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7. Социология семьи: учебник / под ред. А.И. Антонова. М.: ИНФРА-М, 2007. 640 с.
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Поступила в редакцию 11.09.K.N. Obukhov Family practices in the context of social interactions: results of the research carried out on the territory of Udmurt Republic The family is studied as a specific social context for implementing the practices of social and family interactions. The study includes the research of family practices on the territory of Udmurt Republic. We highlight the main models and types of family interaction in the context of the family.
Keywords: social space, family space, family interaction, social practices, family, social resources, family interexchange, family conflicts.
Обухов Константин Николаевич, социолог ГУ Республиканский центр Молодая семья 426051, Россия, г. Ижевск, ул. Советская, 1 (офис 202) E-mail: fagotfrosch@gmail.com Obukhov K.N., sociologist SE National Center Young family 462051, Russia, Izhevsk, Sovetchkaya str., 1 (office 202) E-mail: fagotfrosch@gmail.com.
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