Книги по разным темам Pages:     | 1 |   ...   | 10 | 11 | 12 |

89 Трахтенгерц Э.А. Компьютерная поддержка переговоров при согласовании управленческих решений. М.: Синтег, 2003. - 284 с.

90 Управление проектами. Зарубежный опыт / Под. ред.

В.Д. Шапиро. С.-Пб.: ДваТрИ, 1993. - 443 с.

91 Управление проектами / Общая редакция - В.Д. Шапиро. С.Пб.: ДваТрИ, 1996. - 610 с.

92 Управление проектами: справочное пособие / Под ред.

И.И. Мазура, В.Д. Шапиро. М.: Высшая школа, 2001. - 875 с.

93 Фишберн П. Теория полезности для принятия решений. М.:

Наука, 1978. - 352 с.

94 Фишер С., Дорнбуш Р., Шмалензи Р. Экономика. М.: Дело, 1993. - 864 с.

95 Цветков А.В. Стимулирование в управлении проектами. М.:

Апостроф, 2001. - 144 с.

96 Цыганов В.В. Адаптивные механизмы в отраслевом управлении. М.: Наука, 1991. - 166 с.

97 Щепкин А.В. Механизмы внутрифирменного управления. М.:

ИПУ РАН, 2001. - 80 с.

98 Юдкевич М.М., Подколзина Е.А., Рябинина А.Ю. Основы теории контрактов: модели и задачи. М.: ГУ ВШЭ, 2002. - 352 с.

99 A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide). 2000. - 215 p.

100 Alchian A.A. Economic forces at work. Indianapolis, 1977.

101 Barzel Y. Economic analysis of property rights. Cambridge, 1989.

102 Binmore K.G. Perfect equilibria in bargaining models / The Economics of bargaining. Oxford: Blackwell, 1987.

103 Coase R.H. The firm, the market, and the law. Chicago, 1988.

104 Czarnecki M.T. Managing by measuring: How to improve your organizationТs performance through effective benchmarking. N.Y.:

American management association, 1999.

105 Dinsmore P.C. Winning in business with enterprise project management. N.Y.: American management association, 1999. - 271 p.

106 Fleming Q.W., Hoppelman J.M. Earned value Project Management.

PMI, 1996. - 141 p.

107 Grossman S., Hart O. An analysis of the principal-agent problem // Econometrica. 1983. Vol. 51. N 1. P. 7 - 45.

108 Hart O.D., Holmstrom B. Theory of contracts // Advances in economic theory. 5-th world congress. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987. P. 71 - 155.

109 Hart O.D. Optimal labor contracts under asymmetric information:

an introduction // Review of Economic Studies. 1983. Vol. 50. N 1. P. - 35.

110 Kalai E. Proportional solutions to bargaining situations: interpersonal utility comparison // Econometrica. 1977. Vol. 45. P. 1623 - 1630.

111 Kalai E., Smorodinsky M. Other solutions to the Nash bargaining problem // Econometrica. 1975. Vol. 43. P. 513 - 518.

112 Kerzner H. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling and controlling. N.Y. John Wiley & Sons, 1998.

113 Kliem R.L., Ludin I.S. Project management practitionerТs book.

N.Y.: American Management Association, 1998.

114 Lientz B.P., Rea K.P. Project management for the 21-st century.

San Diego: Academic Press, 1998.

115 Mas-Collel A., Whinston M.D., Green J.R. Microeconomic theory.

N.Y.: Oxford Univ. Press, 1995. - 981 p.

116 Milgrom P.R., Roberts J. Bargaining costs, influence costs, and the organization of economic activity / Perspectives on positive political economy. Cambridge, 1990.

117 Moore J. Implementation, contracts and renegotiations in environment with complete information / Advances in Economic Theory. Vol.

1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. P. 182 - 281.

118 Myerson R.B. Game theory: analysis of conflict. London: Harvard Univ. Press, 1991. - 568 p.

119 Nash J.F. The bargaining problem // Econometrica. 1950. Vol. 18.

P. 155 - 162.

120 Ordeshook P.C. Game theory and political theory: an introduction.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. - 511 p.

121 The principles of project management / Ed. by J.S. Pennypacker.

N.Y.: PMI, 1997.

122 Thomson W. Cooperative models of bargaining / Handbook in Game Theory. N.Y.: North-Holland, 1994. Chapter 35. P. 1237 - 1248.

123 Turner J.R. The handbook of project-based management. London:

McGraw-Hill Companies, 1999.

124 Williamson O.E. The economic institutions of capitalism: firms, markets, relational contracting. N.Y., 1985.

125 Zhou L. The Nash bargaining problem with non-convex problems // Economertica. 1997. Vol. 65. P. 681 - 685.

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