Газета "Libertà" (Италия), 02. 04. 2011, Северная Африка-Казахстан. Желание демократии 4 Нидерландский журнал «Armex», 02. 04

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Al-Rai Newspaper (Иордания), 08.04.2011, Marwan Suda East Asian democracy productive and long-standing
Petra (Иордания), 08.04.2011, King congratulates Kazakh president on reelection
Al-Rai Newspaper (Иордания), 08.04.2011, East Asian democracy productive and long-standing
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Al-Rai Newspaper (Иордания), 08.04.2011, Marwan Suda East Asian democracy productive and long-standing

With the end of the Kazakh presidential election here this Sunday, and the President Nursultan Nazarbayev achievement of winning an easy crushing victory that qualifies him for new term, where the people with its multi nationals, ethics and religions has announced once again, his full and complete confidence with the policies of the founder President and his approach, who founded a state from nothing, and turned it to an international and regional wheat country, a major exporter of oil and minerals, and developed it with updated mechanisms, and unprecedented economic and political experiences with definite insight that former Soviet Republics in neighboring Central Asia did not witness which still suffer from the political instability, continued conflict, confrontation and economic decline.

We group of international observers, and a number of journalists together with our colleagues from Jordan Elena Nedogina and Maisa’a Al-Masri had a tour in many areas in and outside the capital to look on the readiness of electoral sites and voters, and to what extent it is subjected to international standards, its transparency and responsiveness to the general requirements, so we and our European Western and Eastern colleagues were sure that things are in the right way, and marched on the legal «rail» also none of candidates objected on any electoral matter, not digested his constitutional rights despite the attempts by western satellite channels known to all that forward its toxic arrows to undermine the electoral process for funny trivial unreasonable reasons , and not satisfied that there were only four candidates in this marathon not as double as in their countries, the people of Kazakhstan lined up in front of polling stations in long rows since early morning to exercise their rights to vote that does not dispute, as though this beautiful masses painting with the oriental features distinctive the Asian life pattern that is free of all police features in which the people swapped the president love with similar love and solidarity that caused boos, which reveals the hidden and hostile intent from a camp sits outside of Asia that watches the situation of the developing world and rejected it just for not hiring this world «European ruler» for its own affairs. Also the journalists and politicians soldiers of this camp do not shy from their rude interfering in Asia internal affairs and to teach Asians their democracy, aiming to degrade the political social traditions of our peoples, trying to finish off our ancient democracy patterns.

I spoke here in regard electoral affairs to many people, including ordinary citizens, the inhabitants of the cities, rural areas and areas remote from the capital, some are with Kazakh nationalism and some of are Polish, or even an Arab from among those whose forefathers settled this country, leaving the Arab features of the children and grandchildren to this day, confirm their Arabism belonging in the Kazakh crucible incubator for all. Also we had meetings in the (Akmol) area and with the mayor (Mr. Hakim), who organized a huge celebration for all observers and journalists as celebration of the working visit, which led them to his region that is famous with its winter and summer tourists, developed comfort and relaxation homes that were constructed in accordance with the patterns of traditional authentic, he explained to us how Kazakhstan grew up from (zero cubic) to become one of the industrially agricultural advanced countries, open to the whole world, and actually sponsor of modernity, and committed to the openings and pluralism. But what heavily to pay attention here, that Astana, which was built in a marginal rural spot moved only through (13) years to the ranks of big capitals and this is a clear reflection of the leadership wisdom, and the continuous hard work here at all levels, which was confirmed to us as well by His Excellency active Ambassador and knowledge with the Kazakh situation in all its aspects, Mr. Suleiman Arabiat during our fruitful meeting with him in our dear Jordanian embassy – the house of all Jordanians in Kazakhstan.

Petra (Иордания), 08.04.2011, King congratulates Kazakh president on reelection

AMMAN (Petra) –– His Majesty King Abdullah on Thursday sent a cable to President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev congratulating him on his reelection. In the cable, the King underlined his commitment to foster bilateral ties at all levels to serve the interests of both countries.

Al-Rai Newspaper (Иордания), 08.04.2011, East Asian democracy productive and long-standing

With the end of the Kazakh presidential election here this Sunday, and the President Nursultan Nazarbayev achievement of winning an easy crushing victory that qualifies him for new term, where the people with its multi nationals, ethics and religions has announced once again, his full and complete confidence with the policies of the founder President and his approach, who founded a state from nothing, and turned it to an international and regional wheat country, a major exporter of oil and minerals, and developed it with updated mechanisms, and unprecedented economic and political experiences with definite insight that former Soviet Republics in neighboring Central Asia did not witness which still suffer from the political instability, continued conflict, confrontation and economic decline.

We group of international observers, and a number of journalists together with our colleagues from Jordan Elena Nedogina and Maisa’a Al-Masri had a tour in many areas in and outside the capital to look on the readiness of electoral sites and voters, and to what extent it is subjected to international standards, its transparency and responsiveness to the general requirements, so we and our European Western and Eastern colleagues were sure that things are in the right way, and marched on the legal «rail» also none of candidates objected on any electoral matter, not digested his constitutional rights despite the attempts by western satellite channels known to all that forward its toxic arrows to undermine the electoral process for funny trivial unreasonable reasons , and not satisfied that there were only four candidates in this marathon not as double as in their countries, the people of Kazakhstan lined up in front of polling stations in long rows since early morning to exercise their rights to vote that does not dispute, as though this beautiful masses painting with the oriental features distinctive the Asian life pattern that is free of all police features in which the people swapped the president love with similar love and solidarity that caused boos, which reveals the hidden and hostile intent from a camp sits outside of Asia that watches the situation of the developing world and rejected it just for not hiring this world «European ruler» for its own affairs. Also the journalists and politicians soldiers of this camp do not shy from their rude interfering in Asia internal affairs and to teach Asians their democracy, aiming to degrade the political social traditions of our peoples, trying to finish off our ancient democracy patterns.

I spoke here in regard electoral affairs to many people, including ordinary citizens, the inhabitants of the cities, rural areas and areas remote from the capital, some are with Kazakh nationalism and some of are Polish, or even an Arab from among those whose forefathers settled this country, leaving the Arab features of the children and grandchildren to this day, confirm their Arabism belonging in the Kazakh crucible incubator for all. Also we had meetings in the (Akmol) area and with the mayor (Mr. Hakim), who organized a huge celebration for all observers and journalists as celebration of the working visit, which led them to his region that is famous with its winter and summer tourists, developed comfort and relaxation homes that were constructed in accordance with the patterns of traditional authentic, he explained to us how Kazakhstan grew up from (zero cubic) to become one of the industrially agricultural advanced countries, open to the whole world, and actually sponsor of modernity, and committed to the openings and pluralism. But what heavily to pay attention here, that Astana, which was built in a marginal rural spot moved only through (13) years to the ranks of big capitals and this is a clear reflection of the leadership wisdom, and the continuous hard work here at all levels, which was confirmed to us as well by His Excellency active Ambassador and knowledge with the Kazakh situation in all its aspects, Mr. Suleiman Arabiat during our fruitful meeting with him in our dear Jordanian embassy – the house of all Jordanians in Kazakhstan.

Marwan Suda