3. Formation of the zone of cooperative development in the territory of Eurasia and strengthening of RussiaТs positions as the leader of integration processes in it;
4. Increase in RussiaТs role in the formation of international economic system;
5. Matching the bodies for government foreign economic policy formation and its fulfillment in concordance with the demands of Russian participants of foreign economic activity considering the best models of world practice;
6. Application of tools of customs and tariffs and non-tariffs regulation in order to rationalize import and attract new technologies;
7. Formation of bodies for entrepreneurs associations participation in foreign economic policy formation.On the whole, ConceptТs project envisages three periods for foreign economic policy realization. In 20082012 it is supposed to expand global competitive advantages in traditional spheres - power industry, transport and resources processing. In 2013-2017 - to make a spurt increasing global competitive ability of the economy on the basis of its transition to new technological basis (information, bio- and nanotechnologies);
after 2018 - to strengthen leading positions in the world economy and develop social-oriented economy.The analysis conducted in the ConceptТs project demonstrates that despite the growth of global competition, there are competitive and potentially competitive branches of industry in Russia. At the same time fulfillment of big branch projects (power industry, transport, processing industries and other spheres) in longterm prospect is impossible without taking into account globalization factor and active entrance to foreign markets, that is every large-scale project of economic development contains considerable foreign economic constituent. In this connection in order to realize successfully export-oriented projects, active implementation of instruments of foreign economic policy is required.
The aim of the FEP in long-term run is to create conditions for Russia to achieve leading positions in the world economy on the basis of its effective participation in international division of labor and increase in global competitive ability o the national economy. Detailed development of the priority directions mentioned Specified forecast for the main indices of social and economic development of the Russian Federation up to 2010а, 26 September 2007, p. Project of the Concept for long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation up to 2020, 17 March 2008, p. 125-126.
Ibidem, p. 121.
above will be included in the Foreign economic strategy of the Russian Federation up to 2020, whose development finishes at present at the Ministry for Economic Development and Trade..
Table Leading Exporting and Importing Countries in the World Goods Trade in (as USD billions, as percentage) Change as Change as compared compared Exporting coun- Importing counPlace Volume Share with the Place Volume Share with the tries tries previous previous year year 1 Germany 1327 9.5 20 1 USA 2017 14.2 2 China 1218 8.8 26 2 Germany 1059 7.5 3 USA 1163 8.4 12 3 China 956 6.7 4 Japan 713 5.1 10 4 Japan 621 4.4 5 France 552 4.0 11 5 Great Britain(1) 617 4.3 6 Netherlands 551 4.0 19 6 France 613 4.3 7 Italy 492 3.5 18 7 Italy 505 3.6 8 Great Britain(1) 436 3.1 -3 8 Netherlands 491 3.5 9 Belgium 432 3.1 18 9 Belgium 416 2.9 10 Canada 418 3.0 8 10 Canada 390 2.7 11 South Korea 372 2.7 14 11 Spain 374 2.6 Russian Federa- Hong Kong, 12 tion 355 2.6 17 12 China 371 2.6 - import for Hong Kong, internal con13 China 350 2.5 8 sumption (2) 96 0.7 Е - export(2) 19 0.1 Е - re-export(2) 331 2.4 Е 13 South Korea 357 2.5 14 Singapore 299 2.2 10 14 Mexica 297 2.1 - export 156 1.1 - re-export 143 1.0 15 Mexica 272 2.0 9 15 Singapore 263 1.9 - import for internal consumption(3) 120 1.1 Russian Federa16 Chinese Taipei 246 1.8 10 16 tion(4) 223 1.6 17 Spain 242 1.7 13 17 Chinese Taipei 220 1.5 18 Saudi Arabia(2) 229 1.6 8 18 India 217 1.5 19 Malaysia 176 1.3 10 19 Turkey 170 1.2 20 Switzerland 172 1.2 16 20 Australia 165 1.2 21 Sweden 168 1.2 14 21 Austria 162 1.1 22 Austria 162 1.2 19 22 Poland 161 1.1 23 Brazil 161 1.2 17 23 Switzerland 161 1.1 24 UAE(2) 154 1.1 8 24 Sweden 150 1.1 1.25 Thailand 152 1.1 17 25 Malaysia 147 1.0 26 India 145 1.0 20 26 Thailand 141 1.0 27 Australia 141 1.0 14 27 Brazil 127 0.9 28 Norway 139 1.0 14 28 UAE(2) 121 0.9 29 Poland 138 1.0 24 29 Czech Republic 118 0.8 30 Czech Republic 122 0.9 29 30 Denmark 99 0.7 Total for 30 Total for countries(5) 11497 82.7 - countries(5) 11726 82.5 - Total world Total world export(5) 13900 100.0 15 import(5) 14200 100.0 1) Decrease in trade as compared to the previous year is registered taking into account tax declarations for added value, presenting fraudulent data. For more details see special chapter of monthly issued УFirst Review of the trade in the Great BritainФ (www.statistics.gov.uk/StatBase/Product.aspvlnk=1119).
