Houghton Mifflin Company Boston Артур М. Шлезингер Циклы американской истории Перевод с английского Развина П. А. и Бухаровой Е. И. Заключительная статья

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1   ...   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38



1. Emerson, «Circles».

2. Henry Adams, «The Rule of Phase Applied to History» (1909), в:
The Tendency of History (New York, 1919), 167.

3. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (Boston, 1918),
ch. Ill, XXXIY.

4. William James, «Is Life Worth Living?», в: The Will to Believe
and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy (New York, 1897), 54

5. Ibid., 53.

6. William James, Pragmatism (1907), Lecture Two.

7. W.C. Ford, ed., A Cycle of Adams Letters, 1861-1865 (Boston,
1920), I, 135.

Часть первая

Глава I. Теория Америки:
эксперимент или предначертание свыше?

Данное эссе является адаптированным текстом
«America: Experiment or Destiny?», в: American Historical Review,
June 1977.

1. Vine Deloria, Jr., «The North Americans», перепечатано из:
Crisis, в: Congressional Record, 94th Cong., 2d Sess. (1976),
E 2494-95 (daily ed.).

2. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Oldtown Folks (Boston, 1869), 368.

3. «Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God».

4. «New England's True Interest», в: The Puritans, ed. Perry Miller
and Thomas H.Johnson (1938; New York, Torchbook reprint,
1963), I, 244.

5. Miller and Johnson, Puritans, II, 82-83.

6. Leopold von Ranke, «On Progress in History», в: von Ranke, The
Theory and Practice of History, ed. G.G.Iggers and Konrad von
Moltke (Indianapolis, 1973), 53.

7. Jaroslav Pehkan, «The Lessons of History», в: The Nature of a
Humane Society, ed. H.O.Hess (Philadelphia, 1977), 35.

8. Number 34.


9. Статья Дана «The Winter of Criticism» была опубликована в:
Monthly Anthology and Boston Review, October 1805, в: The
Federalist Literary Mind, ed. Lewis P. Simpson (Baton Rouge,
1962), 209. 230.

10. Lucien Pnce, ed., Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead (Boston,
1954), 161, 203.

11. B: W.O.Clough. ed.. Intellectual Origins of American National
Thought (1955; New York, Corinth reprint, 1961), 71.

12. «The Age of Tacitus», в: Monthly Anthology, July 1807, в:
Simpson, ed., Federalist Literary Mind, 50.

13. Полибия «усердно изучали в Америке, особенно в период Ре-
волюции». Meyer Reinhold, ed., The Classick Pages: Classical
Reading of Eighteenth-Century Americans (University Park, Pa.,
1975), 121. См. также: Richard M.Gummere, The American
Colonial Mind and the Classical Tradition (Cambridge, Mass.,
1963), passim.

14 J.G.A. Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political
Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition (Princeton, 1975).
To же самое, но менее детально излагается в: Gordon S.Wood,
The Creation of the American Republic, 1776-1787. (Chapel
Hill, 1969), и в: Gerald Stourzh, Alexander Hamilton and the
Idea of Republican Government (Stanford, 1970). Рейнхолд пи-
шет, что Полибия в Америке знали отчасти из непосредствен-
ного изучения Книги VI его «Истории», а отчасти — через
«Рассуждения» Макиавелли и «Законы» Монтескье (Classick
Pages, 121), более подробно см.: John P.Diggms, The Lost Soul
of American Polities' Virtue, Silf-Interest, and the Foundations of
Liberalism (New York, 1984).

15 Henry Maine, Popular Government (1885, Indianapolis, 1976),

16. См.: Joseph Elhs, «Habits of Mind and an American
Enlightenment», American Quarterly, Summer 1976, особ. 161.

17. Stourzh, Alexander Hamilton, 71, 98.

18 Adams to Rush, 21 September 1808, в: The Selected Writings of

John and John Quincy Adams, ed. Adnenne Koch and William

Peden (New York, 1964), 149-150.
19. Thomas Jefferson, «Notes on Virginia», в. Writings, ed. Merrill

D. Peterson (Library of America, 1984), 289.

20 Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, IX.

