ст. преподаватель каф. иностранных языков Омского государственного университета С.Б. Невежина, канд. пед. наук, преподаватель Омской Банковской школы Банка России К.С. Пахомова У912 Учебно-методическое пособие по развитию навыков Учебно-методическое пособие профессионального общения. В 2 ч. Ч. 1: Management / сост.: Т.П. Руденко, О.К. Сургутская. - Омск: Изд-во ОмГУ, по развитию навыков 2005. - 112 с.
профессионального общения ISBN 5-7779-0561-7 В двух частях Первая часть учебно-методического пособия представляет собой сборник аутентичных текстов с системой различных задаЧасть 1 ний и упражнений по теме Менеджмент, направленных на развитие навыков чтения и понимания оригинальной литературы, а MANAGEMENT также устного и письменного общения профессиональной направленности у студентов экономических специальностей.
Рекомендуется для работы с аспирантами и студентами IЦII курсов экономического факультета и факультета международного бизнеса, а также выборочно на отделении Регионоведение исторического факультета в рамках курса Практика устной речи и других факультетах в группах с углубленным изучением английского языка и на IV курсе факультетов иностранных языков в рамках курса Межкультурная коммуникация в сфере делового общения.
УДК 802.0 ББК 81.2Англ.я73 Изд-во Омск ISBN 5-7779-0561-7 й Омский госуниверситет, 2005 ОмГУ 2005 2 CONTENTS ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Introduction..........................................................................................4 Учебно-методическое пособие имеет целью развитие навыPart I. Management............................................................................5 ков устного и письменного общения профессиональной направText 1...............................................................................................6 ленности у студентов экономических специальностей и состоит из Text 2...............................................................................................7 двух частей. Первая часть, Менеджмент, как и вторая - МаркеAdditional Reading...........................................................................12 тинг, разбита на разделы, содержащие тексты, задания и упражText 1.............................................................................................12 нения как репродуктивного, так и продуктивного характера.
Text 2.............................................................................................14 В оригинальных текстах пособия, ориентированных на стуText 3.............................................................................................16 дентов разного уровня языковой подготовки, рассматриваются разPart II. Qualities and abilities..........................................................19 личные профессиональные проблемы, отражающие реалии сегоText 1.............................................................................................19 дняшнего дня в сфере бизнеса, включая деловой этикет и межкульText 2.............................................................................................20 турную коммуникацию.
Text 3.............................................................................................21 Система разнообразных заданий и упражнений способствует Text 4.............................................................................................23 развитию не только речевых умений и навыков студентов в сфере Part III. To make a decision............................................................25 деловой коммуникации, но и их оценочного мышления. ЛичностText 1.............................................................................................25 но-ориентированные задания, кейсы (анализ конкретных ситуаций) Text 2.............................................................................................27 и деловые игры призваны помочь обучающимся проверить усвоAdditional Reading...........................................................................29 енные теоретические знания и сформированные навыки при решеText 1.............................................................................................29 нии практических задач, а наличие схем и таблиц способствует Text 2.............................................................................................32 систематизации материала и лучшему его усвоению.
Supplementary reading....................................................................33 Благодаря гибкости представления материала пособие рекоText 1.............................................................................................33 мендуется как для работы в аудитории под руководством преподаText 2.............................................................................................35 вателя, так и для самостоятельной работы (для чтения в рамках Text 3.............................................................................................38 указанной темы).
Text 4.............................................................................................48 Пособие может быть использовано для работы с аспирантаText 5.............................................................................................52 ми и студентами IЦII курсов экономического факультета и факульText 6.............................................................................................63 тета международного бизнеса, выборочно на отделении РегионоText 7.............................................................................................69 ведение исторического факультета в рамках курса Практика устText 8.............................................................................................73 ной речи и других факультетах в группах с углубленным изучениSupplementary Activity....................................................................77 ем английского языка, а также на IV курсе факультетов иностран ных языков в рамках курса Межкультурная коммуникация в сфе ре делового общения. Рекомендованный студентам библиографи ческий список представлен во второй части пособия (Марке тинг).
3 Part I. Management 3. What mistakes did derailed manager make 4. Do you agree with the authorТs opinion 1. Warm up Discuss the following questions. TEXT 1. What do you think of when you see the term management Quickly write down words or ideas as they come into your mind.
Now we need to define management in order to highlight the imSupervise, boss, responsibiity portance, relevance, and necessity of studying management.