2) WTOТs Secretariat estimation 3) Import for internal consumption includes import after re-export deduction 4) Import at f. o. b. price 5) Including considerable re-export or import with re-export objective Source: WTO Secretariat, Geneva, Press Release, April 17, Table Leading Commercial Services Exporting and Importing Countries in (as USD billions, as percentage) Change as Change as compared compared Place Exporting countries Volume Share Place Importing countries Volume Share with the with the previous year previous year 1 USA 454 13.9 14 1 USA 336 11.0 2 Great Britain 263 8.1 17 2 Germany 245 8.0 3 Germany 197 6.1 18 3 Great Britain 193 6.3 4 Japan 136 4.2 11 4 Japan 157 5.1 5 France 130 4.0 11 5 China 129 4.2 Е 6 Spain 127 3.9 21 6 France 120 3.9 7 China 127 3.9 Е 7 Italy 117 3.8 8 Italy 109 3.3 12 8 Spain 97 3.2 9 Netherlands 91 2.8 13 9 Irelands 93 3.0 10 Irelands 87 2.7 27 10 Netherlands 89 2.9 11 India 86 2.7 15 11 South Korea 85 2.8 12 Hong Kong, China 82 2.5 13 12 Canada 80 2.6 13 Belgium 73 2.2 Е 13 India 78 2.6 14 Singapore 66 2.0 13 14 Singapore 70 2.3 15 South Korea 64 2.0 28 15 Belgium 66 2.2 Е 16 Sweden 63 1.9 26 16 Russian Federation 57 1.9 17 Denmark 62 1.9 17 17 Denmark 56 1.8 18 Canada 61 1.9 6 18 Sweden 48 1.6 19 Switzerland 61 1.9 20 19 Hong Kong, China 40 1.3 20 Luxemburg 60 1.8 18 20 Australia 38 1.2 21 Austria 54 1.7 18 21 Thailand 38 1.2 22 Greece 43 1.3 21 22 Austria 37 1.2 23 Australia 40 1.2 22 23 Norway 37 1.2 24 Norway 39 1.2 18 24 Luxemburg 36 1.2 25 Russian Federation 38 1.2 25 25 Chinese Taipei 35 1.2 26 Chinese Taipei 30 0.9 5 26 Brazil 34 1.1 27 Thailand 28 0.9 17 27 Switzerland 33 1.1 28 Poland 28 0.9 36 28 Indonesia(1) 32 1.0 Е 29 Malaysia 28 0.9 29 29 UAE(1) 28 0.9 Е 30 Turkey 27 0.8 12 30 Malaysia 27 0.9 Total for 30 coun- Total for 30 coun tries 2755 84.6 - tries 2530 82.7 - Total world export 3260 100.0 18 Total world import 3060 100.0 1) WTOТs Secretariat estimation Note: for 33%, whose share in the world commercial services trade is more than 60, preliminary data were published at the beginning of March, for the majority of countries estimations are based on the data over three quarters (over six months in China).
Source: WTO Secretariat, Geneva, press release, April 17, Money allowance of servicemen - the main factor of transition to a professional army on a voluntary basis E. Trofimova Increase in the money allowances of all servicemen enlisted for military service under contracts should become one of the means for enhancing the attractiveness of military service. However, the size of money allowance of a majority of contractees has failed to rise to the desirable values that should be above the average wage across the country, the result being a disruption of the program of transition to the contract, which can be fraught with further difficulties in the implementation of military reform.
Recently, the RF Ministry of Defense has developed a program document, УThe Strategy for the Social Development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the Period Until the Year 2020Ф18. One of Strategiia sotsialТnogo razvitiia Vooruzhennykh Sil Rossiiskoi Federatsii na period do 2020 goda. [The Strategy for the Social Development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the Period until the Year 2020] // Krasnaia Zvezda [The Red Star], 18 April 2008.
the tasks set in the Strategy is Уan increase in the size and an improvement of the quality of charging money allowances to servicemenФ.
This task is by no means a new one. The money allowance of servicemen should have played an important part in the implementation of the Federal Target Program УThe Transition of a Number of Formations and Military Units to being Manned by Servicemen Enlisted for Military Service under ContractsФ for the years 2004 - 2007. A young man was to voluntarily prefer military service to all the other types of activity available on the labor market. And therefore it was precisely the increase of money allowance to the size of the national average that should have become one of the means to enhance the attractiveness of military service.
