically information transmitted through mass media. In the senior secondary school, attention is drawn to the threat to peopleТs mental and moral development originating from mass media and to different forms of media addictions. The last item on the list of expected achievements states Сindependent creation of basic media communiqus, using a model working environment of a press, radio or television reporterТ.

The dynamically growing market of media educators - after ten years - was suddenly halted. The Ministry decided to remove the subject Media in Education from the curricula of pedagogical studies. After hardly any consultations with the interested parties and without any justification, the Ministry made a decision, which most probably, in the near future, will bear on the quality of education of future teachers, who will explore the complicated world of contemporary mass media alone, trying to understand their nature and principles. This decision was so incomprehensible to the author of the present report, who has devoted many years to analyzing media education, wrote a book on this problem and gave it a very meaningful title, namely Media Education. Hopes and Disillusionment [Sokoowski, 2010].

In order answer the question about the future of media education in Poland, in the limited length of the present report, it is necessary to foresee future civilization change, as suggested by Bronisaw Siemieniecki [2010, pp. 63-60]. There are two types of approaches to future forecasting: normative and explorative one, which have generated numerous predictions, including theoretical concepts, analyses, reports, complex prognoses. Irrespective of how the future is described in these predictions, the tendencies for changes that are becoming increasingly more evident show that media education will have to form closer connections with pedagogical, teaching and educational activities. The growing role of information technologies and new media in modern societies means that it will be more important to make us ready to face new, previously unknown situations. Therefore, creating a subdiscipline called media pedagogy, which will develop into a hyperdiscipline - as implied by Siemieniecki - is an urgent task. My observations of the scope and nature of many actions undertaken by mass media researchers over the past years encouraged me to propose a very broad term such as Media Studies [Sokoowski, 2010], a term which finally, by the decision of the Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education of 2011 assumed the name Media Science, as a new academic discipline within social sciences. Will social sciences establish new boundaries for media education in Poland We shall find out in the nearest future.

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Прагматическая философия медиа М.А. Степанов, кандидат философских наук, научный сотрудник, Санкт-Петербургское отделение Российского института культурологии e-mail: m.stepanov@spbric.org Аннотация. В статье рассматривается роль прагматической медиафилософии в развитии философских исследований медиа. Прагматизм с его центральным вниманием к опыту, практике и воплощению оказывается очень точным инструментом для продуктивной философской аналитики медиа. Повседневный и профессиональный мир пронизан медиа, человек находится в постоянной медиа практике, взаимодействуя как с миром, с другими, так и с самим собой. Прагматический взгляд на медиа как воплощенный опыт коммуникации дает понимание того как работают медиа, как их можно и нужно использовать и когда они используют нас. Прагматизм дает свою концептуальную силу и критический потенциал философии медиа.

Ключевые слова: медиа, философия медиа, прагматизм, практика, воплощение, опыт.

Pragmatic philosophy of media Dr. M.A. Stepanov, Researcher, St. Petersburg Branch of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research e-mail: m.stepanov@spbric.org Abstract. In this paper I will consider primarily the role of pragmatist philosophy of media in the development of the philosophical study of media. Pragmatism, with its central focus on experience, practice and embodiment, proves to be a precise tool for philosophical scholars of media. Both the public and the professional world is permeated by the media, and people contiuously interact with the world, with others and with themselves through media. A pragmatist view of the media as an embodied experience of communication provides an understanding of both how the media can and should be used, and when they use us. Pragmatism lends conceptual strength and critical potential to the philosophy of media.

Key words. media, philosophy of media, Pragmatism, practice, embodiment, experience.

1. Что такое философия медиа Прежде чем попытаться ответить на вопрос, вынесенный в заглавие моего доклада, следует прояснить более широкий вопрос - что такое собственно философия медиа Направление философия медиа формировалось на протяжении XX-го века, и явилось ответом на вызов мощного развития технологий коммуникации.

Быстрый рост и смена различных технологий требовали изучения истории, содержания и эффектов различных средств информации и коммуникации или медиа в общепризнанном широком смысле. Свой вклад в развитие исследований медиа внесли такие исследователи как Вальтер Беньями, Гюнтер Андерс, Маршалл Маклюэн, Вилем Флюссер и другие. Собственно философия медиа или Medienphilosophie европейский продукт, формирующийся с конца 1980-х годов в основном в немецкоязычном интеллектуальном пространстве.

Основанием для формирования нового направления стала проблематизация материальности коммуникации осуществленная в работах литературоведов Фридриха Китлера, Ханса Ульриха Гумбрехта и т.д.; переосмысление отношений образ-текст в работах Вилема Флюссера, Уильяма Митчелла (pictorial turn), Готфрида Бёме (iconic turn) и т.д. Особенно бурные дебаты происходили в 2000-х после целого ряда работ выносящих в заглавие термин Философия медиа. Здесь можно назвать работы Франка Хартмана Medienphilosophie (2000), осуществляющей историко-философскую проработку того, как медиа влияли на саму философию; работу Мака Сандботе Прагматическая медиафилософия. Основания новой дисциплины эпохи интернет (2001), сборник Стефана Мюнкера, Александа Мюнкера и Майка Сандботе Философия медиа. К прояснению понятия (2003); и т.д. Эти многочисленные дискуссии разворачивались в основном вокруг вопроса - что такое медиа Какое значение они имеют для понимания человеком самого себя, истории и культуры, для восприятия и мышления, для действительности и деятельности Как изменяется философский дискурс вместе с меняющимися медиа А также вокруг необходимости институализации новой дисциплины медиафилософии.

В англоязычном пространстве следует отметить работу Марка Ханзена Новая философия для новых медиа (2004), которая посвящена важной проблематике взаимосвязи человеческого тела и digital media, однако также полностью строится на аналитике идей континентальных философов Анри Бергсона, Жиля Делёза и Феликса Гваттари. Проблематика телесного и медиального в настоящее время активно развивается в англоязычном пространстве (так называемая биоморфная теория медиа - Юджин Таккер и т.д.).

Таким образом, в общих чертах основная цель медиафилософии - попытка переписать историю философии, понимание человека, культуры и политики через призму медиа, осмыслить роль медиа в человеческом восприятии и мышлении.

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