In March of 2003, the Government of the Russian Federation submitted to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the draft federal law УOn the principles of state regulation of foreign trade operationsФ aimed at determination of the principles of the state regulation of foreign trade operations, powers vested with the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation in the sphere of foreign trade operations and protection of the economic and political interests of the Russian Federation.
Social sphere In March of 2003, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the first reading the draft federal law УOn amendments to certain RF legislative acts as concerns financing of the general education establishments.Ф The bill, in particular, stipulates that local authorities should be vested with state powers in order to ensure the state guarantees of citizensТ rights for generally accessible and free general education in accordance with key non-specialized programs implemented by general education establishments within their jurisdiction.
There is continued the work on formation of the legislative base of the pension reform. In March of 2003, the President of the Russian Federation signed the federal law УOn amendments to the federal law СOn licensing of certain types of activitiesТФ concerning the licensing of activities relating to pension provision and pension insurance.
In April of 2003, the Government of the Russian Federation approved a resolution designating the Finance Ministry of the Russian Federation as empowered executive authority to regulate, control, and oversee the sphere of formation and investment of pension savings.
One of the most important objectives in the sphere of labor relations is the transition to the efficient employment of the population, meeting of developing demand of the economy for skilled labor, and ensuring of operative reaction to changes in the situation on the labor market. The elaborated draft Concept of actions on the labor market in 2003 through 2005 aimed at the resolution of these issues was submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation.
The problem of migration is a key issue as concerns the resolution of the problem of ensuring the country with necessary labor resources. In March of 2003, the Government of the Russian Federation issued a resolution approving the Concept of regulation of migration flows in the Russian Federation, which presents a system of approaches to the substance and key guidelines of activities carried out by state authorities of the Russian Federation in the sphere of management of migration processes.
O. Fomichev
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