21 Wirt to Benjamin Edwards, 22 December 1809, в Memoirs of the
Life of William Wirt, ed. J.P Kennedy (New York, 1849), I, 246-

22 Second Treatise on Civil Government, ch.II, par. 49.

23. Antonelh Gerbi, The Dispute of the New World: The History of a
Polemic, 1750-1900 (Pittsburgh, 1973), 160-175.

24. Henry Steele Commager, Jefferson, Nationalism and the
Enlightenment (New York, 1975), 43.

25. Jefferson to Chastellux, 7 June 1785, в: Jefferson, Wntmgs, 800.

26. Henry Steele Commager and Elmo Giodanetti, Was America a


Mistake? The Eighteenth-Century Controversy (New York, 1967),
126. 129, 138, 16.

27. Gerbi, Dispute, 240-242.

28. The llth Federalist. В постраничном примечании Гамильтон
ссылается на: de Pauw, Recherches Philosophiques sur les

29. John Adams, Defence, Preface.

30. The 6th Federalist.

31. James Bryce, The American Commonwealth (New York, 1888),
I, 299.

32. Woodrow Wilson, Constitutional Government in the United States
(New York, 1908), 44-45.

33. Henry Adams, «The Session 1869-1870", в: The Great Secession
Winter of 1860-61 and Other Essays, ed. G.E.Hochfield (New
York, 1963), 193.

34. Diggins, Lost Soul of American Politics, 58.

35 J.D.Richardson, сотр., Messages and Papers of the Presidents.

(Washington, 1909), I, 579; II, 262; III, 295-296, 303.
36. Ibid., Ill, 483-484; IV, 532-533, 632; V, 9
37 Abraham Lincoln, Collected Works, ed R P.Easier (New

Brunswick, N.J., 1953), I, 113-115; VII, 17.
38. John Dillenberger, ed , John Calvin: Selections from His

Writings (New York, 1971), 350, 564.

39 Jonathan Edwards, A History of the Work of Redemption, Section

40 Sacvan Bercovitch, The Puritan Origins of the American Self
(New Haven, 1975), 41-42, 54-55.

41. Miller and Johnson, Puritans, 1, 145, 152, 199.

42. The Scarlet Letter, ch.XXIII.

43. Jonathan Edwards, Thoughts Concerning the Present Revival of
Religion in New England, Part 2, section II.

44. Данное сопоставление мнений в значительной мере опирает-
ся на блестящий анализ, сделанный в книге: Bercovitch,
Puritan Origins, 89-90, 100-104.

45. Charles Summer, Prophetic Voices Concerning America (Boston,
1874), 54-55. Высказывание Ч.Ф.Адамса цитируется по.
Wood, Creation of the American Republic, 571.

46. E.L.Tuveson, Redeemer Nation: The Idea of America's Millenial
Role (Chicago, 1969).

47. A.K.Wemberg, Manifest Destiny (1935; Quadrangle reprint,
1963). 40.

48. Bercovitch, Puritan Origins, 87-88.

49. Gilbert Chmard, Thomas Jefferson: The Apostle of Americanism
(1929; Ann Arbor reprint, 1957), 428.

50. Commager, Enlightenment, 188.

51. White-Jacket, ch. 36.

52. H.Richard Niebuhr, The Kingdom of God in America (1935;
Torchbook reprint, 1959), 157.


53. Josiah Strong, The New Era (New York. 1893), 71, 354.

54. См. в: Chicago Standard, 6 August 1898, в: J.W.Pratt,
Expansionists of 1898 (1935; Quadrangle reprint, 1964), 293.

55. См. в: Norman A.Graebner, ed., Ideas and Diplomacy (New York,
1964), 372-373.

56. Фразы из речей в Омахе, Сиу-Фоллз, Сан-Франциско, Сан-
Диего, Щайене цит. по: Wilson, Messages and Papers, ed. Albert
Shaw (New York, 1924), 2: 815, 822, 969, 1025, 1086.

57. Lyndon В Johnson, Public Papers (Washington, 1963), I (1965),

58. Thanksgiving Day Proclamation, 1982. Это старое и часто по-
вторяющееся мнение Рейгана. См., например: New York
Times, 1 April 1976.

59. White-Jacket, ch. 36.

60. Цитируется по: R.W.B.Lewis, The American Adam (Chicago,
1955), 159.

61. Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address; Lincoln to Weed, 15 March
1865, в: Works, YIII, 333.

62. Democratic Vistas, в: Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
(Library of America), 930.

63. «The Fortune of the Republic».

64. Henry Adams, History of the United States During the
Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (New
York, 1889-1891), IY, 289.

65. Henry Adams, Democracy (1880), ch 4.

66. «The Rule of Phase Applied to History», в: Henry Adams, The
Tendency of History (New York, 1919), 172.

