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177 См.: Herrnstein R. J.. MurrayCh. The Bell Curve. P. 131, 132.
178 Dahrendorf R. >
179 См.: Ellul J. The Technological Society. N. Y., 1964. P. 400.
180 Inglehart R. Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society. Princeton (NJ),1990. P. 285,286-288.
181 См.: Touraine A. Critique de la modernite. P., 1992. P. 308-309.
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185 См.: Marcuse H. One-Dimensional Man. Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society. L., P.53.
186 Toffler A., Toffler H. Creating a New Civilization. Atlanta, 1995. Р. 25.
187 См.: Drucker P. F. Managing in a Time of Great Change. Oxford, 1995. P. 205-206.
188 См.: Berger P. L. The Capitalist Revolution. Aldershot, 1987, P. 67-69.
189 Inglehart R. Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society. P. 161.
190 См.: Inglehart R. Modernization and Postmodemization. Cultural, Economic, and Political Change in 43Societies. Princeton, 1997.. 327.
191 См.: Giddens A. The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge, 1995. P. 156.
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194 Drucker P. F. The New Realities. Oxford, 1996. P. 183, 184.
195 См.: Bell D. The World and the United States in 2013 // Daedalus. Vol. 116. No3. P. 27; Galbraith J. K. The Culture of Contentment. L. -N. Y., 1992. P. 31; Handy Ch. Beyond Certainty. L., 1996. P.3.
196 См.: Dahrendorf R. The Modem Social Conflict. An Essay on the Principles of Liberty.Berkeley-L. A., 1990. P. 160-162.
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198 См.: Baudrillard J. In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities or, The End of the Socialand Other Essays. N. Y., 1983. P. 18-19, 22.
199 Наиболее подробно этот вопрос рассмотрен в кн. : Callinicos A. AgainstPostmodernism. Cambridge, 1994. Р. 162.
200 См.: Dahrendorf R. The Modem Social Conflict P- 164.
201 Fukuyama F. The End of History and the Last Man. L. -N. Y., 1992. P. 116.
202 Bell D. Sociological Journeys. Essays 1960-1980. L., 1980. Р. 157.
203 См.: Beck U. Risk Society. L. -Thousand Oaks, 1992. P. 53.
204 Koch R. TheThird Revolution. Creating Unprecedented Wealth and Happiness for Everyone inthe New Millennium. Oxford, 1998. P. 145.
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206 См.: ThumwL. Head to Head. The Coming Economic Battle Among Japan. Europe, andAmerica. N. Y.,1993. P. 41.
207 См.: Kelly К. New Rules for the New Economy. Ten Radical Strategies for aConnected World. N. Y., 1998. P. 3; Frank R. H., CookP. J. The Winner-Take-All Society. Why the Few at theTop Get So Much More Than the Rest of Us. L., 1996. P. 46.
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214 См.: Hirst P., Thompson G.Globalization in Question. The International Economyand the Possibilities of Governance. Cambridge, 1996. P. 43; Sassen S. Losing Control Sovereignty inan Age of Globalization. N. Y., 1996. P. 43.
215 См.: Doremus P. N., Keller W. W.,Pauly L. W., Reich S. The Myth of the GlobalCorporation. Princeton (NJ), 1998. P. 26.
216 См.: Dicken P. Global Shift: The Intelnationalization of Economic Activity L.,1992. P. 48.
217 См.: Greider W. One World, Ready or Not. The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism. N.Y., 1997. P. 21.
218 См.: Dunning J. Multinational Enterprises in a Global Economy. Wokingham, 1993. P.15.
219 См.: Abramowitz M., David P. A.Convergence and Deferred Catch-Up: ProductivityLeadership and the Waning of American Exceptionalism // Landau R., Taylor Т.,Wright G. (Eds. ) The Mosaic of Economic Growth. P. 44.
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222 См.: The Economist. 1997. April 12. P. 119.
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