However, even now the minimum money allowance amounts only to 8.4 thousand rubles, or nearly two times less than the national average (in February 2008 - 15,214 rubles) 19. Even after the recent increase, the money allowance of a squad commander falls short of 15 thousand rubles20. According to the estimates of the IET, a considerable rise in the size of money allowance (which still falls short of the requited one) has taken place only with regard to the servicemen serving in the military units of permanent readiness, especially those quartered in Chechnya (the 42nd Guards Mechanized Infantry Division).
On the other hand, the money allowances of the persons filling military positions in the central apparatus of the RF Ministry of Defense turn out to be much higher than those of all the other servicemen of the Armed Forces. This fact has not passed unnoticed by the mass media21. It was noted that Уthere emerged a blatant injustice in the charging of money allowances to servicemenФ22. In order to increase the attractiveness of military service it was planned У to establish (initially in legislation, and then in the Regulation on Money AllowanceФ that even at the lowest tiers of the military hierarchy, the money allowance received by a servicemen enlisted for military service under a contract should exceed the average wage across the countryФ.
Below, we are attempting to analyze the dynamics of the military allowances of all categories of servicemen for the years 2003 - 2008 (see Table 1, which contains the list of administrative decisions).
Table The legislative and normative acts which effected the size of the basic money allowances of servicemen in 2003 - Provisions of laws, edicts of RF Orders of RF Minister of Defense as Changes in money allowances of President (EP) and decrees of RF of 1 July 2003 servicemen Government (DG) EP of 26 June 2002, # 462, УOn Estab- Order of 28 July 2002, # 245, УOn The rates of payment for military posilishing the Rates of Payment for Ser- money Allowances of ServicemenФ tion and military ranks have been vicemenФ The document has become invalid. brought into correspondence with the rates of payment for state employees.
The categories of soldier (sailor) and sergeant (petty officer) are set at an inadmissibly low level.
There were no EPs and DGs. Order of 9 July 2003, # 245, УOn the To establish, from 1 July 2003 onwards, In accordance with Item 9 of Article 13 Establishment of a Monthly Bonus for a monthly bonus for Уthe servicemen of Federal Law of 27 May 1998, # 76 - Some Categories of Servicemen for the enlisted for military service under conFZ, УOn the Status of ServicemenФ, and Importance of the Tasks Being Ful- tracts in the central military administrafor purposes of increasing the social filledФ tion bodies of the RF Armed Forces protection of servicemen of the central The document has become invalid. subordinated directly to the RF Minister military administration bodies of the of Defense, the Chief of the RF General RF Armed Forces Staff, the RF First Deputy Minister of Defense, and to the RF Deputy Ministers of DefenseФ to be set at 75% of the rate of payment for a military position.
RosstatТs data. Lavrov, K. Reiting voennoi sluzhby [The rating of military service] // Voenno - promyshlennyi kurТer [The Military - Industrial Herald], 5 - 11 March 2008.
Soloviev, V.G., Ivanov, A.P. Nishchenskoe dovolТstvie [The allowance for a pauper] // Sovetskaia Rossiia [Soviet Russia], 27 February 2007; Shapoval, I. Denezhnoe dovolТstvie ofitserov v tsentralТnom apparate MO RF pochti v raz bolТshe, chem u ofitserov v voiskakh. [The money allowances of officers in the central apparatus of the RF Ministry of Defense are nearly ten times larger than those of army officers] // Argumenty nedeli [Arguments of the Week], March 2007.
Vorobiev, E.A., Tsymbal V.I. O poriadke i poriadochnosti [On order and honesty] // Nezavisimoe voennoe obozrenie [The Independent Military Review], 9 February 2007.
From 1 January EP Order To increase, from 1 October 2003 onof 29 September 2003, # 605, УOn the of 2 October 2003, # 345, УOn the wards, the rates of payments for miliIncrease in the Money Allowances of Increase in the Money Allowances of tary positions by 1.11 times, and the Servicemen Enlisted for Military Ser- Servicemen Enlisted for Military Ser- rates of payment for the military posivice under ContractsЕФ vice under ContractsФ tions of servicemen enlisted for military The document has become invalid. service under contracts.
EP Order To establish, from 1 January of 25 August 2003, # 523, УOn the of 22 December 2003, # 450, УOn the onwards, a bonus for servicemen transFederal Target Program УThe Transi- Establishment of a Monthly Bonus for ferred to military service under contion of a Number of Formations and Some Categories of Servicemen for the tracts, and for the special conditions of Military Units to being Manned by Special Conditions of Combat Train- combat training: the 42nd Guards Servicemen Enlisted for Military Ser- ingФ Mechanized Infantry Division - from vice under Contracts for the Years The document has become invalid. 4,000 to 5,000 rubles; other military 2004 - 2007Ф. units - from 2,700 to 3,300 rubles.
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