Tax revenues of the consolidated budgetdiminished from 7.2 per cent of GDP to 6.6 per cent of GDP over the year, whilegrowing by 32 per cent as measured in comparable prices. As in case of theincome tax, VAT revenues of territorial budgets grew less because the share of VAT revenues due tothem was diminished from 25 per cent in 1999 to 15 per cent in year 2000.
Excises. Noincrease in excises as measured in percentage of GDP was registered in year2000 (excises on domestic products were at 1.8 per cent of GDP and excises onimported products were at 0.04 per cent of GDP as compared with 1.8 per cent ofGDP and 0.08 per cent of GDP respectively registered in 1999). In comparable pricesexcises grew by 29 per cent (excises on domestic products increased by 32 percent, while excises on imported products fell by 37 per cent).
The increase in excises on natural gas made34 per cent as measured in comparable prices. This increase may beattributed to a growth innatural gas prices occurring in the situation of advalorem taxation. The increase in oil excises(by 43 per cent) resulted from growing oil extraction and exports. Ageneral contraction ofimports was responsible for a decrease in import excises. Excise-generatedrevenues of the consolidated budget were stable as measured in the percentageof GDP (2.4 per cent of GDP). In comparable prices excises grew by 27 percent.
Foreign trade taxation. Customs duties and charges increased from 1.9 per cent of GDP in1999 to 3.3 per cent of GDP in year 2000. This growth occurred at thebackground of contraction of imports and stable revenues from import duties (1per cent of GDP in 1999 and 0.9 per cent of GDP in year 2000), what may beexplained by a twofold increase in the revenues generated by export duties asmeasured in the percentageof GDP (from 0.9 per cent of GDP to 2.4 per cent of GDP) and their growth by3.5 times in comparableprices.
The expenditures of the federal budgetpractically followed the revenue dynamics. The only difference was that largeamounts were expended in the last month of the year, thus bringing the totalamount of expenditures up to 13.8 per cent of GDP. The key factor behind thedynamics of the total expenditures were changes in the financing of the state support ofbranches of the national economy.
Table 1.7
Administration of the 2000 Federal Budget (%of GDP)
Profittax | 1,6% | 1,6% | 2,0% | 2,3% | 2,6% | 2,6% | 2,4% | 2,6% | 2,5% | 2,4% | 2,5% | 2,6% |
Personal incometax | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,4% | 0,4% | 0,4% | 0,4% | 0,4% | 0,4% | 0,4% |
Taxes on goodsand services. License and registration fees | 8,2% | 8,3% | 8,0% | 8,1% | 8,3% | 8,1% | 8,0% | 7,6% | 7,3% | 7,2% | 7,2% | 7,3% |
Taxes on foreigntrade and foreign economic operations | 3,1% | 3,4% | 3,5% | 3,5% | 3,5% | 3,5% | 3,4% | 3,4% | 3,3% | 3,3% | 3,3% | 3,3% |
Othertaxes | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,4% |
Taxrevenues | 13,6% | 14,0% | 14,1% | 14,6% | 15,1% | 14,9% | 14,6% | 14,2% | 13,8% | 13,6% | 13,7% | 13,9% |
Non-taxrevenues | 1,9% | 1,8% | 1,8% | 2,0% | 2,1% | 2,2% | 2,1% | 2,2% | 2,1% | 2,1% | 2,2% | 2,3% |
Totalrevenues | 15,5% | 15,8% | 16,0% | 16,6% | 17,2% | 17,0% | 16,7% | 16,4% | 16,0% | 15,7% | 15,9% | 16,2% |
Government | 0,1% | 0,2% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,4% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,4% |
Nationaldefense | 0,0% | 2,5% | 3,0% | 3,0% | 2,9% | 2,8% | 2,6% | 2,6% | 2,5% | 2,6% | 2,6% | 2,7% |
Internationalactivities | 0,7% | 0,9% | 0,8% | 0,8% | 0,6% | 0,0% | 0,2% | 0,2% | 0,2% | 0,3% | 0,3% | 0,3% |
Judiciary | 0,0% | 0,1% | 0,1% | 0,1% | 0,1% | 0,1% | 0,1% | 0,1% | 0,1% | 0,1% | 0,1% | 0,1% |
Law enforcement,security | 0,8% | 1,2% | 1,3% | 1,3% | 1,4% | 1,4% | 1,4% | 1,4% | 1,3% | 1,3% | 1,3% | 1,5% |
Basic researchand promotion of scientific and technological progress | 0,0% | 0,1% | 0,1% | 0,2% | 0,2% | 0,2% | 0,2% | 0,2% | 0,2% | 0,2% | 0,2% | 0,3% |
Governmentservices to the national economy, of which: | 0,3% | 0,4% | 0,5% | 0,6% | 0,7% | 0,7% | 0,6% | 0,7% | 0,7% | 0,6% | 0,7% | 0,9% |
Social services | 1,3% | 1,5% | 1,8% | 1,9% Pages: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ... | 18 |![]() |