2. Can you give a definition of the word УmanagementФ or exManagement is the process of working with and through others to plain this word achieve organizational objectives in a changing environment. Central to a) Who is responsible for getting things done (for management) this process is the effective and efficient use of limited resources.
b) What aspects can influence the management (do you think that Five parts of this definition require closer examination:
there are any links between the staff-people of the management and the 1) working with and through others, staff-people in the office, between success and f.e. resources) 2) organizational objectives, c) What do you think is the most important aspect, influencing 3) effectiveness versus efficiency, management Do you take into account human factor 4) limited resources, and d) What kind of person should a manager be What features of 5) changing environment.
character, manner of behaviour must he possess Management is, above all else, a social process. For whatever 3. What are some of the duties and responsibilities of a manager collective purpose that individuals are brought together (for example, to 4. Have you ever worked under the supervision of a manager build cars, provide emergency health care, or publish books) managers Was this person effective manager Why or why not are responsible for getting things done by working with and through others. Aspiring managers who do not interact well with others hamper 2. Look through the first part of the text. Find the following their career. A recent study of 20 successful managers and 21 УderailedФ words and try to explain them (guess the meaning from the context).
managers underscores the importance of being able to work effectively effectiveness derailed with and through others. In this study managers were considered to be hamper peer УderailedФ if they did not live up to what their pears and superiors originally expected of them. In contrast to their successful colleagues, the 3. Word building УderailedФ managers were found to have made these mistakes:
Look at the following words and analyse the word formation 1) Insensitive to others, abrasive, intimidating, bullying style.
(e.g. reality: real - adj + ty - noun).
2) Cold, aloof, arrogant.
affectiveness achievable similes 3) Betrayal of trust.
changing redesigned nonrenewable (energy) 4) Overly ambitions: thinking of next job, playing politics.
interact reformulated foreseeable 5) Specific performance problems with the business.
successful retrain unavoidably 6) Overmanaging: unable to delegate or build a team.
7) Unable to staff effectively.
4. Read the text again, find the following information and com8) Unable to think strategically.
pare with your thoughts.
9) Unable to adapt to boss with different style.
1. What is management 10) Overdependent on advocate or mentor.
2. What parts does it consist of 5 Significantly, only two of these shortcomings, number 5 and 8, higher organizational levels. Planning is listed as the first management are not directly related to working effectively with and through others. function because the others depend on it. However, even as managers People - whether superiors, peers or subordinates - can literally make move on to perform other managerial functions, planning continues as or break oneТs career in management. goals and alternatives are further evaluated and revised.
Organizing, the second management function, is the process of TEXT 2 putting the plan into action. This involves allocating resources, especially human resources, so that the overall objectives can be attained. In VOCABULARY this phase, managers decide on the positions to be created and determine the associated duties and responsibilities.
Below is a list of terms that you will find in the text. As you read Staffing, choosing the right person for the right job, may also be УManagement FunctionsФ, see if you understand each term. Use this included as part of the organizing function. Third is the day-to-day dias a working list and add other terms that you don't know.
rection and supervision of employees. In directing, managers guide, NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES OTHERS teach, and motivate workers so that they reach their potential abilities management fit into overall regardless of and at the same time achieve the company goals that were established in team establish organizational adequately the planning process. Effective direction and supervision by managers manager move on ongoing requires ongoing communication with employees. In the last managefunction revise interpersonal ment function, controlling, managers evaluate how well company obposition allocate jectives are being met. In order to complete this evaluation, managers staffing attain must look at the objectives established in the planning phase and at how direction guide well the tasks assigned in the directing phase are being completed. If supervision motivate major problems exist and goals are not being achieved, then changes phase need to be made in the company's organizational, or managerial, structure. In making changes, managers might have to go back and replan, reorganize, and redirect.
READING In order to adequately and efficiently perform these management functions, managers need interpersonal, organizational, and technical Management Functions skills. Although all four functions are managerial duties, the importance Management plays a vital role in any business or organised activ- of each may vary, depending on the situation.
ity. Management is composed of a team of managers who have charge Effective managers meet the objectives of the company through sucof the organization at all levels. Their duties include making sure comcessful combination of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling.
pany objectives are met and seeing that the business operates efficiently. Regardless of the specific job, most managers perform four COMPREHENSION basic functions:
I. Answer the following questions about management functions.
* planning * organizing * directing * controlling.
Questions with asterisk (*) cannot be answered directly from the text.
Planning involves determining overall company objectives and deciding how these goals can best be achieved. Managers evaluate al* 1. What did the duties of managers include ternative plans before choosing a specific course of action and then 2. What does planning involve check to see that the chosen plan fits into the objectives established at 7 3. Why is planning the first management function 2. Plans set up in the first stage are subject to revision throughout 4. What do managers do in the organizing phase the duration of the project._ 5. Can staffing be considered as part of the organizing func- 3. Managers should periodically check to see how well compretion *Why or why not hensive company goals detailed in the planning phase are being met.
6. *Why is ongoing communication necessary for effective di- _ rection 4. Organizational goals generally are achieved by successfully 7. What do managers evaluate in the controlling function combining the functions of planning, organizing, directing, and control*Why is evaluation essential at this phase of the project ling. _ 8. *What types of problems could a manager discover in per- 5. It is possible to divide the organizing function into two stages:
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