The following Sections were amended: Section V Types of expenditures of the functional>
Additions were made also to Annex 1 УClassification of the revenues of the budgets of the Russian FederationФ; Annex 4 УList of the types of expenditures of the functional>
According to RF Ministry of Finance Order of 04.12.2006, No 160n, this document is effected from the date of its signature which is October 31, 2006.
RF Ministry of Finance Order of 07.11.2006, No 135n УOn the amendments in RF Ministry of Finance Order of September 8, 2004, No Changes were made in the list of documents to be submitted by the Russian exporter (landing bank) to CJSC УRoseximbankФ to obtain federal government guarantees to render government support to the domestic industrial exports.
Specifically, in compliance with the amendments made, a list of documents to be submitted by foreign lending banks in order to receive federal government guarantees was created. The following documents are included in the list:
- an application for receiving the federal government guarantees where key data of the credit agreement and the credited export contract are stated;
- documents in confirmation of the authorities of the single management body and the accountant of the lending bank and the exporting company including the documents authorizing the execution of deals and signing of agreements as well as other documents on behalf of the lending bank and the exporting company;
- an application form of the exporter;
- copies of the founding documents of the Russian exporter with all the annexes, amendments and additions duly notarized;
- an annual report officially published.
The list of documents to be submitted by the Russian lending banks to obtain federal government guarantees of Russia has been also expanded.
Letter of the Federal Treasury of Russia of 11.10.2006, No 42-7.1-15/2.6- УOn separate issues of reflecting in financial accounting and reporting of operations settlements related to intra-departmental redistribution of revenues from profitable businessesФ.
The Federal Treasury of Russia explained that the operations of the Federal Treasury bodies for transferring funds between the General Manager (Manager) and the ManagerТs recipient of funds and the latterТs separate entities for the profitable business/activity shall be accounted in the Register of internal accounts between the bodies performing cash services for the budget execution (f.0504061) by correspondents - Federal Treasury bodies, as well as in separate lines of the Statement of receipts and disbursements (of the body engaged in cash servicing of the budget execution) (f. 0521423).
It was stated also that if the recipient and the sender of the budget funds are located in one and the same subject of the Russian Federation, the above mentioned operations are to be excluded from the Statement of receipts and disbursements (of the body engaged in cash servicing of the budget execution) created by the Federal Treasury Departments and the Balance sheet for the cash servicing operations of the federal budget execution (f. 0521450).
V. P. Goldin
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