67. Henry to Brooks Adams, 23 November 1900 and 7 May 1901,
в: Henry Adams and His Friends: A Collection of His
Unpublished Letters, ed. H.D.Cater (Boston, 1947), 502, 508.

68. Henry Adams to H.O.Taylor, 22 November 1909; to
C.M.Gaskell, 1 June 1914; to Ferns Greenslet, after 22 December
1915, в: The Letters of Henry Adams, 1892-1918, ed. W.C.Ford
(Boston, 1938), 526, 625, 635; а также в: The Education of
Henry Adams (Boston, 1918), ch. XXXIY.

69. F.O.Matthiessen, The James Family (New York, 1961), 624-627,

70. Remhold Niebuhr, Faith and History (New York, 1949), 31.
7 1. Remhold Niebuhr, The Irony of American History (New York,
1952), 4, 42, 69-70, 85, 173.

72. Franclm D.Roosevelt, Public Papers... 1928-1932 (New York,
1938), 646.

73. John F.Kennedy, Public Papers... 1961 (Washington, 1962), 19.

74. Speech at Springfield, 111., 26 June 1857, в: Works, II, 406.

75. Gunnar Myrdal, An American Dilemma (New York, 1944), 4.

76. Charles Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit, ch. 34.

77. F.Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, ch. 9.


Глава 2. Циклы политической жизни Америки

Данное эссе включает в себя короткие отрывки из:
«The Shape of National Politics to Come» (New York, 1959) (част-
ное издание); «Is Liberalism Dead?» New York Times Magazine, 30
March 1980; «The New Conservatism: Will It Last?» Family Weekly,
10 January 1982; «One Last Chance for the Democrats» Playboy,
November 1982.

1. Emerson. «The Conservative».

2. Henry Adams, History of the Unined States of America During
the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
(New York. 1889-1891), VI, 123.

3. Arthur M.Schlesmger, Paths to the Present (New York, 1949), 93.

4. Ibid., 96.

5. Ibid., 98.

6. Ibid., 97.

7 Emerson, «The Conservative».

8. A.O.Hirschman, Shifting Involvements. Private Interest and
Public Action (Prmceton, 1982), 3, 8.

9 Herbert McClosky and John aller, The American Ethos: Public
Attitudes Toward Capitalism and Democracy (Cambridge, Mass.,
1984), особ. 162, 291-292.

10 По данному вопросу мне представляется убедительной книга:
John P Diggins, The Lost Soul of American Politics: Virtue, Self-
interest, and the Foundations of Liberalism (New York, 1984).

11. Walter B.Cannon, The Way of an Investigator (New York, 1945),

12 Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (Modern Library ed.), 324-


13. Hirschman, Shifting Involements, 11.

14. Emerson, «Fate».

15. The Education of Henry Adams (Boston, 1918), ch.XXI.

16. Slexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, II, First Book,

17. J.S.Mill. A System of Logic, Book VI, ch.X, § 3.

18. Ortega у Gasset, «The Concept of the Generation», The Modern
Theme (New York, 1961), 14-15.

19 Ibid., 15; Karl Mannheim, «The Problem of Generations», в:
Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge (London, 1952), 290.

20. Дискуссию относительно периодизации Ортеги см.: Julian
Marias, Generations: A Histoncal Method (University, Ala.,
1967), ch.3; см. также: Mannheim, Essays, 277; A.B.Spitzer,
«The Historical Problem of Generations», American Historical
Review, December 1973.

21. R.G.CoIlingwood, Essays in the Philosophy of History (Austin,
1965), 75, 89.

22. Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr., The Crisis of the Old Order (Boston,
1957), 366.


23. H.L.Mencken, «In Praise of Gamaliel», Baltimore Sun, 18
October 1920.

24. Samuel Hopkins Adams, Incredible Era: The Life and Times of
Warren Gamaliel Hardmg (Boston, 1939), 117.

25. Walter Lippmann, «Today and Tomorrow», New York Herald
Tribune, 5 January 1954.

26. Samuel Lubell, The Future of American Politics (New York,
1952), 200, 203.

27. Kevin Phillips, «Hubris on the Right», New York Times
Magazine, 12 May 1985.

28. См.: D.M.Gordon, Richard Edwards and Michael Reich,
Segmented Work, Divided Workers: The Historical
Transformation of Labor m the United States (Cambridge,
England, 1982). В 1984 г. Гордон удлинил цикл до «более или
менее пятидесяти лет»; «The Pulse of Capitalism», Atlantic
Monthly, September 1984.

