Книги по разным темам
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Foray D. Economics of Knowledge. A Changing discipline for an Evolving Society. MIT Press, 2003. Forthcoming. Human Resource Development in the Russian Federation: the University Research Community. OECD, 03-Dec.-2002. CCNM/DEELSA/ED(2002)1. Jamison D., Jansen C. Technology Transfer and Economic Growth // Journal of Association of University Technology Managers. 2000. Vol. XII. Laat B., Warta K., Williams K. Evaluation of ANVAR’s Procedure d’aide au projet d’innovation, 1993–1999. OECD, Nov. 4–2001. Martens J. Measuring Soviet Performance in Industrial Innovation: The Implementation of New Inventions. OECD, 1991. OECD Status Report (Russia). Patenting and Licensing Activities of Public Research Organizations. August 30, 2002. Patents at Colleges and Universities. Washington, 1985. Science and Public Policy. June 1980. Science Indicators–1978. NSF, NSB, 1978. Science Indicators–2002. NSB, NSF. Vol. 2. Appendix Tables. Teece D. Capturing Value from Knowledge Assets // California Management Review. Vol. 40, 3, Spring 1998. Turner A. The Law of Trade Secrets. London, 1962. Turning Science into Business: Patenting and Licensing at Public Research organizations. OECD, 19-Feb.-2003, DSTI/STP (2003)22. Schweitzer G. Swords into Market Shares. Technology, Economics, and Security in the New Russia. Joseph Henry Press. Washington, 2000.
1 От знаний к благосостоянию: преобразование российской науки и технологии с целью создания современной экономики, основанной на знаниях. Доклад Всемирного банка. 1 апреля 2002 г. С. 62.
2 OECD Status Report (Russia). Patenting and Licensing Activities of Public Research Organizations. August 30, 2002.
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Книги по разным темам