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Институт экономики переходного периода Факторы формирования цен на нефть Приложение Список стран, по которым строились ретропрогнозы:
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Институт экономики переходного периода Факторы формирования цен на нефть Приложение Таблица 9. Сквозная регрессия вида (85) Dependent Variable: LOG(Q) Method: Pooled Least Squares Date: 01/12/06 Time: 17:Sample(adjusted): 1965 Included observations: 40 after adjusting endpoints Number of cross-sections used: Total panel (balanced) observations: Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -12.32694 0.015219 -809.9456 0.LOG(GDPPC) 0.751268 0.006728 111.6570 0.R-squared 0.878889 Mean dependent var 11.Adjusted R-squared 0.878818 S.D. dependent var 1.S.E. of regression 0.398074 Sum squared resid 272.F-statistic 12467.28 Durbin-Watson stat 0.Prob(F-statistic) 0.Таблица 10. Сквозная регрессия вида (86) Dependent Variable: LOG(Q) Method: Pooled Least Squares Date: 01/12/06 Time: 17:Sample(adjusted): 1966 Included observations: 39 after adjusting endpoints Number of cross-sections used: Total panel (balanced) observations: Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -0.288569 0.050022 -5.768793 0.LOG(GDPPC) 0.011810 0.003256 3.627419 0.LOG(Q(-1)) 0.973809 0.004045 240.7275 0.R-squared 0.996642 Mean dependent var -10.Adjusted R-squared 0.996638 S.D. dependent var 1.S.E. of regression 0.065756 Sum squared resid 7.F-statistic 248402.9 Durbin-Watson stat 1.Prob(F-statistic) 0.Институт экономики переходного периода Факторы формирования цен на нефть Таблица 11. Сквозная регрессия вида (87) Dependent Variable: LOG(Q) Method: Pooled Least Squares Date: 01/12/06 Time: 17:Sample(adjusted): 1966 Included observations: 39 after adjusting endpoints Number of cross-sections used: Total panel (balanced) observations: Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -0.102458 0.048979 -2.091880 0.LOG(GDPPC) 0.008492 0.003082 2.755078 0.LOG(Q(-1)) 0.979446 0.003839 255.1142 0.LOG(PRICE) -0.036005 0.002513 -14.32552 0.R-squared 0.997009 Mean dependent var -10.Adjusted R-squared 0.997003 S.D. dependent var 1.S.E. of regression 0.062079 Sum squared resid 6.F-statistic 185873.0 Durbin-Watson stat 1.Prob(F-statistic) 0.Таблица 12. Регрессия (90) Dependent Variable: LOG(Q) Method: Maximum Likelihood (Marquardt) Date: 01/17/06 Time: 17:Sample: 1965 Included observations: Evaluation order: By observation Convergence achieved after 78 iterations Coefficient Std. Error z-Statistic Prob.
C -10.15081 0.036193 -280.4629 0. 3.292544 0.053633 -61.38983 0.0.271697 0.021511 -12.63058 0. 0.062409 0.021674 2.879425 0.0.023844 0.048214 0.494533 0.0.054360 0.074632 0.728377 0.0.406186 0.015085 26.92643 0. Log likelihood -890.7698 Akaike info criterion 44.Институт экономики переходного периода Факторы формирования цен на нефть Avg. log likelihood -22.26925 Schwarz criterion 45.Number of Coefs. 7 Hannan-Quinn criter. 44.Таблица 13. Регрессия (91) Dependent Variable: LOG(Q) Method: Maximum Likelihood (Marquardt) Date: 01/17/06 Time: 17:Sample: 1965 Included observations: Evaluation order: By observation Convergence achieved after 40 iterations Coefficient Std. Error z-Statistic Prob.
C -10.09413 0.040011 -252.2839 0. 3.306970 0.032471 -101.8440 0.0.270412 0.017898 -15.10883 0. 0.001576 0.000871 1.809561 0. 0.408831 0.011225 36.42212 0. Log likelihood -901.8008 Akaike info criterion 45.Avg. log likelihood -22.54502 Schwarz criterion 45.Number of Coefs. 5 Hannan-Quinn criter. 45.Таблица 14. Регрессия (92) Dependent Variable: LOG(Q) Method: Maximum Likelihood (Marquardt) Date: 01/17/06 Time: 18:Sample: 1965 Included observations: Evaluation order: By observation Convergence achieved after 438 iterations Coefficient Std. Error z-Statistic Prob.
C -12.33622 0.026396 -467.3576 0.0.754933 0.006771 111.5023 0. 0.043469 0.016649 2.610930 0.0.060028 0.047215 1.271388 0.0.017578 0.073594 0.238856 0.Институт экономики переходного периода Факторы формирования цен на нефть 0.391906 0.011265 34.78831 0. Log likelihood -829.1992 Akaike info criterion 41.Avg. log likelihood -20.72998 Schwarz criterion 42.Number of Coefs. 6 Hannan-Quinn criter. 41.Институт экономики переходного периода
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