На главную/Библиотека для студентов/Языки и языковые дисциплины/Английский язык/Ответы по теоретической фонетике
Ответы по теоретической фонетике
Ответы по теоретической фонетике
Phonetics as a science.
Principal pecularities of General American vowels.
The branches of phonetics. Onomotopoeia.
Principal pecularities of General American consonant - s.
The first component of the phonetic system of English.
The articulatory and acoustic aspects of the English speech sounds. The power mechanism.
The vibrator mechanism.
The second component of the phonetic system of English.
The articulatory and acoustic aspects of the English speech sounds. The resonator mechanism. The obstructor mechanism.
The third and the forth components of the phonetic system of English.
The main principles of all current articulatory classifications of vowels.
Different opinions on the nature of the phoneme and its definition.
Articulatory differences between vowels, consonants, sonorants.
Phonemic variants or allophones.
Sentence stress, or accent.
Articulatory and physiological classification of English vowels.
Received Pronunciation. Changes of vowel quality.
Articulatory and physiological classification of English vowels, according to the degree of tenseness, length.
Received Pronunciation. Changes in consonants quality.
Articulatory and physiological classification of English vowels, according to the stability of articulation.
General American pronunciation.
Differences in the articulation bases of English and Russian vowels.
Received pronunciation.
Differences in the articulation bases of the English and Russian consonants.
Articulatory and physiological classification of English consonants, according to the work of the vocal cords and the force of
exhalation, active organs of speech and the place of abstraction.
The influence of assimilatiom on the work of the vocal cords.
Articulatory and physiological classification of English consonants, according to the manner of noise production and the type of obstruction, position of the soft palate.
Intonation. Rhythm and tempo. Pausation and tember.
Functional aspect of speech sounds. The phoneme theory.
The rules of word stress in English.
Theories of syllable formation and syllable division.
Articulatory transitions of vowel and consonant phonemes.
The influence of assimilation on the manner of noise production and the place of articulation.
Functional characteristics of the syllable.
The influence of the rythmic tendency on word-stress system in modern English.
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