Развитие российского кино (Evolution of the Russian cinema)

Автор Ирина
Вуз (город) ПГЛУ
Количество страниц 8
Год сдачи 2007
Стоимость (руб.) 500
Содержание Contents
Introduction 3
1. The history of the Russian movie industry 4
2. Soviet cinema 4
3. Decline of Russian cinema in the 1990-s 5
4. Steady headway of the Russian cinema industry 6
Conclusion 7
List of literature 8
Список литературы List of literature

1. Dave White. Russki business//The Advocate, Dec.7, 2004.
2. Greta Maccaughrin. The sociopolitical role of motherhood in Russian cinema//West Virginia University philological papers, Vol.52, 2005.
3. Paul Babitsky, John Rimberg. The Soviet film industry. – N.Y., 1995.
4. Performing Whiteness: Postmodern Re/Constructions in the Cinema Journal, article by Tim Engles //Melus, Vol. 29, 2004.
Выдержка из работы Having taken a close look at the most considerable periods and facts of the Russian cinema development we may well make a conclusion that the attitude of Russians has completely changed their recently negative and indifferent attitude toward their national movie industry to active interest and concern, nowadays once very popular entertainment «going out to the movie» has regained its popularity among the Russian population, people are attracted by home-made movies and go to see them with great amount of pleasure.
The year 2000 saw renewed interest in the Russian cinema and ended a long economic crisis that was hampering the production of films, and restricting film directors.
At the present time box-office receipts from the home made movies can easily compete with the receipts from Hollywood made movies. But no matter what the problems are that plague the Russian film industry, Russia has still managed to bring to light world-class directors, and noteworthy films.