29. Newt Gingnch, open letter to David Stockman, Washington Post
Weekly, 26 November 1984.

30. Schlesmger, Crisis of the Old Order, 113-114.

31. «The Politics of Nostalgia», Reporter, 16 June 1955, перепеча-
тано в: Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr., The Politics of Hope (Boston,
1962), 72 ff.

32. Tocqueville, Democracy m America, II, Second Book, ch.II, IV

33. Ibid., Third Book, ch.XVII; Second book, ch.X.

34. William J.Broad, «Space Arms Scientists m U.S. Selling Rights
to Discoveries», New York Times, 4 Novtmber 1985.

35. Theodore Roosevelt to Sir Edward Grey, 15 November 1913, в:
Roosevelt, Works. Memorial ed., XXIV, 409.

36. Интересную дисскуссию о современной худдожественной ли-
тературе с точки зрения противоположности частного интере-
са и общественной активности см в: Robert Dunn, «Fiction
That Shrinks from Life», New York Times Book Review, 30 June

37 Democracy m America, II, Third Book. ch.XXI.

38 Ibid., Second Book, ch.XIV, IV

39 Ibid., ch.IV.

40. Ibid., I, ch.XIV.

41. Ibid.. II, Second Book, ch.XIV.

42. Frank L.Klmgberg, «The Historical Alternation of Moods m
American Foreign Policy», World Politics, January 1952; более
детально разработано в: «Cyclical Trends in American Foreign
Policy Moods and Their Policy Implications», в: Challenges to
America: U.S. Foreign Policy in the 1980s, ed. С W.Kegley, Jr.,
and P.J.McGowan (vol.4, Sage International Yearbook of Foreign
Policy Studies, 1979); Cyclical Trends m American Foreign
Policy Moods: The Unfolding of America's World Role (Lanham,
Md., 1983).

43. См.: «The Election and After», отдельные моменты дискуссии
между Эдмундом Дж.Брауном-мл., Уолтером Дином Бернхэ-


мом, Кевином Филлипсом и Артуром М.Шлесингером-мл.,
New York Review of Books, 16 August 1984; Walter Dean
Bumham, «American Politics in the 1980s», Dissent, Spring
1980, 159.

44. McClosky and aller, American Ethos, 292-302.

45. Emerson, «Politics», «The Conservative».

46. Emerson, «The Conservative».

Часть вторая
Глава 3. Внешняя политика и американский характер

Это адаптированный вариант лекции о Сириле Фостере в Окс-
фордском университете в 1983 г., опубликованной в: Foreign
Affairs, Fall 1983.

1. Henry James, Letters, ed. Percy Lubbock (New York, 1920), I, 13.

2. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, II, First Book, ch.I.

3. Ibid., ch.XVIII.

4. Washington to Henry Lawrens, 14 November 1778, в: Writings,
ed. J.C.Fitzpatrick (Washington, 1936), XIII, 256.

5. John Adams to James Warren, 20 March 1783, в: James
H.Hutson, «Intellectual Foundations of Early American
Diplomacy», Diplomatic History, Winter 1977, 13.

