The status and role of women in modern society.Роль женщины в современном мире

Автор Любовь Владимировна
Вуз (город) МГЛУ
Количество страниц 2
Год сдачи 2009
Стоимость (руб.) 200
Содержание Тема на английском языке
The status and role of women in modern society.
Список литературы нет
Выдержка из работы This means that the traditional role of women as housewives, who perform the tasks of cooking, bringing up children, cleaning etc. as against the male role of going out to work, looking after the money side, fighting for hearth and home, etc. are now often thought to be purely the result of custom: men may be just as good at looking after babies once they are born, doing the housework, and all the other things considered to be women’s jobs in most countries today. And women may be just as good at earning the family’s living, handling the accounts, fighting where necessary, and so on. Many men and women have proved that they can perform tasks traditionally reserved for the opposite sex.