John Updike

Автор Екатерина Борковская
Вуз (город) г.Житомир, ЖДУ им.И.Франко
Количество страниц 20
Год сдачи 2007
Стоимость (руб.) 500
Содержание Реферат на англ.языке о жизни и творчестве амер.писателя Джона Апдайка и анализ его наиболее известных произведений.
Список литературы Internet
Выдержка из работы [...]The first book about Updike's famous hero, Harry Angstrom, the natural athlete, a sexually magnetic, blue-eyed Swede, ended with the verb "Runs." Updike wrote the book in the present tense, giving it a sort of cinematic quality. In Rabbit, Redux - Redux is Latin for brought back - Harry is a middle-aged bourgeois, who finds his life shattered by the infidelity of his wife. Updike leaves the reader with a question -- O.K.? The last word in Rabbit Is Rich was 'His.' Rabbit at Rest, set in the late 1980s, paralleled the decay of society, AIDS-plagued America, and Rabbit's swollen body, his chest pains, and his feeling that there is "nothing under you but black space..." After leaving Rabbit in 1990, Updike published in 2000 a 182-page novella called 'Rabbit Remembered' in LICKS OF LOVE, a collection of short stories. 'Rabbit Remembered' ends with the word 'Gladly.' [...]