6. Norman A. Graebner, ed., Ideas and Diplomacy (New York,
1964), 11-12.

7. Ibid., 93, 122-123.

8. Fourth of July Address, 1821.

9. Herbert Croly, The Promise of American Life (New York, 1909),

10. Woodrow Wilson, Messages and Papers, ed. Albert Shaw (New
York, 1924), II, 777.

11. Speech at Orlando, Fla., 8 March 1983.

12. Press conference, 29 January 1981.

13. Wall Street Journal, 13 June 1980.

14. Henry Kissinger, White House Years (Boston, 1979), 522.

15. New York Times, 30 December 1984.

16. Richard H.Rovere and Arthur M.Schlesinger, Jr., The General
and the President (New York, 1951), 234.

17. Address to joint session of Congress, 27 April 1983.

18. Ibid.

19. Lord Salisbury to Lord Lytton, 15 June 1877.

20. Norman Cousins, The Improbable Triumvirate (New York,
1972), 114.

21. Address to the UN General Assembly, 25 September 1961.

22. Winston S.Churchill, The Gathering Storm (Boston. 1948), 320.

23. Robert S.McNamara and Hans A.Bethe, «Reducing the Risk of
Nuclear War», Atlantic Monthly, July 1985, 50.


Глава 4. Национальные интересы
и моральные абсолюты

Идея данного эссе возникла из лекции о Кристиане А.Хертере в
Университете Джона Гопкинса, перепечатанной под названием
(выбранным не мной) «The Necessary Amorahty of Foreign Affairs»,
в: Harper's, August 1971, и перепечатанной снова в: Ernest
W.Lefever, ed., Ethics and World Politics: Four Perspectives
(Baltimore, 1972). Примерно десять лет спустя я еще раз обратился
к этому вопросу в лекции перед Советом по религии и международ-
ным делам, которая в сокращенном виде появилась под названием'
«In the National Interest», Worldiew, December 1984.

1. Robert F.Kennedy, Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile
Crisis (New York, 1971 ed.), 106.

2. New York Times, 8 October 1984.

3. George Kennan, «Foreign Policy and Christian Conscience»,
Atlantic Monthly, May 1959. См. также обсуждение Кеннаном
данного вопроса в более позднее время в: «Morality and
Foreign Policy», Foreign Affairs, Winter 1985/86

4. Address to Congress, 3 April 1917.

5. John Foster Dulles, A Righteous Faith for a Just and Durable
Peace (New York, Federal Council of Churches, 1942), 10

6. Alexander Hamilton, Pacificus, No 4, 10 July 1793.

7. Reinhold Niebuhr, Moral Man and Immoral Society (New York,
1932), pp.XI, 258, 267.

8 Wmston Churchill, The Gathering Storm (Boston, 1948), 320
Нагорная Проповедь была «последним словом» в том смысле,
который Черчилль, возможно, не имел в виду, ибо она давала
определение моральности в контексте не повседневной жиз-
ни, но неотвратимо наступающего Судного Дня

9 Max Weber, «Politics as a Vocation», в- From Max Weber: Essays
in Sosiology, ed. H.H.Gerth and С Wright Mills (New York,
1958), 120.

10. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (Boston, 1918),

11. New York Times, 7 July 1965.

12. Herbert Butterfield, History and Human Relations (London,
1951), 109-110.

13. Цитируется в: Gordon A Craig and Alexander L George, Force

and Statecraft (New York, 1983), 264
14 [Finley Peter Dunne], Mr. Dooley's Philosophy (New York,

1900), 258.
15. Washington to John Bannister, 21 April 1778, в1 Е S Morgan,

The Genius of George Washington (New York, 1980), 50-54.
16 Speech of 27 July 1965

17. Hamilton, Pacificus, No. 4.

18. G.M.Young, Victorian England: Portrait of an Age (Oxford, 1953
ed.), 103.

19. Adams, Education, ch.X.


20. Ibid., ch.XVIH.

21. Ibid., ch.XXIV.

22. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, I, ch.XIII.

23. A.J.P.Taylor, burope: Grandeur and Decline (London, Penguin,
1967), 357.

24. Theodore Roosevelt, sixth annual message, 3 December 1906.

25. John C.Bennet, «Moral Tensions in International Affairs», в:
Moral Dimensions in American Foreign Policy, ed.
K.W.Thompson (New Brunswick, N.J., 1984), 184.

26. Joel Porte, ed., Emerson in His Journals (Cambridge, Mass.,
1982), 358.

27. William Graham Sumner, The Conquest of the United States by
Spain and Other Essays, ed. Murray Polner (Chicago, n.d.), 173

28 Mark Twain, «To the Person Sitting in Darkness», North
American Review, February 1901.

29 Цитируется по: Colm Bingham, ed., Men and Affairs (Sydney,
1967), 69.

30. Daniel Webster, «The Revolution in Greece», в: House of Repre-
sentatives, 19 January 1824.

31. По данному вопросу см.: R.W.Johnson, «Making Things
Happen», London Review of Books, 6-19 September 1984,
H.S.Ferns, «This Spy Business», Encounter, May 1985.

32. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, «The Role of Law in World Affairs»,
Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
November 1983.

33. Arthur M.Schlesinger, Jr, Robert Kennedy and His Times
(Boston, 1978), 508-509.

34. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Loyalties (New York, 1984), 94.
35 Ronald Reagan, press conference, 19 October 1983; State of the
Union address, 6 February 1985.

36. Walter Lippmann, «Today and Tomorrow», New York Herald
Tribune, 9 May 1961.

Глава 5.